
Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face] The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers since 2020

author:Polaris Discovery Channel

Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face]

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers, as many returned to their countries when the first lockdown went into effect in early 2020.

David Duffy, co-owner of the Duffy Circus in Northern Ireland, said the shortage of clown performers had become a problem as the circus prepared to re-tour northern Ireland and Duffy was ready to recruit a new performance team. If you're looking to become a professional clown, perform a short song in an online audition by Mr. Duffy!

Interestingly, Iceland's Emilia and Greitil, upon hearing the news, actually went to Northern Ireland to become clowns.

"I told my parents, 'I'm going to go to clown school in Ireland for seven months'. They said, 'No, Emilia, you're kidding'. Some of my friends still don't believe I'm here," Emilia Bergstottier said.

#Joker ##北爱尔兰 #

Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face] The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers since 2020
Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face] The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers since 2020
Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face] The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers since 2020
Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face] The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers since 2020
Northern Ireland is in short supply of clowns, is there a shortage of them? Team up to go to Northern Ireland to be a professional clown. [Cover your face] The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shortage of performers since 2020

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