
In order to curb China's influence, the EU joined the "war of contention" between the United States and Australia in the Pacific! The EU ambassador to the Pacific island countries, Them, said in an interview with the media on August 16 that with the Pacific

author:Taihe Think Tank

In order to curb China's influence, the EU joined the "war of contention" between the United States and Australia in the Pacific!

In an interview with the media on August 16, the EU's ambassador to the Pacific island countries, Theme, said that as geostrategic competition in the Pacific region intensifies, the EU is working to strengthen its presence in the region through economic ties and new security commitments. He said the EU hopes that Pacific countries will not only see the EU as a long-term development partner, but also as an economic and strategic partner. The EU's new strategic vision in the region includes economic support, and it has formed trade partnerships with a number of countries in the region, and is negotiating agreements with Tonga to give It better access to the European market.

Recently, the world's major powers are vying for influence in the Pacific. After China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands this year, the United States and Australia have increased their activity in the Pacific. This EU proposal shows that the EU is aware of the sense of crisis in the Pacific. It is worth mentioning that Schim also mentioned that the EU plans to strengthen maritime surveillance in the Indo-Pacific region, although he also said that the proposal is not intended to contain China.

Indeed, Australia, the United States, and the European Union are working to make the Pacific a platform for geostrategic competition, adding to the politicization of the region and exacerbating regional instability, which runs counter to the aspirations of Pacific nations for peace and development. The EU's vision of the Pacific is purely self-contained and does not really "care" about the development of the region.

In order to curb China's influence, the EU joined the "war of contention" between the United States and Australia in the Pacific! The EU ambassador to the Pacific island countries, Them, said in an interview with the media on August 16 that with the Pacific
In order to curb China's influence, the EU joined the "war of contention" between the United States and Australia in the Pacific! The EU ambassador to the Pacific island countries, Them, said in an interview with the media on August 16 that with the Pacific
In order to curb China's influence, the EU joined the "war of contention" between the United States and Australia in the Pacific! The EU ambassador to the Pacific island countries, Them, said in an interview with the media on August 16 that with the Pacific

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