
Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

author:Sister Rong's flower language
The leaves of Junzilan are clearly patterned, as gentle as a gentleman, and the leaves are straight, very gentlemanly. When it blooms, it is very gorgeous and gives people a feeling of elegance.
Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

In addition, Junzilan's role in purifying indoor air is also very good, it can absorb a lot of harmful gases in the room, so that the air at home is fresher, and it is also cleaner, which is more conducive to people's health.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzilan, you need to do a good job of 3 less 1 more, really let the Junzilan leaves fat and beautiful, like a thousand hands Guanyin. If the maintenance is not good, it is easy to rot the root. So what is 3 less and 1 more?

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Fertilize less

Temperatures are usually high on three-volt days, generally over 32 degrees. In this case, Junzilan will appear dormant. In this case, if you fertilize Junzilan, it is easy to have fertilizer damage and burn roots, so you need to stop fertilizing.

If the local temperature can be below 32 degrees, and the growth of Junzilan is relatively vigorous, it can still be properly fertilized. However, it is also necessary to use the method of applying thin fertilizer, do not use raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer, and prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage and burning roots.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Three volt days to fertilize Junzilan, the upper sister said that to fertilize Junzilan needs to meet two conditions, one is the temperature, the other is junzilan growth. In this case, we fertilize Junzilan, that is, every 10 to 15 days or so, apply a thin fertilizer with a balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. And be sure to use the method of applying thin fertilizer.

If the local temperature is high and the growth of Junzilan is slow, it is necessary to stop fertilizing, otherwise Junzilan is easy to hang up. Therefore, many flower friends say that the three-volt heavenly cultivation of Junzi orchid needs to be rested, in fact, this is the truth.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Water less

If the temperature of the three-volt day exceeds 32 degrees, it belongs to the slow growth period or dormancy period of Junzilan. In this case, even if Junzilan likes a humid environment, it takes less watering for Junzilan. If you water too much, it is easy to have stagnant roots. Because the root of Junzilan belongs to the fleshy root, it contains a lot of water itself.

Watering Junzilan on three days requires watering once after the soil is dry, but do not let too much water appear in the pot to prevent rotten roots.

In addition, Junzilan likes slightly acidic water, so to water Junzilan, you need to use slightly acidic water, such as rainwater, or add a few grains of ferrous sulfate to the water to make the water slightly acidic.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

There is also watering, do not use tap water directly, you need to put it in the bucket for a period of time, and then take it to water Junzilan, so that it is not easy to appear temperature discomfort, resulting in Junzilan is not long.

There is also Junzilan likes moist air, so when the weather is too dry, it is also necessary to spray water around the leaves of Junzilan and the flower pots to make the environment where Junzilan is located more humid, which is not only conducive to its growth, but also makes the leaves of Junzilan more clean and beautiful.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Get less sun

The temperature is usually very high on three volt days, and the sun is relatively strong, during this time, if you let Junzilan bask in the sun, the leaves are easily sunburned, giving people a feeling of ugliness, yellow, dry and scorched. Therefore, proper shading is required.

In the three-volt day, junzi orchid can be raised in a bright place indoors, or a place where light is scattered. However, the scattered light also needs to be weaker, and it is scattered light in the morning or evening. Be sure not to bask in the sun at noon.

In addition, you can also keep the north balcony of the home, which is also relatively bright, but there is no strong sunlight. Sister Rong's Junzilan is raised on the north balcony of the home, and flower friends with the north balcony can try it.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Raising Junzilan in a small courtyard at home, you can raise the south room of the home, or under the shade of a tree with more shade, you can make Junzilan grow well and not appear sunburned. Moreover, the ventilation is good, and it is also conducive to reducing the temperature, so that the Junzi orchid grows better, and the leaves are like the thousand hands Guanyin leaf.

Although on three-volt days, Junzi Orchid is raised in a bright or scattered place, but it is also necessary to rotate the pot frequently, generally that is, to rotate the pot every 15 to 20 days or so to prevent the leaves from growing off. Because the leaves of Junzilan are also phototropic, they are raised in one direction for a long time, and it is easy to grow biased.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

More ventilation

Three-volt days are often prone to high temperature and high humidity, and it is best to cook up and down than many flower friends who say that three-volt days are prone to cooking up and down. In this case, we raise Junzi orchid, which must be well ventilated, if the ventilation is not good, it is easy to have rotten roots or pests and diseases.

If Junzilan is raised outdoors, ventilation is better. However, it is easy to have regular rainfall, so it is also necessary to take good measures to avoid rain and not let Junzilan rain too much, resulting in junzilan having water and rotten roots.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Junzilan raised indoors, must often open the window for ventilation, so that the indoor air circulates, so that there will be no high temperature and high humidity. Generally, the simplest method is used, that is, in the morning or in the evening, the window can be opened for ventilation, which is conducive to the fresher indoor air and is also conducive to the growth of Junzi orchid.

If you can't open the window for ventilation, you can also open the indoor door to let the indoor air circulate somewhat, which is also conducive to the growth of Junzilan. In addition, you can also use a fan, farther, weaker to blow the wind for Junzilan, which can also play a good role in ventilation, so as not to make Junzilan uncomfortable.

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzi orchid, 3 less 1 more after doing well, the leaves are fat, like "Thousand Hands Kannon"

Write at the end

Three volts of heaven to raise Junzilan, do 3 less 1 more, which can make Junzilan leaves fat, like "Thousand Hands Guanyin", and grow zhouzheng and good-looking. How did you raise Junzilan in the Three Volts? Flower friends are welcome to leave comments.

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