
Qi and blood are the root of the body, if you want to replenish qi and blood, you may wish to eat more of these 4 foods

author:Medica Media

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, maintaining a healthy supply of people's blood is sufficient, which can keep the internal organs healthy. Because the major organs are to function, the first condition is to meet the needs of nutrition. However, if there is a deficiency of qi, blood deficiency, etc., if there is a continuous lack of qi and blood, there will be fatigue and fatigue, lack of energy, dizziness and tinnitus, developmental delay, dry skin and other phenomena. To regulate in a variety of good ways, of which nutritional acquisition, proper diet is the premise.

Qi and blood are the root of the body, if you want to replenish qi and blood, you may wish to eat more of these 4 foods

1. Beef

If you want to improve the lack of qi and blood, you may wish to eat more beef appropriately. Beef as a meat food to nourish the body, the reason why it is recommended is because its protein content is rich, and the body to function normally, organ function can not be separated from the acquisition of protein. Whether it is plant protein or animal protein, as long as it belongs to high-quality protein, the body can normally absorb and utilize it, and it can be properly supplied.

In addition to enhancing its own resistance, beef strengthens muscles and bones, and can also obtain rich iron elements. Some people's lack of blood is related to the continuous development of iron deficiency anemia, and the effective blood replenishment through the intake of beef can alleviate the disease. Of course, beef also contains a variety of minerals, trace elements, vitamins and so on that the human body needs.

2. Red dates

To improve the lack of qi and blood, you can usually eat more dates, red dates can not only be eaten directly, but also used to cook soup, as the best ingredient to nourish the body, its nature is mild, there is a warm tonic effect, containing rich vitamins.

In terms of enhancing resistance, anti-aging and other aspects of the effect is good, can achieve the role of beauty and beauty, supplement qi and blood. Can be eaten with jujube, goji berries, lilies, etc. in stewed soup, after the provision of nutrition, the immune system function is normal, and blood circulation is promoted, and the lack of qi and blood can be improved.

Qi and blood are the root of the body, if you want to replenish qi and blood, you may wish to eat more of these 4 foods

3. Pork liver

Many ingredients can effectively replenish the body, and those who have the effect of blood deficiency can eat pork liver appropriately. As a kind of animal internal organs, pig liver can be eaten in moderation to obtain benefits. If there is no high cholesterol, uric acid index exceeds the standard, you can choose pork liver to cook porridge to obtain rich nutrition.

It is rich in iron and can effectively alleviate iron deficiency anemia. Some people continue to have blood deficiency, will appear dizziness and fatigue, pale face, cold hands and feet, etc., and the use of pork liver to provide nutrition, has a relieving effect. In addition, pork liver is also rich in trace elements, vitamins, etc., which is a tonic food that can be selected according to the needs of the body.

Qi and blood are the root of the body, if you want to replenish qi and blood, you may wish to eat more of these 4 foods

4. Black sesame seeds

In the improvement of insufficient qi and blood can eat some black sesame, black sesame as a black food representative, there are a variety of processed raw materials are black sesame, such as black sesame paste, black sesame sugar, black sesame balls, etc., eat full of oil aroma, can provide rich unsaturated fatty acids and protein.

In addition, black sesame contains calcium, zinc and other elements are very rich, is the human body needs nutrients, but also to obtain vitamin E to play a good antioxidant effect, in supplementing qi and blood, enhance resistance and other aspects have a significant role.

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