
Pearl melon is an annual vine herb of the Cucurbitaceae family, the plant height is 60-80cm, hermaphroditic, with yellow flowers, and the female flowers have small melons

author:Honest Sunbird

Pearl melon is an annual vine herb of the Cucurbitaceae family, the height of the plant is 60-80cm, the hermaphrodite plant, yellow flowers, female flowers with small melons, like dolls on the head of the golden pot. The leaves and cucumber leaves are similar in shape, but much smaller. Pearl melons are a common fruit in summer. Four principles of picking melons: color, melon navel, smell, weight. Color: The fruit is emerald green, turning yellow or golden yellow after ripening as shown in Figure 2, look at the appearance of the melon and the pale yellow at the guati. Melon navel: The same size of the melon, the larger the navel, the more mature. This is shown in Figure 3. Smell: The fruit has a fragrant smell, especially the ripe fruit is fragrant and pleasant. Smell the melon navel, there is a faint fragrance, the stronger the fragrance, the more mature. Weight: The lighter the weight and the more fragrant the melon of the same size, the more mature it is.

#Summer Life Punch Season # #夏季水果随手拍 #

Pearl melon is an annual vine herb of the Cucurbitaceae family, the plant height is 60-80cm, hermaphroditic, with yellow flowers, and the female flowers have small melons
Pearl melon is an annual vine herb of the Cucurbitaceae family, the plant height is 60-80cm, hermaphroditic, with yellow flowers, and the female flowers have small melons
Pearl melon is an annual vine herb of the Cucurbitaceae family, the plant height is 60-80cm, hermaphroditic, with yellow flowers, and the female flowers have small melons

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