
At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

The last volt refers to the third volt of the three volts to the time of the volt, generally for 10 days, although it has entered the autumn, the morning and evening are getting cooler, but the power of the "autumn tiger" can not be ignored, this volt is still in the long summer, the weather is wet and hot, so people are looking forward to quickly spending this volt and ending the hot three volt day. However, this is also the last 10 days of the peak yang qi this summer, we may as well replenish our own yang qi, drive away the cold in the body, and prepare for autumn and winter.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

As the old saying goes, "a year to look at the yang to see spring and summer, spring and summer to look at the three volts", especially in the last 10 days of the last volt, the sun is very good, there is no summer heat, mild and not easy to sunburn, and contains full of yang. So during this time we can bask in the sun more and absorb more of the sun's energy. Of course, the daily diet should also keep up, pay attention to choose some invigorating yang qi, while helping to nourish the yin food, nourish the body, not only can successfully survive the end.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended to eat more "3 2": 2 yellow, 2 white and 2 purple, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and benefit more in autumn and winter. Tomorrow will enter the end of the ambush, the following will summarize some of the precautions about diet with you, don't go wrong, eat according to the seasons, autumn and winter can also benefit more, let's take a look at it~

【Eat 2 more yellow】


Pumpkin is rich in carotene, pectin, cellulose, vitamin c and trace elements and other components, which can replenish energy for us, help digestion of the stomach and intestines, and have many benefits for our body. Autumn is the time when pumpkins are on the market in large quantities, which also reflects the principle of eating in season. Pumpkin can be boiled porridge, can be cooked, and can also be made into a variety of delicious snacks.

Recommended recipe: Roasted pumpkin balls

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Ingredients required: 150 grams of pumpkin, 100 grams of glutinous rice flour, 50 grams of oatmeal, 20 grams of sugar, and coconut minced to taste

1: Wash an old piece of pumpkin, peel it, change the knife into a large piece, then steam it in a pot, and then press it with a spoon to form a delicate pumpkin puree.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

2: Put the pumpkin puree into a large bowl, add sugar, glutinous rice flour and stir well, then turn over the ready-to-eat oatmeal, and then stir into a ball, you can increase or decrease the amount of oatmeal in an appropriate amount.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

3: Prepare some minced coconut in advance, put it on the plate, then put on silicone gloves in your hands, scoop a spoonful of pumpkin paste in your hand to reunite slightly, and then dip a layer of coconut paste on the surface and put it evenly into the baking pan.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

4, the oven is energized to 180 degrees heating for 5 minutes, put a bowl of water in the oven to increase the humidity, put the pumpkin balls into the oven, maintain a temperature of 180 degrees, bake for about 40 minutes.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

5, so roasted pumpkin balls, soft sticky sweet, coconut full of flavor, delicious and healthy, much stronger than eating sweet potato balls.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely


After the autumn, corn has also been listed, there are sticky corn, sweet corn, old corn, you can eat enough. Corn is known as the "golden grain", which is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin E, niacin, lecithin and a variety of mineral components, is recognized by modern people as a healthy and good ingredient. Eating more corn can supplement us with a variety of nutrients, which is very good for the spleen, stomach and heart.

With the continuous exploration of modern people for food, corn is also very much to eat, you can cook soup, you can stir-fry vegetables, you can also make dumplings and so on. But the simplest thing is to eat steaming, the morning time is tight, steaming a corn, simple and time-saving, delicious and full.

Recommended recipe: Steamed corn

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Directions: Peel off the outer skin of the corn, keep the 2 layers close to the inside of the corn, the corn whiskers are best not to remove all of them, and then wash the corn, especially the top, it is easy to grow insects, you can cut off the part that the insects have bitten. Combine the corn in a steamer, add the right amount of cold water, turn on the heat, and steam for about 20 minutes on high heat. The steamed corn in this way is more fragrant and delicious, more fragrant than boiled water.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

【Eat 2 more whites】

glutinous rice

Although it looks very similar to rice, glutinous rice is much more nourishing than rice. In glutinous rice, it is rich in sugars, vitamin b and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, which help to invigorate yang qi, strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach. From the end of the ambush to the winter, you may wish to eat more, the stomach is warm, and the winter is not afraid of cold.

Recommended recipe: Sticky rice fried buns

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 2 g of yeast, 100 g of long-grained glutinous rice, 1 small piece of lettuce, 1 small carrot, 1 ham sausage, 3 shiitake mushrooms, 2 spoons of soy sauce, a little cooked corn oil, a little pepper, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, and an appropriate amount of green onion

1, first come to the noodles, 2 grams of yeast into the bowl, add warm water to stir well, then flush in the flour, then knead the flour into a medium soft and hard dough, cover the lid, ferment and set aside.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

2: Wash the glutinous rice, then add about 1.2 times the amount of water and a small spoonful of corn oil to the pot, just like we usually steam rice, and steam the glutinous rice.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

3. During the steaming of glutinous rice, we prepare side dishes, lettuce, carrots and shiitake mushrooms are washed and cut into small cubes, ham sausages are also cut into small cubes, and some green onions are cut for later.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

4: After the glutinous rice is steamed, stir it in a pot so as not to stick together, then put it in a bowl, add various side dishes, and then pour in soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper, and then some cooked corn oil, stir well with chopsticks.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

5, the dough can be fully fermented, can also be semi-fermented. We knead the dough delicately, then divide it into small pieces, then roll it thin, wrap it in glutinous rice filling, and pinch it tightly at the seal.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

6, the electric cake bell preheats well, brush some oil at the bottom with an oil brush, put the bun in, fry for about 5 minutes, the bun is shaped, and then pour in some water, not more than a third of the bun. Then simmer for about ten minutes. The volume of the bun has become significantly larger, and it can rebound when pressed, and it is cooked. The bottom is golden and seductive, take a bite, full of filling, soft and fresh flavor to relieve hunger.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

lotus root

Lotus root is a delicacy that cannot be missed in autumn, although it is available all year round, but only autumn root is the most nourishing. Lotus root can be eaten or medicated, has high nutritional value, and is a treasure for men, women and children. Lotus root can be mixed to eat, steamed to eat, fried to eat, soup to drink, etc., but the soup water after the autumn is the most nourishing, so we can use fresh lotus root into juice to drink, smooth and sweet and nutritious enough.

Recommended recipe: Lotus juice

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Ingredients: 1 white flower root, 1 pear, rock sugar to taste, a little osmanthus flower

1: Wash and peel the lotus root, then cut into small cubes. One of the same Sydney pears is also washed and peeled and cut into small pieces.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

2: Then put these two ingredients into the blender, add more than 2 times the drinking water, then select the juice button, repeatedly whisk 3-4 times, and fry the lotus root and sydney pear into juice.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

3: Pour the beaten lotus root pear juice into a small pot, add rock sugar, then slowly heat on low heat, continue to cook for 5-6 minutes after boiling. We pour the boiled lotus juice into a bowl, sprinkle some dried osmanthus flowers to add flavor, and enjoy it while it is hot, warm in the stomach, and the fragrance is clear between the mouths.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

【Eat 2 more purples】


Perilla often appears on our table in the form of seasoned side dishes, which has a good effect of adding flavor and delimination. In fact, perilla itself is also a nutritious ingredient, and can be used in medicine, in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" on the perilla has such a description: "in the line of wide qi, clear phlegm and lungs, and blood, warm ..." In the perilla is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as volatile substances, nutrition and delicious benefits. Whether it is boiling soup, cold mixing, stews, etc., it can make the taste of the dishes even better.

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with perilla

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Ingredients: perilla to taste, 3 eggs, oil and salt to taste

1. Remove the perilla leaves, wash them, then drain some of the water, and then put them on the board and chop them, so that the taste of perilla will be released more fully.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

2: Prepare a large bowl, first beat the eggs into the bowl, stir the egg mixture well, add some salt, add the perilla leaves, and stir well again.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

3, hot pot cold oil, pour the perilla egg liquid into the pot, turn the bottom of the pot, lay the egg liquid flat, when the bottom solidifies, use a wooden spatula to flip, the perilla egg is fried, you can turn off the heat.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Purple potato

Autumn is the season of harvest, especially all kinds of potatoes, in addition to sweet potatoes, purple potatoes are more edible. In the purple potato is rich in dietary fiber, anthocyanins, as well as zinc, selenium, iron and other mineral components, which help fight free radicals, enhance immunity, etc., especially women who love beauty should eat more. Of course, purple potatoes are soft and sweet, and they are rare and delicious foods.

Recommended recipe: Purple potato cake

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

Ingredients: purple potato, dumpling skin, milk, sugar

1, the skin of the purple potato peeled off, rinsed, cut into slices, directly spread to the steaming drawer, steamed on high heat for about fifteen minutes, with chopsticks to pierce through, we turn off the heat to cool.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

2: Add a little sugar (can not be added), a little milk, and then stir well with a spoon to form a delicate and particle-free purple potato filling.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

3, prepare some dumpling skins, roll out thinner, then take a dumpling skin, scoop in some purple potato filling, and apply some water on the edge of the dumpling skin, so that it is easier to wrap. Then press Flat.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

4, the electric cake bell preheats well, put the wrapped purple potato cake into it, heat up and down the fire together, three to five minutes can be, during the best turn over the noodles, more conducive to heating evenly. The purple potato cake that comes out of this is very simple, the skin is thin and soft to eat, the filling is soft and sticky and sweet, and the milk aroma is more delicious than the pastry.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely

【Avoid two things】


Entering the last season, although there is still the residual temperature of summer, but the morning and evening are getting cooler, the temperature difference between day and night is gradually increasing, and during the day, we must pay attention not to be greedy, blow less air conditioning, eat less cold drinks, and eat less cold food. Folk often say "autumn melon bad belly", now has established autumn, watermelon, melon and bitter melon and other cold melons should be eaten less, so as not to cause discomfort to the stomach and intestines.


"Autumn does not eat ginger" is also the wisdom left to us by the elders, mainly because ginger belongs to spicy and hot food, and "dry" is the main qi of autumn, on top of this, if you eat ginger and other dry and hot food, it will undoubtedly make the body more dry and hot, easy to cause discomfort.

At the end of tomorrow, it is recommended: eat more 2 yellows, 2 whites and 2 purples, avoid two things, nourish yin and yang, and spend autumn and winter safely
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