
With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

author:Beijing Association for Science and Technology

The octopus has evolved to this point, which can be said to be what cause is planted, what fruit it has.

Many self-media myth octopuses, but in front of people, there is really nothing to blow.

After the Cambrian explosion of life, organisms came out of the small shell era and began to become large-scale.

Large-scale means that the body needs more support.

Arthropods evolved a few chisin exoskeletons, and chordates evolved rod-like chords, which supported the entire body, and later simply evolved the vertebrae.

The octopus's distant ancestor, the Ordovician horror giant Horn stone, relies on hard shell support, so that they are enough to compete with the sea scorpion.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

As a prehistoric overlord, the evolution of the horn stone at this time can be described as quite successful.

About 700 million to 800 million years ago, when early spiny animals (jellyfish) appeared, the nervous system first appeared, but it was reticulated. Move your whole body with one touch. With the advent of flatworms, there is a trapezoidal nervous system, and then nematodes merge into ganglia.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

The arthropods that dominated in the Cambrian period were concentrated to form healing nodes, forming "brains" and abdominal nerve cords, which became a chain nervous system. If you don't pursue too large a body size, the unmyelinated chain nervous system is actually enough for organisms.

In this branch of molluscs, the concentrated nerve cords are divided into four ganglia of the brain, foot, side, and organ.

Although in the eyes of humans, mollusks such as shells are quite LOW, but in the early Cambrian era, they were actually quite advanced.

This is also why, from the Cambrian to the Ordovician, mollusks will have 5 to 10 meters of the horn stone like the original overlord of the ocean.

The evolutionary strategy of the so-called Cheng ye Xiao He defeat Xiao He and Fang Jiaoshi also determines that its descendants will never turn back towards another special path.

480 million years ago, the first mass extinction occurred, the mass extinction at the end of the Ordovician.

The bulky horn stones went straight to extinction, and the entire cephalopods collapsed.

Cephalopods had to be miniaturized, but had limited mobility and were clad in hard shells, on the edge of the marine food chain.

For example, like the Nautilus, lie flat directly:

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

Perhaps ammonite survived several mass extinctions, plus there were really no natural enemies, and finally prospered for a while.

By 400 million years ago, when the Nautilus evolved ammonite and its size began to scale again, fish had already dominated the ocean, and even such a giant, the Dunn's fish in the shield fish, appeared.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

You say that fish have evolved this thing, and you have a hard shell that doesn't matter.

So cephalopods had to evolve faster and survive in the cracks. Beginning in the Carboniferous Period, cephalopods evolved shells into the body.

So the arrow stone appeared.

In order to pursue speed, Jianshi's brachiopods have become more developed, which naturally requires a higher configuration of the nervous system. The template of the nervous system at the beginning of cephalopods is the four major ganglia, so the more developed the brachiopod nervous system becomes, the more independent it is.

Although arrowstones flourished in the Jurassic Period, they declined again in the Cretaceous Period.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

After experiencing the fifth mass extinction, in addition to the extinction of the dinosaurs, ammonites and arrow stones were extinct, and other cephalopods were also hit.

However, this great reshuffle also allowed cephalopods that had completely shed their shells to gradually occupy the ecological niche of those extinct cephalopods, which are subclasses, including subclasses of arrowstones and neo-slugs (octopus, squid, squid, etc.).

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

By 65 million years ago (Late Cretaceous, 0.65 to 145 million years), the subclass Beetle began to fully release itself and entered a period of small evolutionary explosions.

Octopus brachiopods have evolved more developed, not only occupying 2/3 of neurons, but also due to the developed brachiopod muscles, octopuses have even completely degenerated their inner shell.

The movement and sensation of the brachiopods, reflexes do not require signals from the brain. In addition to linking the optic nerve, the brain mainly coordinates. Octopus complex motor skills do not need to be organized through the brain.

If your nervous system is replaced by the nervous system of an octopus, your hands are doing all kinds of things that you yourself don't know, or you know that you can't stop it at all.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

Even a lot of things you don't know, your brachiopods can know because it has a separate memory system and suction cups connected.

For octopuses, the nervous system of their ancestors determined that they could only optimize as much as possible and coordinate treatment as much as possible, but they could not change the foundation of fragmentation.

The evolutionary perception of each tentacle can also avoid entanglement of brachiopods.

Of course, the octopus's brain is not useless, can perceive the direction, gravity and position information of the body, and even detect angular acceleration, and has good intelligence.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

As a sea creature, having such an ability has almost reached the ceiling.

In addition to some creatures that can relax and enjoy themselves on the seabed, organisms that adapt to seawater have streamlined or softened their body structures, and no matter how high their intelligence is, as long as they do not land on evolution, there is no future for civilization.

But as a mollusk, you have to support it, and evolutionary time is also an issue.

As for the octopus's three hearts, there is nothing worth saying.

An octopus is a closed circulatory system, a heart that circulates blood throughout the body, and two gill hearts. The gill heart only supplies blood to the gills.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

In fact, the root cause is that the main heart is too weak. Compared to vertebrates, the function is much worse.

The octopus's whole-body heart, the slightest movement, will be tired. Therefore, octopus not only likes to crawl, but when swimming, the whole body heart is not active.

It is precisely because of the congenital "defect" of the blood ring system that the octopus has to evolve two more hearts.

The distant ancestor of the octopus, after all, is a very simple animal. No one could have predicted that it would evolve so complicated later.

However, since the design drawings are simple and rough, they can only patch and fill in loopholes.

Moreover, in order to adapt to the cold environment with low oxygen content, octopus uses copper protein-rich hemoplasmin to deliver oxygen.

With three hearts and nine heads, why did the octopus become a delicious grill stall?

The blue color of hemocylin not only allows the octopus to have blue blood, but also makes the blood highly sticky.

The small octopus, whose blood pressure is as high as 75 mm Hg (10 kPa), is close to a human.

With such a weak heart ability, it is difficult to support the brain's higher evolution. After all, a brain like the human body consumes 20% of the total oxygen consumed by the human body.

Although octopuses have 500 million neurons, comparable to the cerebral cortex of dogs, they are indeed better than many mammals, and are absolutely the same in invertebrates.

But in the face of mammals with a highly specialized nervous system, there is really no advantage.

What's more, in the face of ordinary mammals, human beings have also evolved an incomparably developed neocortex.

Between the octopus and the man, there are at least 20 dogs.

Its well-developed brachiopod muscles, crisp and tender Q, have become the delicious role of a human barbecue stall, and it is perfect

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