
Because a few raw melon seeds cost me nearly 600 yuan, this is a bitter lesson for my inherent thinking. On the afternoon of June 30th, I wrote headlines while sniffing pumpkin seeds because I ate them every day

author:Poplar trees in the desert

Because a few raw melon seeds cost me nearly 600 yuan, this is a bitter lesson for my inherent thinking.

On the afternoon of June 30th, I sniffed pumpkin seeds while writing headlines, because eating a little nut every day is a habit of mine, usually eating a small handful (about 20 or 30), that day I didn't know how the mouth was so idle, I ate two, I gave myself a psychological hint at that time - raw melon seeds are not hot, will not catch fire.

When I went to bed at night, I found that the tip of my tongue hurt a little, and I didn't care. The next day I got up and my tongue didn't hurt, in the afternoon my daughter learned to make cakes, baked and let me taste it, I ate two small pieces of the big thumb head, that night was fine, the next day I got up my left cheek became "big bread" - swollen.

At that time, I thought that it was not good to eat too much medicine, anyway, the human body has the ability to repair itself, I ignored it, and wanted to slowly recover on its own. I soaked some summer valley grass water to drink, drank for two days in a row, except for the swelling and pain in my left cheek, everything else was fine, I thought it would be fine slowly.

Who knew that by the evening of the fourth day, my blood pressure soared again, and at 156/95, I had to add another antihypertensive drug, and by bedtime, it was still about the same value.

I remembered what netizens taught me some time ago, go to bed and lie down to let the blood pressure slowly come down, I did it, but by 23 o'clock, the blood pressure was still high, the head was buzzing non-stop, sometimes swelling and pain, sometimes dizzy, for 3 consecutive days.

I went to the hospital to see, looked at the respiratory department and the department of stomatology, they all said that my gums were inflamed, let me infuse two or three days of liquid, take some anti-inflammatory drugs, and spend nearly 600 meters before and after. Yesterday one day the blood pressure was finally normal.

Hey, in my cognition, eating raw melon seeds is not on fire, and in recent years I have insisted on eating a little bit almost every day, who knows how many more I ate this time, plus the two small cakes, the consequences are so serious that I never expected.

The old machine of the body always brushes the sense of existence from time to time, reminding me that you have passed middle age and cannot eat like a young person.

It seems that in the future, I can only eat some tofu cabbage every day like her father said, otherwise I can only spend money to find guilt.

Because a few raw melon seeds cost me nearly 600 yuan, this is a bitter lesson for my inherent thinking. On the afternoon of June 30th, I wrote headlines while sniffing pumpkin seeds because I ate them every day
Because a few raw melon seeds cost me nearly 600 yuan, this is a bitter lesson for my inherent thinking. On the afternoon of June 30th, I wrote headlines while sniffing pumpkin seeds because I ate them every day
Because a few raw melon seeds cost me nearly 600 yuan, this is a bitter lesson for my inherent thinking. On the afternoon of June 30th, I wrote headlines while sniffing pumpkin seeds because I ate them every day

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