
"Salvage Chinese Beauty" in "Leopard Youth Universe"

author:China Youth Network

  Beijing, 10 Aug (China Youth Network) -- Imagining the future is a new trend, and looking back at the past is also a new trend.

  Once upon a time, the museum was still synonymous with "high cold" in people's minds, and the cultural relics and collections of the museum were hidden in glass cabinets, and there was always a cold barrier between them and the public. But now, the museum has become a paradise for digital innovation, and new scenes and new models such as digital collections, cloud exhibitions, and cloud experiences have not only enriched the "opening way" of the museum, but also made the cultural relics truly "live".

  China Youth Daily"Leopard Youth Universe" digital collection platform released the first cultural and bo digital collection "Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting - Life in the Copper Mirror" has been sold out for a period of time, some commentators believe that such digital collections are popular, which means that whether in the real world or the meta-universe world, more and more young people are beginning to get close to cultural creation, willing to enter history, consciously and spontaneously spread traditional culture.

  A few days ago, the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network conducted an exclusive interview with Zhao Hao, deputy director of Qingdao Municipal Museum, Wang Ruihua, director of Wuhan Municipal Museum, Huang Ke, director of Weifang City Museum, and Shang Bin, director of Pingdingshan Museum.

  It starts with the value of the face

  In the digital collection "Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting - Life in the Bronze Mirror" released on the "Leopard And Leopard Youth Universe" digital collection platform, four fine bronze mirrors from the collection of well-known museums were selected, namely: Tang Zhenzi Fei Frost Bronze Mirror, HanSi Shenbo Bureau Pattern Copper Mirror, Han "Duohe Chinese Minfu" Five Milk God Beast Mirror, Tang Bao Xianghua Bronze Mirror. Let young netizens travel through ancient and modern times in the meta-universe to see the spring and autumn in the "mirror" and appreciate the classical charm.

  "I used to look at cultural relics through the glass in the museum, but I didn't expect to be able to watch it on my mobile phone now" "The copper mirror with high value has amazed the time and tendered the years" "The wisdom of the ancients + the technology of modern people, absolutely amazing!" ”...... After many netizens saw these copper mirrors in the "Leopard And Leopard Youth Universe", they were attracted by the exquisite patterns on the copper mirrors and the words full of ancient philosophies... Through the digital collection, everyone can see that in that era without the assistance of modern equipment, these ingenious artifacts are amazing, and the rich imagination and superb technology of the craftsmen are also amazing.

  Tang BaoXianghua copper mirror with a beautiful auspicious meaning, in the exquisite skills and ingenious composition layout between the present symmetrical beauty, the copper mirror cast fine, to baoxiang flower as the main ornament, it is the ancients integrated in the natural world blooming flowers, petals, buds, buds and leaves and other natural materials, according to the law of radial symmetry recombined into a decorative pattern, Shang Bin believes that it is a rare product in the Tang Dynasty copper mirror.

  Tang Zhenzi Fei Frost bronze mirror shaped like eight sunflowers, decorated with auspicious clouds and moon patterns, under which is decorated with mountain stone pond water, a lotus leaf in the pool stands vertically, and a turtle is lying on the top, just into a mirror button and a button seat. On the left side of the bamboo forest, a person under the crown Bo belt, sitting upright on the piano, the other side of the tree under the phoenix foot stepping on the auspicious clouds, looking back and dancing, Zhao Hao said: "This contains the beautiful vision of 'people with one heart, close in heart, and care for the heart to protect the thousand springs'. ”

  "This new form of digital collection breaks the dark and cold image of the previous cultural relics and gives them a temperature." Huang Ke believes that with charm, the public's attention to cultural relics will naturally increase.

  The ornamentation of the bronze mirror is exquisite in the reproduction of the traditional Chinese patterns to reveal a little gentle, the beautiful shape, the pattern of the gorgeous disc reflects the weather between the inches, although the bronze mirror has gone through a thousand years of wind and frost, soaked with the traces of time, but because of its exquisite craftsmanship and unique charm and still dazzling, such as a string of beautiful footprints left by history, a wisp of dazzling golden light, so that the traditional art that sleeps in ancient China is beautiful and emits a new vitality, reflecting the present people, so that many young people stand in front of the copper mirror, It feels like a thousand years at a glance.

  Respect for philosophy

  The bronze mirror is originally "decoration of the face, the repair of the legal clothes, the crown of the zhenger", and because of its "exquisite depiction, the wonder of the text, the gentleness of the word", it has both the beauty of craftsmanship, the beauty of writing and the beauty of language, so it has become a cultural relic with great exhibition, viewing and collection value. Taking copper as a mirror, you can wear a crown; Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall; Taking people as a lesson can make sense of what is gained and lost.

  The bronze mirror has been cherished since ancient times, and it not only carries the aesthetic value that not only conforms to the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture and the aesthetic taste of today's people, but also contains the social moral standards and life philosophy wisdom pursued by the ancients, which is a concentrated reflection of the social fashion, civilization degree and spiritual outlook of an era, and is also a precious wealth left by history to today's people.

  Huang Ke took the Bo Bureau pattern used in the Bronze Mirror of the Han Si Shen Bo Bureau as an example and introduced the "rules" to reporters. Legend has it that "rules" and "moments" are controlled by Fuxi and Nüwa respectively, which means that rules have been made for human beings, everything in the world is restricted by rules, and the shape design of the outer circle of the bronze mirror is a full embodiment of the Taoist cosmology of "heavenly circle place". The outer edge of the mirror's back is decorated with clouds and water patterns, symbolizing the endless cycle of the universe. The inner grooved square frame outside the center button seat of the mirror back represents the earth, and the four sides are guarded by four gods, qinglong, white tiger, suzaku and Xuanwu, which means that people live and work in peace and contentment and recuperate in it.

  Placed in today's world, whether it is the philosophical thinking of "no rules and no circles, there is reverence to know how to act", or the ancient people's wish to extend their lives as the inscription on the mirror " It is really good to be a good mirror, and there are immortals who do not know old " ; Whether it is the "four gods" depicted in the mirror body, the expectation of warding off evil spirits and avoiding disasters, praying for blessings and wishes, or the yearning for an auspicious and happy life expressed by the treasure flower on the bronze mirror; Whether it is the classical love story of "the mirror goes away with the people, and the mirror does not return" after the mirror is broken and then reunited, or the story of Yin Boqi of the Zhou Dynasty who was exiled to the wild and was willing to suffer poverty and abide by filial piety... The morphological structure, pattern decoration and text printing of the bronze mirror all reflect the ancients' understanding of the universe and time and the wisdom of daily life, and embody the spiritual beliefs, customs and cultures of different regions in different eras.

  "As a tool for the ancient people's face, the bronze mirror is closely related to people's daily lives. In ancient times, the production and popularity of these mirror back ornaments and inscriptions had a certain relationship with the politics, economy, ideology and culture of the time and the fashion of the times. Due to the small area of the mirror back, the theme selected for the ornamentation is more typical and representative, which provides us with reliable physical information for understanding ancient society. Wang Ruihua believes that through the new form of digital collections, with the help of digital communication means, the distance between young people and museums and collections can be further narrowed, and people's cognition of physical collections can be enhanced.

  The young people approached the cultural relics, looked at the bronze mirrors, and while appreciating, they also appreciated the vivid stories and thick history behind the ingenious skills, realized the time-space dialogue with the ancients, and formed a connection across the long river of history. These cultural relics are like stars, and every time they learn more about a cultural relic, the young people's hearts light up a sky connected to ancient times. Ancestors and present-day people observe the same artifact, connecting souls and emotions across millennia.

  Be true to the heritage

  Now, through the new form of digital collection, the bronze mirror spanning thousands of years of history uses modern technology to show the ancient charm and traditional elegance of cultural relics, so that more value symbols and cultural products that carry Chinese culture and Chinese spirit are like a "living" historical picture, further narrowing the distance between young people and museums and collections, enhancing people's cognition of physical collections, making people seem to be able to travel through time and space, immerse themselves in the classical aesthetic conception of the collision of cultural elements of different eras.

  According to Ding Yan, director of the Information Department of the Wuhan Museum, in order to make the distinctive copper mirror collection truly "come alive", the Wuhan Museum has carefully created the "Story of the Bronze Mirror - Wuhan Museum Copper Mirror Exhibition". As a special exchange exhibition, this exhibition has been exhibited in more than ten city museums such as Jiaxing, Ma'anshan, Fuzhou and Langfang in recent years, and the lectures of experts on copper mirror knowledge have been carried out at the same time, highlighting the regional characteristic culture contained in the bronze mirrors in the collection.

  In recent years, relying on superior resources, Qingdao Municipal Museum has also carried out a large number of digital innovation projects for cultural relics. "Qingdao Municipal Museum actively integrated into the trend of museum meta-universe construction during the expansion and carried out digital cultural and creative research and development and promotion. On the 'Leopard And Leopard Youth Universe' digital collection platform, the first digital cultural and creative product with the theme of 'Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting' was jointly launched. With the help of the technical empowerment of new cultural creation, the limited cultural relics resources can create unlimited possibilities in the meta-universe, hoping to make the cultural heritage burst into brilliant brilliance. Zhao Hao said.

  Zhao Hao believes that in the meta-universe community, every audience will be a "player", and their interest in exploring the stories behind cultural relics will be more intense, and they will be more willing to discover and learn, which is expected to completely subvert the traditional, relatively boring exhibition experience and one-way output of the cultural and public education model. At the same time, to create a museum meta-universe community, to make knowledge sharing possible, and to give the museum a richer "way to open", the "visit to the museum" is truly integrated into everyone's daily learning and life.

  In Wang Ruihua's eyes, "Wenbo Fever" plays an important role in inheriting excellent traditional culture. "Innovation and openness is the fundamental path for the future development of the museum, while making full use of the advantages of digital technology to achieve transformation, the museum should always pay attention to internal cultivation and adhere to the cultural inheritance as the fundamental task." Whether it is the development and sales of cultural and creative products, the creation and distribution of variety shows, or the successful shaping of IP, the ultimate purpose is to better inherit and develop traditional culture, rather than just for the benefit of the museum. Wang Ruihua said.

  As some young netizens said: "Thousands of years ago, the brilliant chapter written in this land should be known by more people." "Today, cultural relics and ancient books are realizing the leap of time and space in the past and the present, presenting themselves in front of contemporary youth in the form of digital collections, so that the history of thousands of years away from the millennium can enter modern life with a new attitude, so that the essence of China's excellent traditional culture can be around young people in a more attractive way, arousing the cultural self-confidence and aesthetic consciousness of young people who are constantly awakening, so that their cultural life and spiritual world can be filled and enriched in the true sense."

  Wang Ruihua also believes that the digital collection of cultural and cultural books can not only be satisfied with "fire", and the cultural awakening of the people is the main goal. "In the development of cultural and cultural digital collections, we must pay more attention to the interpretation of the ontological value of cultural relics, strengthen museum cooperation and resource integration, and make achievements for a long time, and ultimately promote the cultural awakening of the whole people and a wider range of cultural rejuvenation.

  Source: China Youth Network

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