
Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

author:Wenzhou Ancient Road

Wenzhou Thirty-Six Square yesterday

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Qin Guan, a poet of the Song Dynasty, mentioned in his article on Huaixian, a senior monk in Wenzhou, that in his later years, Huaixian raised five rare animals in the mountains of Jiangsu and called them "five guests". In fact, in addition to animals, the Song people also selected ten kinds of flowers with their own characteristics, calling them "friends": "Song Zeng Duanbo took ten flowers as ten friends" (Ming Dynasty Du Jie (Yin Ang) "Three Yu Redundant Pens"). The ten friends are Lan (Fangyou), Mei (Qingyou), Lamei (Qiyou), Ruixiang (Special Friend), Lotus (Jingyou), Xuelu (ZenYou), Ju (Jiayou), Osmanthus (Xianyou), and Haitang (Mingyou). At present, spring is in full bloom, and plum trees have also been newly planted under the Jigu Mountain in Zhongshan Park in Wenzhou City, and the Thirty-six Fangjun may wish to take this opportunity to choose a number of "friends" in the flowers and tell their stories.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Dongshan planting plum and Wenzhou suxin

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

The most is Qingfangkan and friends

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎ Plum

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎Wenzhou su

Among all kinds of flowers, the plum blossoms opened by Ling Han are known as "Qingyou" because of their thin branches and qing character, which has been deeply loved by literati since ancient times. For example, the Song Dynasty poet Lin Kui, who wrote the sentence "The shadow is shallow and shallow, and the dark incense floats in the dusk of the moon", when he was in the isolated mountain of Hangzhou, he planted plum blossoms near his residence, and also left an allusion to "plum wife crane".

Speaking of plum planting, there is also a good story in Wenzhou in the late past. It was after the Chongyang Festival in 1925, when Zhang Zongxiang and several literati in Wenzhou at that time held the autumn festival of "Yongjia Ciren Ancestral Hall" in Huagai Mountain in the east of the city. Some of them suggested that it was a coincidence that the stones of the valley mountain were very coincidental, and it would be better if they could grow some plum blossoms as companions. This proposal was approved by everyone, so they donated money to buy flowers. Later, under the personal supervision of Zhang Zongxiang, plum blossoms were planted on Jigu Mountain. A few months later, the newly planted plum trees lived up to expectations and bloomed. At that time, liu Shaokuan and others who advocated planting plums chanted poems to Zhizhi, and Zhang Zongxiang also wrote "Dongshan Planting Plum Songs", leaving a detailed record of this "elegant event" and also writing down a love affair between him and Wenzhou.

In the spring of this year, eighteen plum trees were planted around the newly built Dongshan Academy under The Mountain of Jigu, and their leaves are currently in full bloom next spring.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎ Zhang Zongxiang's "Dongshan Seed Plum Song" Wenzhou Museum Collection

"Will be a gentleman folded, Perry as fragrant", this is the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin wrote to the orchid. In addition to plum blossoms, Lan Hui, who is known as "Fangyou", has also been loved by literati of all generations.

Wenzhou has been rich in Lan Hui since ancient times and there are many varieties, earlier records can be seen in poems such as Zhu Xie Lingyun, the Ming Dynasty has Wen Zhengming and others to prove, and the famous local Lan Hui varieties include Yan Dang su and so on. In addition, there is also a foreign Su Xin Lan Hui variety named "Wenzhou", which is also quite popular.

According to the "Chinese Orchid Integration", "Wenzhou Su" is a large flower type of vegetarian flower, in the spring of 1915, Wenzhou people Qiu Zhongwei in Xiaoshan when purchasing green hemp raw materials from Lannong, and later cultivated, named "Wenzhou Su", is the existing Hui Lan Su flower old species one of the best flowers passed down, was included in japan's "Orchid Spectrum".

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Ruixiang flower poems are given to Wenzhou painters

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Light color means deep

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎ Ruixiang

In the Song and Ming dynasties, the flowers loved by the Chinese people were none other than Ruixiang. Ruixiang smells fragrant, the petals are thicker fleshy, "lilac on the outside, red on the inside". Song Sushi has the sentence "Light color means deep". Ruixiang is known as "Special Friend", and the Song Dynasty Wenzhou Emperor Shipeng (1112-1171) wrote several poems about Ruixiang, one of which is "Really Rui in the Flower, the name of this dynasty is first known." After a dream in Jiangnan, the world met Qingfen", it can be seen that Ruixiang became famous in the Song Dynasty.

By the Ming Dynasty, Ruixiang was still sought after by mainstream society. During the Reign of Ming Chengzu Yongle (1403-1424), the Wenzhou painter Xie Tingxun (1377-1452) entered Beijing to serve, and during the Xuande period, he entered the Court Painting Academy. The emperor at this time was Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Qizhan, who greatly appreciated Xie Tingxun and often gave poetry, paintings, and clothing. "RuiXiang Flower Poems Give Inner Straight Brocade Xie Tingxun" is one of them.

In this imperial work, the emperor described the Ruixiang flowers in detail: the Ruixiang flowers have several products, either red or white or purple, blooming in the early spring, and the fragrance is lovely. The Gaitang and Song people had many people who were endowed with chants. It is also seen in the clouds of short stories: "Ruixiang flowers, leaves are weaving." Its leaves are not the same, and the flowers are also different in color: or such as the red of agate, or like the appearance of jade snow, or with light or dark purple, and the calyxes are exquisite. After the lap of spring, the flowers are not released, and the plum blossoms are exclusive in the first spring. Around the branches of the fragrance of the dew, wanhui thousands of gourds always give way. Pupils are shining in the sun, and when the light fragrance breeze blows on the face. At first doubt, shen tan art baoding, also like Lan Musk Kaoru people's clothes. Ruixiang flowers, the tree is three feet tall. The mountain peach wild apricots are moving more than a foot, and they are like a thicket of fragrant fragrance. ”

The emperor's gift of poetry is not only the glory of Xie Tingxun, but also the wings of Ruixiang's national popularity, almost becoming a "national incense".

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Wenzhou lacquerware on the "Verdurnese"

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

When will the Zen friends arrive

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?


Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎ Song paintings in the Verdunciation

It has been recorded in the history books of the Tang Dynasty, and there are different transliterations such as Xuebu and Zhanbo. This exotic, Buddhist scripture recorded flowers are six out of six, white and fragrant. In the Southern Song Dynasty Wenzhou Zhou Zhifei's work "Lingwai DaiDa Xiangmen", it is called a gardenia: 蕃 gardenia, out of the great food (yì) country (Arab Empire), the So-called Lotus flower in the Buddhist book is also. Dried sea flowers, such as the safflower of the dyeing family also...

The status of Xue Luo in the Zen forest can be seen from Tang Wangwei's "Inscription of the Six Ancestors Huineng Zen Master", "The forest is a sandalwood, and there are no miscellaneous trees." The flowers are only fragrant, and do not smell the afterscent." Therefore, Wang Shipeng directly called it "Zen Friend" in the poem "Xue Luo":

When zen friends arrive, far from Vishnu.

Miao Xiang looks at the nose and should understand the roots of the Buddha.

Since the Tang and Song dynasties, the Vermilion has gradually sinicized and is often regarded as a gardenia. As an auspicious flower, it was not only painted by Zhao Yao of the Song Huizong in the "Sketch rare bird diagram", but also appeared on Wenzhou lacquerware and other living utensils.

Wenzhou lacquerware, the Song Dynasty began to be famous at home and abroad. In 1978, in the tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty in Wujin County, Jiangsu Province, a small scene of Zhu lacquer pattern rectangular black lacquer box was excavated, and the image of gardenia flowers was found in the decorative pattern on it.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎Gardenia line diagram on Wenzhou lacquerware

In Zhou's account, gardenia is not only a Zen flower, but also a dye and spice, which is the same as gardenia. In fact, gardenia is also a medicinal and food plant. For example, "Wen Gardenia", which has a cultivation history of more than 400 years in Wenzhou, is one of the six national geographical indications for agricultural products in our city, and is called the four traditional authentic Chinese medicinal materials in our city together with Wen Yujin, Wen Yam and Wen Citrus Shell.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

It's time to bloom

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

The fragrance is clear and full of spring light

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

◎ Tsubasa

The song dynasty's fashion of loving flowers is far beyond the imagination of today's people. At that time, men not only liked to wear flowers on their heads, but also liked to chant famous flowers. Also a famous flower in the Song Dynasty, it was a common poetic theme written by literati doctors. For example, Wang Qi of the Northern Song Dynasty, who served as the governor of Runzhou (present-day Zhenjiang), wrote a poem "Spring Twilight Tour to the Small Garden":

A clump of plum powder fades the makeup and smears the new red begonias.

When the flowers bloom, the silky thorns come out of the berry wall.

Many people have an impression of the dragonfly, perhaps starting from the sentence in "Dream of the Red Chamber" that quotes Wang Qi as "opening to the flower of the dragon". Su Shi has the sentence "The spring does not compete for spring, and the loneliness blooms the latest", which means that after the flower blooms, the spring is over. Flowers return to spring, always with sadness, so the flowers have also become the spokesperson for the "beauty of the end", often used in a terminating relationship. For example, zhang Ailing, a talented woman in the Republic of China, once followed the love of Wenzhou, or the most brilliant, prosperous and unforgettable in her life, but finally ended in the city of Wenzhou, it can indeed be said that it is "love to the end".

Although the flower means "sad beauty", it has an unbeautiful name called "heavy petal hollow bubble", which is rubusrosifoliusvar .coronarius (Sims) Focke in the book "Chinese Tree Taxonomy" by tree taxonomist Chen Rong.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?
Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Attached to the King's Ten Peng Poems

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?
Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Dotted lips, rhymes with mushrooms

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

The feather cover hangs down, and the jade is chaotic and full of spring light.

The fragrance is clear and far away. Warm sun baking courtyard.

Lu Hun Qiongzhi, his face was full of He Lang's halo.

Condensation of hatred. The ancients are gone. Who argues with the flowers.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Dot Lips Rui xiang

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

The sills are gloomy, and the purple clouds are cold.

Roller shutter pillows. Incense compels the ghost to sleep.

In the year of the dream, Lufu was famous.

The wind is very windy. A who inscription. Called smoked dragon brocade.

Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?


Peach plum apricot is not worthy of being a friend? So what do you know which are the "Ten Friends in Flowers"? What are the stories?

Once into the Jiangnan Dream, so it is renamed Ruixiang.

Who is good to talk about, Yamu mistakenly more open.


"Wenzhou Lacquerware Appreciation - On the Influence of History and Culture on Ancient Wenzhou Lacquerware" by Wu Xianjun

Edited by Chen Fu

Edited by Xue Min

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