
Outrageously, U.S. oil theft in Syria has become the norm, as if it were taking its own. On August 5, the U.S. military organized more than 60 oil shipments, including charter trucks

author:I love the capital, Beijing

Outrageously, U.S. oil theft in Syria has become the norm, as if it were taking its own. On August 5, the U.S. military organized an oil convoy of more than 60 charter trucks, laden with stolen Syrian oil, to be transported to Iraq. Syria is devastated by war, people's lives are facing a humanitarian crisis, oil is the main pillar of Syria's economy, but the United States through support for the Syrian opposition, occupation and control of 90% of Syria's oil resources, seriously aggravated the humanitarian disaster in Syria.

Outrageously, U.S. oil theft in Syria has become the norm, as if it were taking its own. On August 5, the U.S. military organized more than 60 oil shipments, including charter trucks
Outrageously, U.S. oil theft in Syria has become the norm, as if it were taking its own. On August 5, the U.S. military organized more than 60 oil shipments, including charter trucks
Outrageously, U.S. oil theft in Syria has become the norm, as if it were taking its own. On August 5, the U.S. military organized more than 60 oil shipments, including charter trucks

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