
Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it


Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. Its scientific name is Dijin, which is a plant of the genus Dijin in the family Viticaceae, a woody vine. Also known as wall climbing tiger, mountain climbing tiger, earth drum vine, red grape vine. for the plant kingdom; Angiosperm phylum.

This species has long been a famous vertical green plant, with dense branches and leaves, many branches and oblique development, and is applied to the rock walls of the trench slope on both sides of the promenade, scaffold, wall, highway and water source, and the shading and ornamental effect is good. Root into the medicine, can remove stasis and reduce swelling.

Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it
Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it
Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it
Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it
Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it
Is it a row of trees? Do you know what it's called? From The view of Figures I and II, from a distance, it does look like a row of lush trees. From the next four pictures, it is not a tree, it is a vine. it

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