
Peach plum apricot eating may be poisoned? These fruits are not eaten correctly, be careful of hurting the body

author:Bright Net

Modern people have a unique mouth blessing, the fruit that should not be in season can be beautifully tasted, but many people do not know, the fruit can not be eaten randomly, sometimes, you are "eating fruit", fruit is also "eating you", quietly damaging your health...

What kind of fruits do peaches, plums and apricots belong to?

The cores of peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, and plums have a hard wooden shell, so they all belong to the fruit of the stone fruit category.


Why do you say "peach raises people"? Peach trees have existed on land for at least 4,000 years, and now there are more than 2,000 varieties of peaches in the world, and we are familiar with peaches, nectarines, golden peaches, peaches and so on.

Fresh peaches contain more than 80% moisture, and peaches are slightly higher in calories compared to plums and apricots. The pectin contained in peaches has a certain auxiliary effect on preventing the three highs, alleviating constipation, and reducing weight. This is why there is a saying of "peach raising people".

Precautions for consumption

Peaches are "the number one allergen in the fruit and vegetable industry", not only the hair on the peach will make people allergic, but the peach meat will also be sensitive. Peach allergy may be possible if the following symptoms occur:

After eating the peaches, the mouth is numb and itchy, the eyes are red, and the throat is swollen and sore;

Large erythema on the lips, perioral area, neck, extremities, etc., which may be accompanied by slight edema;

Severe cases can cause chest tightness, choking, diarrhea, and shock.

Expert reminder

Mild allergy symptoms generally subside gradually within 10 minutes to 2 hours, if the allergy symptoms are serious, be sure to go to the hospital as soon as possible.


Is there a scientific basis for "burying dead people under plum trees"? Plums come in a variety of fruit colors, ranging from yellow and red to purple and purple-black. Plum fruit is sweet and sour, can be eaten fresh or made into jam, plum juice can be made into plum wine.

Plums are rich in fruit acid, which can promote the secretion of gastric juice, enhance appetite and help digestion. Excessive consumption of plums can cause mild diarrhea and even damage to the spleen and stomach, while fruit acid can also affect dental health.

It is worth noting that plums that are not fully cooked and have a bitter taste cannot be eaten. Because such plums contain a certain amount of hydrocyanic acid, eating them may cause poisoning.

The saying that "people are buried under plum trees" is somewhat exaggerated, but excessive consumption of plums can indeed be harmful to health.


Where does the phrase "apricot hurts" come from? The apricot tree is native to Xinjiang, mainland China, and is one of the earliest fruit tree species cultivated in mainland China. According to the use of apricots, they are mainly divided into: edible apricots, apricots for kernels and processed apricots. In addition, there are varieties dedicated to the cultivation of ornamental.

Apricots are a fruit that is full of treasures, and the flesh can be eaten, and the almonds can also be eaten. Compared to peaches and plums, apricot meat contains the highest content of vitamin A.

The protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals contained in apricots are relatively high in fruits. However, the hydrolysis of amygdalin in bitter almonds releases hydrocyanic acid, which can cause cell asphyxia, cause tissue hypoxia, and overdose from raw food can poison or even die. Therefore, be sure not to eat raw almonds. If it is overcooked and eaten, it is also necessary to control the amount of consumption, otherwise poisoning may also occur.

In addition, because apricots are rich in fruit acid and salicylic acid, excessive consumption will lead to excessive stomach acid, resulting in digestive discomfort. Therefore, eating more apricots will indeed "hurt people", and people with spleen and stomach discomfort should eat less.


Yuzu may destroy the detoxification function of the liver, why does yuzu become a "wounded liver fruit"? As a member of the citrus fruit, the grapefruit is fragrant and sweet and sour, it is a good fruit in itself, but if you do not understand its taboos, it will change from "angel" to "devil"!

Long ago, doctors discovered that the ingredients in grapefruit and grapefruit affect the metabolic processes of drugs in the human body, thereby changing the efficacy of the drug. It will also inhibit the activity of liver drug enzymes in the human body and affect the detoxification function of the liver.

If the patient drinks grapefruit juice or grapefruit juice when taking some antihypertensive drugs, it will cause an abnormal drop in blood pressure, and even a serious toxic side effect such as a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Grapefruit or grapefruit can affect more drugs, remind everyone to eat the following drugs, do not eat grapefruit juice (grapefruit juice):

Medications that should not be eaten with grapefruit

✦ Some blood pressure-lowering drugs, such as nifedipine;

✦ Some cholesterol-lowering statins, such as simvastatin tablets, atorvastatin tablets, pravastatin tablets;

✦ Drugs used partially for the treatment of arrhythmias, such as amiodarone hydrochloride;

✦ Partial treatment of allergies with antihistamines, such as fexofenadine;

✦ Some organs are used after transplantation, anti-rejection drugs, such as cyclosporine;

✦ Some anxiolytic drugs, such as buspirone.

Seeing this, some people will definitely ask: If you want to eat grapefruit, how long does it take to eat it after taking the medicine?

Recommendation: It is best to avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice for 3 days before taking the drug and for 6 hours after taking the drug. If it has been consumed prior to medical attention, you should consult your doctor if you need to adjust your medication.

Avocados and durians bring fat fatty liver

Avocado in recent years it is an Internet celebrity, the major platforms are advocating this "healthy fruit", how does it hurt the liver? To sum up two words simply: greasy!

The fat content of avocados is about 15%, which is much higher than that of ordinary lean meat and fish (about 3% to 5% fat content), and it is conceivable that every bite is full of fat!

It is no exaggeration to say that eating a larger avocados will exceed the standard for a day's oil intake. As we all know, the liver is afraid of "fat", eating too much high-fat food, fat will accumulate in the liver, thus forming a fatty liver, and eventually causing impaired liver function.

Therefore, do not want to feed the liver "fat", avocado or eat less, each time eat 1/4 is good.

Durian, known as the "king of fruits", did not expect that the amount of calories and oil is also the "king". And for every 100 grams of durian pulp, the sugar content is as high as 27 grams, and few people know that the sugar in the fruit also hurts the liver.

Because the "fructose" in the fruit is different from other sucrose and glucose, the fructose will initiate the synthesis of fat in the liver. If we often eat fruits with large sugar content, fructose and glucose at the same time, in the long run, more and more fat remains in the liver, even if we do not drink alcohol and do not eat meat, we may also form a non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Therefore, healthy people should not consume more than 2 cloves of durian a day (the edible part does not exceed 100g); Obese, fatty liver, diabetes, hyperlipidemia patients try not to eat, if indeed hungry, the daily amount should be controlled within 1 small piece.

Coconuts exceed calories and sugar

Coconut juice is not high in calories, and its calories are mainly concentrated in coconut meat. According to the analysis, the calories per 100 grams of coconut meat are as high as 241 kcal, the fat content is 12%, and the sugar content is as high as 31.3%.

If we take 1 kilogram of a coconut, then we will only eat more fat in the body. What's more, coconut oil made from coconut has a saturated fatty acid content of more than 80%, which is no less than lard.

The World Health Organization has long issued a warning: the intake of excessive saturated fatty acids can easily lead to atherosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, when eating coconuts, it is best to stop at coconut meat.

Source: Meet a famous doctor

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