
Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

author:Snow on composition

With a true heart, pass on the true scriptures.

Small practice pen, big effect. Although large compositions are important, small practice pens cannot be ignored. Small practice pen, the emphasis is on "small". Some senior students who have spare energy will sometimes write "small practice pen" into "big essay", which is actually beyond the general requirements of small practice pen. In fact, small practice pen, strive to be short and concise. In addition, small practice pen, because "small" and "clever", and "beautiful", and "live", and "approachable", is worth trying. During the holidays, you can also present the diary that some children feel headaches in the form of small practice pens, change the "taste", give the child a "bracket" of composition materials, and also achieve the purpose of "I write my heart by hand", which is not undesirable.

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

In June 2020, I published three special articles on the inappropriateness of "grasping the big and letting go of the small" when reviewing essays. The link is as follows: One talk about the composition review should not be "grasping the big and letting go of the small" - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Classic" (14) Talk about the composition review should not be "grasping the big and letting go of the small" - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Classic" (15) Third, talking about the composition review should not be "grasping the big and letting go of the small" - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Classic" (16)

Hello everyone! After the launch of the first batch of recent small practice pen summary works yesterday, it was loved by netizens, especially the toutiao friends. Interested readers please "move" to: small practice pen, big use (1) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (214) will be followed by the launch of the same topic of the big essay, welcome to pay attention to it at that time!

Today launches the second batch of small practice pen selections, welcome to read:

Same Topic Small Practice Pen (14): Half Proposition: ** Taste

01. "Daddy's Taste"

Since I was born, I've loved sleeping as soon as I get in the car. If I fell asleep in the car, when I got home, my father would carry me up to the 16th floor. From the age of 1 to the current age of 11, as long as you lie on your father's shoulder, you have a unique smell of father. Every now and then, I feel so happy!

My father used to be a mid-level company executive before quitting his job to start a business. As the owner of a private company, he has to worry about big and small jobs. Therefore, he always likes to smoke, and the smell of smoke is always in the office. Whenever I tried to persuade him, he just posed in front of me to snuff out the cigarette in his hand. As soon as I turned around, I immediately smoked a cigarette and began to swallow the clouds and spit out the fog.

Once I came home from school and my home was empty. On the table was still the dinner that my father had cooked for me. There is also a hint of smoke in the air at home, which is the unique smell of happiness. (Author: Junroku Sichi)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

02. "Taste of Hometown"

I remember that summer vacation, our family went to Shaanxi to play.

Before I set off, as a "foodie", I was full of strategies. Shaanxi cuisine includes meat sandwich steamed buns, Shaanxi cold skin, lamb steamed buns, biangbiang noodles, and cheek noodles... I salivated at the sight of it, and I was eager to fly to the destination immediately and have a big meal.

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

On the first day, I felt that lamb steamed buns were the most delicious food in the world; The next day, the meat sandwich bun is also very fragrant, the dough cake is crispy, and the gravy is full; On the third day, it was cool to eat cold skin in the summer... Until the fourth day, I missed the taste of my hometown a little, and I couldn't help but ask my mother, can I arrange to eat a Hangzhou dish? However, I got a negative answer, and my mother's reason was very good: when I traveled, I definitely had to eat local food, and I couldn't eat such an authentic taste when I went back. "Mom, are you sure you want to do this?" Your son is tired of eating! "I cried out in my heart.

On the next trip, my mother still tirelessly led us to taste a variety of Shaanxi cuisine, but I was obsessed with the delicious home-cooked food that my grandmother prepared for me every day. My taste buds, my stomach were protesting, and even my hair was demanding my hometown food. In this way, the journey finally ended in my hometown dishes while playing.

After getting off the plane, in order to eat Hangzhou cuisine for the first time, I did everything in my power, my grandparents couldn't help my soft grinding hard bubbles, and I finally sat in the restaurant of Hangzhou cuisine as I wished. West Lake vinegar fish, sweet and sour tenderloin, Longjing shrimp... Delicious! The taste of that meal has kept me in mind until now.

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Hometown cuisine is a deep imprint on the heart. It doesn't have to be a mountain delicacy, it may be an ordinary home-cooked dish, a taste that will be missed when you leave. (Author: Junliu Lingmiao)

03. "The Taste of Mother"

Coming out of the exam room, I threw myself into my mother's arms and walked with her on the way home. On the way, I met a woman who was buying vegetables at the vegetable market, and she was perhaps the parent of a classmate in our grade. I saw her take my hand and keep asking this and that: Is the test difficult? What type of reading test is it? Simple or not? What is the essay title? What theme? ...... After asking, she went back to the vegetable market. Curious, I asked her, "Auntie, why don't you pick up the baby yourself?" "Boy, you see, I still have so many dishes to sell, I have to sell them quickly." And I'm afraid I won't be decent to pick up myself, and it must be good to have your mother accompany you to the exam! After saying that, she hurried away. The smell of vegetables and sweat was left in the air, and I guessed that was the smell of the mother. (Author: Junliu Yuxuan)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

04. "The Taste of My Sister"

My sister is an art student and has a lot of flavor in her. When you accidentally soil your clothes while practicing painting, this is the smell of paint; When she painted diligently and was admitted to the university of her choice, it was the taste of hard work; When she studied hard and prepared to study abroad, it was a taste of determination. Of all the tastes, the most important is the taste of dreams. Everyone works hard for their dreams, and everyone has their own taste. (Author: Junroku Yinghua)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

The same title of the small practice pen (15): "Xijiang Yue, Nocturnal Huangsha Road" rewritten


Another peaceful night.

A bright moon rose from the sky, and the bright light alarmed the birds perched in the forest. For a moment, the birdsong continued, disturbing the moon shadow in the pool. I could only hear a frog chirping in the field, and a breeze blowing across my cheeks. I turned my head to see that the rice in front of me was in full bloom, and there was a hint of rice fragrance in the air. Near the rice paddies were farmhouses, and I vaguely heard farmers who had been busy all day talking about this visible harvest under the moon. It's a good harvest year!

At this time, under the starry sky, in front of the undulating mountains, on this moonlit night, a drizzle like a cow's hair suddenly fell, wetting my clothes. The small thatched hut of the past was still next to the woods of the Land Temple, and when the road turned to the source of the stream, it suddenly appeared in front of the eyes. (Author: Junliu Lingmiao)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


In the silent night, the bright moon on the edge of the sky rose to the treetops, and the magpie who was sleepy in the branches was startled and flew into the gray-blue gray-blue sky. The cool evening breeze blew through my hands, as if blowing the loud song of the tireless summer cicadas in the distance.

I leaned back on a bench by the side of the road, weeping willows hanging the willows in my hands. Smelling the faint aroma of rice flowers, I recalled that in the aroma of rice flowers, farmers were talking about the harvest year. There were bursts of frogs in my ears, as if to say, "This year is a good year, I can help a lot, I helped you catch a lot of pests." ”

Looking up at the gray-blue gray-blue sky, a few idle clouds drifted through the sky. At a glance, seven or eight twinkling stars appeared from time to time, as if they were covered by light clouds. There was a drizzle of rain in front of the mountain, and occasionally two or three drizzledrops dripped on my head. Looking straight ahead of the mountain, it was hazy.

I turned a corner and turned to the creek bridge, and the familiar huts suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, still unchanged, still sitting next to the woods near the Land Temple. (Author: Junliu Yuxuan)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Tonight's Huangsha Road is particularly beautiful.

A bright moon hung in the treetops, startling the sleepy birds. If you look closely, it is a that chirps a few times and then flies toward the valley.

It was already midnight, the breeze was blowing, and the cicadas in the trees cried out, "Know, know..." But it is not like the noise of the day, just like a lullaby.

The aroma of rice flowers and the sound of frogs are gushing, and it is another harvest year. The stars blinked their tired eyes in the air, and before the rain fell on the mountain, turned across the creek bridge, and the hut was still there. (Author: Junliu Zijia)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

The same topic of the small practice pen (16): You may not know Li Qingzhao


Li Qingzhao is one of the four talented women and the leader of the euphemism school. But she also has a side that you may not know.

Let's start with her father. Her father was Li Gefei, one of Su Shi's students, the "Four Bachelors of Sumen". The enlightened father gave Li Qingzhao an abundant "literary colostrum". This is really rare in the feudal society where "a woman without talent is moral".

In the early years, whether it was in the middle of the word, or the first wife. Her life was still carefree. However, in the later period, due to the decline of the country, her husband Zhao Mingcheng also died, and later encountered "marriage deception" Zhang Ruzhou. For a weak woman, these are undoubtedly one blow after another. She seems to have become "sinking", often going in and out of liquor stores and gambling houses, in fact, she uses drinking and gambling to anesthetize herself.

She once wrote a poem, which was jokingly called the most "lazy" word in her life. That's "Residual Flowers." A 53-word word actually has 17 "flower" words: "Flowers blossom and fall without regret, and fate comes and goes like water." Flowers are flowers, and flowers fly for flowers. Flower sorrow is flower tears, flower tears are flower crumbs. Flowers dance flowers shed tears, flowers cry petals fly. Who is grateful for the blossoming of the flowers, and who is sad for whom the flowers are grateful. Li Qingzhao likened himself to a flower, and he also bloomed delicate branches, and also fell flowers mercilessly into mud. In this life, for whom do flowers bloom and for whom do they fall? I just want to bravely pursue love, meet good people, accompany lifelong, but who wants to create people, Zhao Mingcheng is not a good person, Zhang Ruzhou is not. Li Qingzhao took "flowers and flowers blooming" as the object of creation, and used "flowers" to express his helplessness and sorrow for life. Li Qingzhao shows his young, floating life by describing the scene of flowers blooming and withering.

She borrowed the "residual flower" as a metaphor to highlight her tragic life. Flowers blossom, flowers fall, flowers thank you, flowers fly, flower sorrow, flower tears, flower fragments, flower dance, flower crying... The author is like a flower, from bud to first bloom to bloom, dancing with the wind, and then to failure, petals flying, a beautiful flower finally broken.

The author's deep emotions, the emotions of grief, run through the entire poignant word. Although it is describing the residual flowers, it is more of a kind of life grief, which is heartbreaking to read. (Author: Junliu Yuxuan)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Do you know? Li Qingzhao, who is so talented, actually wrote such a "lazy" word! The talented woman, who did not play cards according to common sense, wrote a song that did not play cards according to common sense: she used seventeen "flower" words to express her complex feelings. These seventeen "flowers" went away with the wind with Li Qingzhao's sadness. Who knows, this self-reliant woman is suffering from a thousand pounds of grief in her heart.

She is a strange woman of the times, a strange woman who has been favored and abandoned. (Author: Junliu Zijia)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Speaking of Li Qingzhao, people may think of her title of "the first talented woman in the ages", may think of the famous "Summer Sentence" in their minds, and may think of her life of sorrow and joy, and the love of children is long.

However, there will always be an unknown side to all people.

Although Li Qingzhao is a daughter, she has a man's heart. Drinking, gambling, whatever a man does, she more or less touches the edge, but what a lady should do is not touch it. She is a regular visitor to liquor stores and gambling houses. But gambling to gamble, the original vice in her hands into decay into magic, into a way to make money, others bet nine out of ten to lose, she bet nine out of ten win - very evil! Others drink wine to dispel sorrows, and she drinks wine to write poetry. Infected with these two vices, either the family is broken or the wife is separated, she is good, both fun and make money. She became famous early on, using the money she "earned" to satisfy her Yaxing of the golden stone of calligraphy and painting. This is not a proper winner in life! But heaven made a big joke for her, and Li Qingzhao in her later years could be described as having a rough fate and a miserable evening scene, which was really a jealous talent! (Author: Junliu Cheng Shuo)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Same Topic Small Practice Pen (17): Sighting


Li Bai bid farewell to Meng Haoran at the Yellow Crane Tower, and chanted out "The lonely sail is far away and the blue sky is exhausted, only to see the skyline of the Yangtze River"; When Gao Shi bid farewell to the lost Dong Tinglan in the winter of "the north wind blows wild geese and snow", he chanted out, "Mo worries about the road ahead and does not know himself, who in the world does not know the king?" When Yang Wanli bid farewell to Lin Zifang at the Jingci Temple, he chanted, "The lotus leaves of the heavens are infinitely blue, and the lotus flowers of the sun are different red." "Please forgive me today, I can't give poetry, I can only see it silently."

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Looking at it, an old man whose face has long been covered with wrinkles, an old man with gray hair, an old man whose back has long been bent... Looking at her back, I seemed to see what she looked like when she was young, carefree, and like a flower. Now, she is getting old in my eyes, gradually going away... (Author: Junliu Zijia)


A week ago, I went with excitement and anticipation. A week later, I dragged my tired body back. No matter what, you always stood there and watched me.

It was in the first semester of the fifth year, and we ushered in a week-long "student army" practical activity. It is impossible to say that you are not expecting. Snap your fingers, we can go a whole week without going to class, it's like "blood money"! When I think of this, I can't help but get excited. Packing my bags, I tossed and turned in bed, but when I thought about military training, I was sleepy. The next day, I left early, and my mother confirmed everything again, and then pushed me out of the house and said, "My father and I would like you not to come back for a month, and it will be cleaner!" Let's go. Then, I closed the door, but I heard you sigh and say, "Child, I'm afraid you'll suffer." "You just stopped thinking about it, walked to the balcony, and watched me leave the neighborhood."

The hardships of military training were beyond our imagination, and I did not even dare to take off my military uniform when I slept, for fear that I would "assemble urgently" at any time. After sleeping for five days, the suitcase didn't move much. A week later, I left the camp in disgrace. When I got home, you asked me what I ate while packing my bags, and a warmth rose in my heart.

What a pity for the hearts of parents in the world. (Author: Junliu Cheng Shuo)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Practice Pen on the Same Topic (18): Today's ,....../ If ,...... (Ranking segment)


Today, I bid farewell to the Shandan Military Racecourse, the vast sea of grass there and the sea of flowers that stretched continuously to the distant horizon; Today, I bid farewell to the mountain dan horses running and hissing, the majestic Tibetan mastiff in front of the wooden house, and the herds of yaks and sheep; Today, I bid farewell to the dreamlike galaxy and all the beautiful dreams. (Author: Junliu Shuxin)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


If life is a caterpillar, hope is a beautiful butterfly; If life is a rain forest, hope is the cool temperature; If life is a pile of hay, hope is a vigorous grass; If life is a desert, hope is the wetness of rain; If life is a wasteland, hope is the sapling that grows. (Author: Junroku Yinghua)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Small Practice Pen on the Same Topic (19): Good Thinking Can "Read from No Words" (Comparative Paragraph)


Shansi can "read from the point of absence of words." Read the desert, read its vast and desolate sorrows; Read the sea, read its vastness that embraces all things; Read the lake, read out its vast dream of smoke waves; Read the creek and read the joy of its babbling water. (Author: Junliu Shuxin)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Shansi can "read from the point of absence of words." Read the forest, read out its pristine indulgence of wildness; Read the mountain, read its continuous grandeur; Read the river, read its rushing passion; Reading the universe, reading out its vast mystery. (Author: Junliu Yuehan)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Shansi can "read from the point of absence of words." Read the small river, read the delicacy of its babbling water; Read the river, read its mighty grandeur; Reading the flowers and plants, I read its fragrant and gorgeous. (Author: Junroku Zixun)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Shansi can "read from the point of absence of words." Reading plum blossoms, reading its ambition of "Ling Han alone"; Reading green bamboo, reading its determination to "hold on to the green mountains and not relax"; Reading the lotus flower, reading its character of "out of the sensitive mud and not stained"; Read the bee, read out its "for whom hard for whom sweet" quality; Reading the mountain, I read its pride in "five thousand mountains on the sky". (Author: Junliu Runxian)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

The same topic of the small practice pen (20): You may not know the Xin abandonment disease


The famous Southern Song Dynasty poet Xin Zhiyi lived in an era when the country's fortunes were in decline and decline, and the military disasters were continuous, so in his heart, there was a strong patriotic feeling and a desire to repay the country. He was born a warrior, a warrior with a sword in his hand, always ready to whip his horse on the battlefield. In his youth, Xin Abandoned Disease was eager to recover the lost land, led troops to attack the Jin Dynasty, and repeatedly made military achievements, but he was helpless to blindly seek peace with the "peace seekers" at that time, which can be described as a useless place for heroes, which is a pity. Xin Was getting older, he was tired of war, tired of the strife of the imperial court, and enjoyed the idyllic life. Therefore, the poems he wrote such as "Qingping Le Village Residence" are actually to forget the war and forget the troubles. (Author: Junroku Zixun)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


"And now I am full of sorrow, and I want to say goodbye." I want to say goodbye. But it was a cool autumn. Today we will talk about the "sorrow" of Xin Renjie.

Xin Zhiyi is not a born poet, he is born a soldier, but for a soldier who holds a sword in his hand and is always ready to prancing horses and whips on the battlefield, there are horses that cannot gallop on the battlefield, there are strategies that cannot march and deploy, there are swords that cannot rise up to kill the enemy, and there are ambitions that cannot serve the country, which is the most bitter and painful thing in life. Perhaps this is the "sorrow" in his heart that has never been enlightened.

"Drunk in Wu Yin is charming, white hair who is Weng Mi." Since then, Xin Abandoned Disease, who has been demobilized and returned to the field, has lived a reclusive life, and in "Qing Ping Le · In "Village Residence", Xin Qiyi can't help but start to yearn for the life of "Xitou Lying lotus" in his childhood. (Author: Junliu Runxian)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Same Title Small Practice Pen (21): Children's Poems

"Happy as Flying"

I want to become a dragonfly and light water in the lake

I want to be a little bird and sing in the trees

I want to become an eagle and soar in the sky

I would like to become a spaceship and fly to the moon to see—look

If I can do it, I will be as happy as I can fly!

(Author: Junsan Shinyeon)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Same topic small practice pen (22): reissue

Bai Juyi's "Memories of Jiangnan" is copied

(1) Remembering Hangzhou Author: [Modern] Junsan Kesan

Hangzhou is good, the scenery is really beautiful. In June, the lotus leaves are as green as jade, and the august laurel fragrance is full of dry water. Can you not remember Hangzhou?

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

(2) Memories of Chengdu Author: [Modern] Junsan Xinnuo

Chengdu is good, the scenery is really beautiful. The streets and alleys are crowded, and there are many cultural relics in the Jinsha ruins. Can you not remember Chengdu?

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

(3) Remembering Hangzhou Author: [Modern] Junsan Rongchang

Hangzhou is good, and the fragrance of flowers spreads throughout the city and countryside. In April, the peony fragrance is all over the city, and the taste of camellia is even stronger in October. Can you not remember Hangzhou?

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

(4) Remembering hometown Author: [Modern] Junsan Yichen

Hometown is good, the scenery is really beautiful. Spring green tea is all over the hills, and summer lotus flowers fill the lake. Can you not remember your hometown?

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

(5) Remembering hometown Author: [Modern] Junsan Shinyan

Hometown is good, the scenery is really beautiful. In June, the lotus flowers fill the lake, and the August laurel flowers are sweeter than honey. Can you not remember your hometown?

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

Ah Bao funny

Once, while doing a reading question, a classmate quietly answered the question. Teacher Ah Bao did not directly criticize, but said slowly, "Don't spread the answer." Legend has it that one person cheated on an exam and passed on 'ABCD' to another person, and this person said 'Oh Bi Xi Di' to the third person, and the fourth person passed on 'Ambozidi' to the next person, which was said in Mandarin, that is, 'I don't know'... (Author: Junsan Shinyeon)

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)


Childish words are also cute, and only a few words can be expensive.

Greed for more to chew all, steady and steady and steady another stop.

Small Practice, Great Use (2) - Teacher Ah Bao's "Composition Sutra" (215)

【Original Statement】The above content is an original work and may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Images from the headline number free gallery, etc.


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