
This "octopus" in the United States has a long and extended hand! The United States deserves to be criticized

author:Chan King Shing, Hong Kong

Wen | Chen Jingsheng Studio on Monday

Recently, the Global Network reported that the British rock singer Roger Waters, who once argued with the American host Michael Smerk about the "Taiwan issue" and asked the host Michael Smerk to go back to read more history, angrily scolded the United States in an interview with the media, "Why do you (the United States) have to decide the behavior of everyone else in the world?" "You can't rule the world, brother, it's the act of a fool." From these few words, we can see that this singer is also really "just"! The United States has indeed offended the public anger, and now it has been repulsed by the United States is a long-term "blessing" for the United States. Really deserved!

This "octopus" in the United States has a long and extended hand! The United States deserves to be criticized

The United States, an ugly country that pursues unilateralism, is a wolf in sheep's clothing, bullying the weak and using force to oppress other countries; the usual operation of the United States has always been to do bad things that disrupt other countries' internal affairs under the banner of "human rights." U.S. House speaker Pelosi sneaked into Taiwan, US Secretary of State Blinken co-opted Africa and provoked relations between China and Africa, and Russia bitterly criticized the United States for providing weapons to Ukraine. It was only halfway through August when the United States had created so many moths, and the Americans were running all over the world in the face of the blazing sun, violating history and violating the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

This "octopus" in the United States has a long and extended hand! The United States deserves to be criticized

With the continuous changes and development of the world political situation. The continuous development of various countries, the continuous enhancement of national strength, the title of "superpower" of the United States is also in jeopardy, to a certain extent, it can also be said that the situation caused by the shouting and beating of Americans today is also the retribution of the United States. Various countries in the world have long recognized the ugly face of the United States, and in response to the fact that US Secretary of State Blinken has co-opted Africa, African netizens are still angrily scolding the United States, "Don't make pretentious speeches to us, we know how to do it better for our own country." It can be seen that the magic weapons of "human rights", "independence", and "democracy" that the United States has tried and tested have long lost their effect unconsciously, and only the shame of all countries has been obtained, and many countries have realized the importance of a community with a shared future for mankind, and only the United States is still immersed in its own spring and autumn dream of being the world's largest country and suppressing all countries. According to the trajectory of historical development, we have long understood that countries that pursue hegemonism and power politics are not far away, and there is no long-term way. Only multilateralist countries like China, practicing the principles and creeds of mutual help and mutual assistance, can we construct a better tomorrow for mankind.

This "octopus" in the United States has a long and extended hand! The United States deserves to be criticized

As the saying goes, one stone stirs up a thousand waves. British singer Roger Waters's words are definitely the voice of many countries and people, this time to hit the United States, the Future Road of the United States is probably not as smooth and feasible as before, and all these consequences are the consequences of the United States eating its own evil consequences.

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