
18 practical business thinking analysis models

author:Model manual

Model in hand, method I have!

Organizational management model

1. GRERINER organizational growth model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

2. Three dimensions to improve organizational capabilities

Resources, processes, and values affect the improvement of organizational capabilities, and they are all in one.

However, at different stages of the enterprise, the focus is different. The start-up period relies on resources (with a focus on people), the growth period is the process of efficient operation (solving the problem of information transmission), and the maturity period is the value (the achievement of organizational goals).

18 practical business thinking analysis models

3. Talent competency model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

4. Organizational structure design

18 practical business thinking analysis models

5. Talent strategy development model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

6. Situation management model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

Marketing management model

7. Marketing core pyramid

18 practical business thinking analysis models

8. Manage the business matrix

18 practical business thinking analysis models

9. The law of social communication

18 practical business thinking analysis models

10. Brand culture upgrade model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

11. Brand value model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

12. Market positioning strategy

18 practical business thinking analysis models

Strategic analysis model

13, 8 strategic options

18 practical business thinking analysis models

14. Three major strategies of enterprise competition

18 practical business thinking analysis models

15. Endgame thinking

18 practical business thinking analysis models

16. Strategic design process

18 practical business thinking analysis models

17. Core competitiveness tools

There is a "profitable distance" between the core business and potential expansion opportunities.

18 practical business thinking analysis models

18. Business leadership model

18 practical business thinking analysis models

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