
Japanese dolphin bites are frequent, is it accidental or revenge?

author:North Drift

The impression is that dolphins are one of the most human-friendly wild animals, which can be derived from countless dolphin rescue incidents, but just recently, according to Japanese media reports, dolphin injuries have occurred in many beaches in Japan, and within a few days, at least 10 people have been injured. So why do do docile, close-to-human dolphins continue to hurt people in Japanese waters? I think there are several possibilities.

Japanese dolphin bites are frequent, is it accidental or revenge?

To hunt dolphins uncontrolled is to kill them

It is reported that Japan's dolphin hunting behavior is legal, and the number of dolphins killed in Japan each year is more than 40,000. Entering the hunting season, many dolphins will be expelled to the bay for collective massacres, and the frequent sprints of steel forks and iron hooks have stained the entire bay red with blood. The round-up of Dolphin Bay in Taidi was filmed in 2009 as a documentary "Dolphin Bay". The bloody images of brutal killings of dolphins are unacceptable, and there is a wave of opposition. But the Japanese still go their own way, arguing that eating dolphin meat is part of traditional culture.

In order to survive, you can quantitatively capture but uncontrolled hunting is torture, not to mention that dolphins are good friends of humans, and watching the Dolphin Bay documentary will only remind me of the Japanese bacterial experiments and massacres on Chinese, and the cruelty in their bones.

Japanese dolphin bites are frequent, is it accidental or revenge?

Nuclear contamination and the survival of dolphins and other creatures

Who is the first to bear the brunt of Japan's nuclear waste discharge? It is marine life. No matter how humans explain it, we can't represent other creatures on Earth, and we can't really appreciate the great disaster that marine pollution brings to marine life.

Japanese dolphin bites are frequent, is it accidental or revenge?
Japanese dolphin bites are frequent, is it accidental or revenge?

In short, all things have spirits, and Japan cruelly kills dolphins and deliberately poisons into the sea, which will eventually be eaten by nature.

#Japan ##Dolphin##为何美国支持日本核废水入海 #

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