
Build a solid digital security barrier to escort the development of the digital economy

author:China Industry Network

Original title: 2022 Global Digital Economy Conference Digital Security Summit & ISC 2022 10th Internet Security Conference Opening (Introduction)

Building a Solid Digital Security Barrier and Escorting the Development of the Digital Economy (Theme)

With the acceleration of the digitization process of the whole society, the importance of digital security has become increasingly prominent. The participating experts and scholars exchanged views on the new trends in the development of the digital security industry and the effective means of building a solid digital security barrier.

Recently, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Global Digital Economy Conference Digital Security Summit and the 10th Internet Security Conference (hereinafter referred to as "ISC2022") was held in Beijing. With the theme of "Escorting Digital Civilization and Creating a New Era of Digital Security", the conference called on the industry to gather strength, build a solid digital security barrier system for the country, and escort the development of the digital economy.

Build a solid digital security barrier to escort the development of the digital economy


Build a solid digital security barrier to escort the development of the digital economy

Digital Economy Exhibition Area 360 (File Photo)

Establish and improve the digital security guarantee system

Build a solid security barrier for the development of the digital economy

In the view of industry insiders, while the digital economy is booming, security issues cannot be ignored. It is necessary to make overall plans for development and security, promote network security technology and product innovation, improve network security guarantee capabilities, establish and improve the digital security guarantee system, accelerate the development of the network security industry, and build a solid network and data security barrier for the development of the digital economy.

The network security industry is an important force in ensuring national network security. Wang Yiming, vice chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges and former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said in his speech that it is necessary to cultivate and develop network security enterprises, innovate network security service models, create a "platform + service" network security guarantee system, and form a system solution with different characteristics such as network protection, security supervision, security services, and passwords.

Network security is the key to escorting the engine of digital economy development, and is the premise of building new advantages and leading new tracks in the digital age. Sui Jing, director of the Cyber Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, proposed in her speech that from the perspective of the coordinated development of the security industry, it is necessary to consolidate the security base, enhance the security resilience of critical infrastructure, and build a network security collaborative protection system of co-construction, sharing, sharing and co-maintenance. Improve institutional rules and regulations, and strengthen industry data security governance capabilities; Strengthen innovation drive and promote breakthroughs in key technologies of network security; Accelerate the aggregation of resources and improve the ability of network security supply.

"It is necessary to take the key products of the industrial chain and the key technologies of the innovation chain as the core, build a network security innovation community with synergistic complementarity and joint development, enhance the integration capabilities of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, deeply implement the pilot demonstration of network security technology applications, and accelerate the construction and improvement of a benign ecology for the coordinated development of production, education, research and application." Sui Jing said.

Zhang Wang, deputy director of the Information Development Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration and a first-level inspector, said that it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening security awareness, strengthening system construction and management, and maximizing network security and data security. All walks of life should strengthen technical collaboration and promote the in-depth development of research on theories and technologies related to network security and data security. At the same time, it is also necessary to formulate emergency plans for various problems in a timely manner, and carry out practical combat drills in a timely manner to enhance the emergency response capabilities of major safety incidents.

"See" threats

Build a security operation service system

Building a solid security barrier for the development of the digital economy requires new solutions.

At the opening ceremony, Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group (hereinafter referred to as "360"), delivered a keynote speech. He pointed out that in the face of potential threats, "invisible" has become one of the biggest pain points in the digital age. For digital transformation enterprises, "seeing" is a watershed for safety, and avoiding "seeing" talking about security is scratching the itch of the boot.

According to reports, in the past 20 years, 360 has invested 20 billion yuan in funds, gathered 2,000 security experts, accumulated 2,000 petabytes of security big data, established a security operation service system with "seeing" as the core, and formed a set of security capabilities of "sensing risks, seeing threats, and resisting attacks".

Zhou Hongyi said that 360 can "see" the threat, thanks to the 16 elements accumulated from the C-end. 360 is the world's first company to engage in "free security", on the terminal, you can see the security incident. At the same time, 360 is also a leading cloud-native security company, innovating the "cloud kill".

"With hundreds of millions of terminals, big data analytics, AI, and continuous data operations, 360 has established a network-wide vision and gained the ability to 'see' the security posture." Zhou Hongyi said.

With core capabilities, 360 has also undertaken some national strategic scientific research projects, promoted the reform of industry concepts, and provided network security services for major activities at the national level. To help governments, cities, and businesses address escalating security challenges, 360 distilled the capability system of serving ToC to ToN into a digital security brain framework and entered the ToB market.

Taking the security of digital cities as an example, at present, 360 has established a unified urban security brain in more than 10 cities, providing the entire city with the perception, defense system and emergency response system to deal with digital threats and attacks.

"360 turns the ability to see cyber attacks and cyber threats into a service and provides it to the relevant departments in the form of a cloud." Zhou Hongyi said.

Escort the safety of small and medium-sized enterprises

Smoothly achieve digital transformation

It is worth noting that as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises accelerate the pace of digital transformation, the security issues in transformation have also attracted much attention.

On the day of the event, the "2022 Digital Security Report on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), led by the 360-day Hub Think Tank and guided by the China Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, the National Engineering Research Center for Big Data Collaborative Security Technology, and the China Industrial Internet Research Institute, was officially released.

The "Report" shows that small and medium-sized enterprises contribute more than 50% of the mainland's tax revenue, more than 60% of GDP, more than 70% of technological innovation, more than 80% of urban labor employment, and more than 90% of the number of enterprises, which plays an important role in the country's economic and social development.

The report pointed out that 85.3% of the 142 domestic small and medium-sized enterprises surveyed had encountered digital security problems; Nearly 77.4% of the companies surveyed reported that they could not effectively deal with digital security issues on their own.

In terms of the types of digital attack threats faced by MSMEs, the report notes that in the past 12 months, the most damaging digital attack threats against MSMEs have been malware intrusion (68%), ransomware attacks (65.3%), system vulnerabilities (64%) and phishing (42.7%).

In terms of the possible impact of cyber attacks, the report shows that 36% of the companies surveyed are most worried about "not meeting compliance requirements"; 34.7% were concerned about business disruption due to digital attacks by hacker organizations; 33.3% and 28% of the companies surveyed were concerned about the loss of important information and sensitive data leakage, respectively. 13.3% were concerned about the loss of funds.

In addition, one of the important reasons for the general lack of digital security capabilities of MSMEs is the lack of funds. According to the report, 60% of the surveyed companies invest no more than 100,000 yuan in digital security per year; 12% of companies surveyed said they did not have a digital security budget despite agreeing on the importance of digital security; 20% of the companies surveyed said that they could accept no more than 100,000 yuan in digital security investment.

"Small and medium-sized enterprises have specific security needs in digital business scenarios, budgets, security capabilities, emergency response, etc., and the security services and products that were applied to large enterprises in the past cannot be copied." In view of the new threats to digital security faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, new thinking and new solutions are needed. Du Yuejin, vice president and chief security officer of 360 Group, said.

In the face of today's complex and ever-changing digital security challenges, how should MICRO, small and medium-sized enterprises improve their digital security capabilities? In this regard, the "Report" summarizes five key points to deal with it.

One is "works". Small and medium-sized enterprises need to adopt ability thinking, take actual combat as the goal, and shift from product-oriented to capability-led digital security construction, including ability awareness, ability accumulation, ability improvement, ability output, and ability verification.

The second is "cheap". Enhance the understanding and importance of digital security for MSMEs through the "low-cost model", help these enterprises recover losses in digital transformation, and eliminate business risks and negative impacts.

The third is "easy to use." Due to the characteristics of distributed deployment of the digital system of SMALL AND MICRO Enterprises, the "cloud empowerment" model of digital security of SMALL and medium-sized enterprises is adopted through SaaS services (software services provided through the network) to ensure the flexible deployment and customizability of digital security capabilities.

The fourth is to "focus on it." The digital security construction of small and medium-sized enterprises cannot adopt a large and comprehensive construction model, and it is necessary to avoid the comprehensive construction of "swarming up", and to invest limited resources in the most urgent digital security capabilities, and gradually carry out the construction of the digital security system in stages.

Fifth, "there are demands." The continuous improvement of the digital security capabilities of MSMEs requires that digital security service providers can continue to empower MSMEs. Digital security service providers need to continuously improve the security brain system covering the digital environment of small and medium-sized enterprises while providing security services, so as to help small and medium-sized enterprises continue to promote the digitalization process continuously and safely.

In order to further escort the digital transformation security of small and medium-sized enterprises, on the day of the event, the SME security service platform was officially released. According to reports, relying on the platform, the government and enterprises will jointly carry out digital security empowerment actions for small and medium-sized enterprises, provide digital security and management solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises free of charge, and achieve "advanced protection capabilities inclusive" in the field of digital security.

Zhou Hongyi said that towards a new era of digital civilization, 360 is positioned as a "digital security service provider", by exploring a set of solutions to the challenges of digital security, escorting the digital transformation of governments, large enterprises, cities and small and medium-sized enterprises. (Reporting by Guo Qian, Beijing)

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