
Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

author:Jin Shengshui rises

In the bustling city, there are many hidden stories. Flowers, the name of the city, seem to indicate that life here will be as colorful as blooming flowers. And in this vibrant city, there is an ordinary cigarette owner, whose identity has always been a mystery.

Po is a young man with a dream who aspires to make his mark in the city. However, the reality is always cruel, and he has repeatedly hit a wall without resources and background. Just when Po feels lost and helpless, he meets the owner who sells cigarettes.

"Boss, bring me a pack of cigarettes." Po walked into the shop and said casually.

The boss raised his head and showed a kind smile, "Young man, look at your sad face, is there something troublesome?" ”

Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

Po sighed and confided his experience to the seemingly ordinary cigarette owner. Unbeknownst to him, there is an amazing identity hidden behind this boss, and this identity will be the biggest help in his future path.

After hearing this, the boss smiled slightly and handed Po a cigarette, "Young man, life is like this cigarette, sometimes you need to light it to see the road ahead." ”

Po took the cigarette and took a deep breath, as if he felt unprecedented power. He started talking to his boss about his dreams and plans. And the boss always listens patiently, gives advice and encouragement.

Over time, Po discovers that the boss is not only knowledgeable, but also well-connected. Under his recommendation, Po got to know many leaders in the industry and gradually accumulated his own network resources. He began to understand that this cigarette seller was no ordinary person.

Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

One day, Po finally couldn't help but ask the boss, "Who are you?" Why do you know so much about the industry? ”

The boss smiled and instead of answering his question directly, he said, "Young man, everyone has their own story. The important thing is that you've found your way now, haven't you? ”

Po nodded, his heart full of gratitude. He knew that without the help of this boss, he might still be wandering in confusion. And now, he has taken the first step towards making his dream come true.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Po suddenly received a bad news: the boss was sick and seriously ill. He hurried to the hospital and saw the boss lying on the hospital bed, and his heart was mixed.

Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Po's voice trembled a little. The boss smiled slightly, "Don't worry, young man. Everyone is born, old, sick and dies, and I am no exception. It's just that I regret that I haven't been able to see the moment when you realize your dreams. ”

Po held the boss's hand tightly, "You will definitely be fine!" I'm also going to take you to the site so you can see my results for yourself! ”

The boss smiled and didn't speak. He knows that his time is running out, but he believes that Po will be able to achieve his dream.

In the days that followed, Po worked and studied harder. He wants to repay the kindness of his boss with practical actions. And the boss was also silently praying and cheering for him from the hospital bed.

Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

Finally, one day, Po's project made a breakthrough. He excitedly ran to the hospital to tell his boss the good news, only to find that the boss had passed away.

Po is devastated, but he also understands that his boss wants him to keep going and achieve his dreams. So he turned his grief into strength and continued to work hard.

At the celebration banquet of the project, Ah Bao toasted the boss alone with a glass of wine: "Thank you for your help and support, without you, I would not be where I am today." ”

And the true identity of the mysterious cigarette seller has always been a mystery. But Po knows that he has been given his most precious treasure - dreams and courage.

Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

In this city, everyone may have a hidden identity and a story, as colorful as a flower. And the story between Po and the cigarette seller has become one of the most beautiful legends in the city.

Whenever night falls, Po will always stand in front of the window and look at the starry night sky, and silently say in his heart: "Thank you for your guidance and help, and I will continue to work hard to live up to your expectations." ”

This experience not only allowed Po to realize his dream, but also made him understand that the most precious qualities in life are gratitude and perseverance. Although the identity of the cigarette seller has always been a mystery, his spirit and strength will always inspire Po to move forward.

Today, Po has become a leader in the industry, and his story has spread throughout the city. Whenever someone asks him about the secret of his success, he always smiles and says, "I met a noble person who gave me endless help and support." ”

Flowers: The hidden identity of the cigarette seller is too amazing, and it has become Bao's biggest help, and Uncle is too wise

And no one knows the true identity of that nobleman. But Po knows that he will always remember it and use his actions to inherit that spirit of selflessness and dedication.

In this bustling city, everyone has their own story and experience. And the story between Po and the cigarette seller will forever be the most beautiful legend in the city, inspiring more people to follow their dreams and cherish every noble person in their lives.

We can't help but ask, who is this mysterious cigarette seller? Why did he help Po so much? Perhaps these questions will never be answered, but Po's story has given us enough inspiration: on the road of life, sometimes the seemingly ordinary person you meet may be the noble person in your life. They may not have a prominent status or status, but their wisdom, experience, and love are enough to change our lives. Let us learn to cherish everyone around us and feel every warmth and strength in life with our hearts.


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