
Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

author:Beiqing Net

Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation. There has always been a tradition of supplementing the kidneys in autumn. Autumn kidney supplementation can lay the foundation for winter, thereby enhancing the body's ability to resist cold.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

What are the manifestations of kidney deficiency?

01 The source of low back pain is actually caused by kidney compression. Kidneys and waist are mutual, long-term engaged in fixed posture work, excessive use of the waist, so that the waist can not rest, over time the kidneys will have problems, light will appear lumbar spine is difficult to bend upright. Severe patients will have limb pain, if not paid attention to in time, then it will lead to kidney qi deficiency.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

02 The asthma kidney has a major function, that is, the function of "holding gas". If the kidneys are weak, it will cause wheezing, coughing, exhaling more and inhaling less, and breathing difficulties. Severe symptoms may also occur, such as worsening wheezing and cold sweat.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

03 If a person's kidneys are not good, most of them will have symptoms of cold limbs, and the urine is long, the abdomen is mainly cold, and it will be accompanied by poor diet, indigestion, diarrhea, etc., at this time it will be paid attention to.

Symptoms of early kidney disease

Many patients with chronic kidney disease have inconspicuous early symptoms and tend to delay early treatment. The most common symptoms of kidney disease are as follows: 01 Edema This is one of the most common symptoms of kidney disease, mostly starting from the face and eyelids, and can affect the whole body in severe cases, accompanied by decreased urine output and weight gain.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

02 Changes in urine less than 400 ml or more than 2500 ml per day are abnormal, suggesting a possible kidney disease. If there is redness of urine, chyle,diaperosis, increased foam in urine, etc., it is necessary to be vigilant. 03 High blood pressure This is one of the most important but also most overlooked symptoms of kidney disease.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

04 Patients with a considerable number of digestive symptoms of renal failure have the first symptoms of loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, but misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis often occur, delaying the best treatment time. 05 Discomfort in the renal area Most patients with kidney disease will have a faint dull pain or discomfort in the renal area. 06 Anemia, kidney disease, may appear anemia in the later stages, and even epistaxis, blood in the urine, blood in the stool, etc., but are often mistaken for blood system diseases.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

The kidney is like a sewage treatment plant that works day and night. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the essence in the kidney is sufficient to ensure good health, so it is necessary to "take good care" of the kidney!

Three actions nourish the kidneys

01 Tiptoeing on the ground Specific method: tiptoeing up, and then falling heels to the ground, so repeatedly upside down, 30 times for 1 group, do 3 groups can be.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

Effect: When doing this action, it can stimulate the pulse, adjust the balance of yin and yang, invigorate the kidney essence, and also play a role in tonifying the kidneys. 02 Specific method of slapping the eight-cheek acupuncture point: the eight-cheek cavity is in the lumbosacral part of the human body, and there are 4 sacral holes on the left and right sides of the sacrum, that is, the eight-hip hole. Hit the eight calvary points with the palm of your hand, 30 times in 1 group, 3 sets per day.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

Efficacy: The eight-cheek acupuncture point belongs to the foot sun bladder meridian, and is located in the waist and sacrum, which has the effect of tonifying kidney qi, aphrodisiac yang, strengthening muscles and bones, and strengthening waist and knees. 03 Massage Yongquan Cave Specific Method: The simple acupuncture method of Yongquan Cave is to curl up the feet, and the soles of the feet are sunken in the front. Place the tip of your thumb or index finger at the foot spring point and rub it back and forth, 100 times a day.

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

Efficacy: Yongquan Acupoint is a kidney meridian well acupoint, which has the effect of tonifying kidney meridian qi and blood.

Autumn kidney recipes

In autumn, although the temperature in the morning and evening has dropped compared with the summer, the weather is drier and the human body is more likely to lack water, so people should pay more attention to diet and living habits to avoid poor physical condition and cause loss of kidneys. To share with you a few simple health porridge, when you have time, you may wish to boil a bowl of warm drinking belly, play a role in moisturizing and nourishing the kidneys.

Sesame walnut porridge

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

Ingredients: 20 g sesame seeds, 30 g walnut kernels, 100 g glutinous rice.

Directions: Wash all three ingredients and put them all in an earthen pot, add water to boil and cook them into porridge.

Efficacy: Sesame itself has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the blood, while walnuts also have the function of nourishing the kidneys and moisturizing the lungs, and long-term adherence to consumption must be of great benefit to the kidneys.

Lamb porridge

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

Ingredients: Suoyang 10 g, lamb 100 g, rice 120 g.

Method: After washing the Suoyang, add water to the pot and fry it to remove the residue, let the water dry for 10 minutes, then pour the lamb and rice in, which is also cooked into porridge and can be eaten.

Efficacy: Warm yang tonic kidney, suitable for kidney loss caused by waist sore knee softness and cold fear and other symptoms.

Chestnut porridge

Autumn kidney, low back pain, edema, etc. may be the manifestation of kidney disease, Chinese medicine these three ways to nourish the kidney qi

Ingredients: red beans, soybeans, dates, chestnuts, walnuts, lotus seeds, white fruits, coix seeds.

Directions: Soak the red beans, soybeans, coix seeds, lotus seeds and dates in warm water for 4 hours, then cook in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes, and when the gas is finished, add the remaining ingredients to cook directly into porridge.

Efficacy: Eating some chestnut-based porridge is a very nourishing dietary method for the kidneys. It can also cure kidney deficiency, waist soreness and weakness, and can supplement kidney qi.

Source: Meet a famous doctor