
Gac's Announcement No. 55 of 2022 丨 Announcement on Quarantine Requirements for Imported Fresh Citrus Plants from Zimbabwe

author:12360 Customs Hotline
Gac's Announcement No. 55 of 2022 丨 Announcement on Quarantine Requirements for Imported Fresh Citrus Plants from Zimbabwe

The official website of the General Administration of Customs published the Announcement Of the General Administration of Customs [2022] No. 55 (Announcement on the Quarantine Requirements for Importing Fresh Citrus Plants from Zimbabwe), and the following is the content of the announcement:

Gac's Announcement No. 55 of 2022 丨 Announcement on Quarantine Requirements for Imported Fresh Citrus Plants from Zimbabwe

No. 55 of 2022

In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Mainland and the Protocol between the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Land, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water Resources and Rural Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe on plant quarantine requirements for the export of fresh citrus from Zimbabwe to China, from now on, the import of fresh citrus from Zimbabwe that meets the following relevant requirements is allowed:

1. Basis for quarantine

(1) The Biosecurity Law of the People's Republic of China;

(2) The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants Entering and Leaving china and the Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants Entering and Leaving the Country;

(3) Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Imported Fruits;

(4) Protocol between the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Land, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water Resources and Rural Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe on Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of FreshLy Eaten Citrus from Zimbabwe to China.

2. The names of commodities allowed to enter the country

Fresh citrus (hereinafter referred to as "citrus"), including sweet orange Citrus sinensis, orange Citrus reticulata, grapefruit Citrus paradisi, lemon Citrus limon, Lemon Citrus aurantifolia, lime Citrus aurantium.

3. Permitted places of origin

All of Zimbabwe.

4. Approved orchards and packaging plants

Citrus orchards and packing plants must be registered with the Ministry of Land, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water Resources and Rural Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe (hereinafter referred to as "MLAFWRD") and approved jointly by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "GACC") and MLAFWRD. The registration information shall include the name, address and registration number in order to accurately trace the origin of the exported goods if they do not comply with the relevant provisions of this quarantine requirement. The registration list should be provided to GACC by MLAFWRD before the annual export season, and the GACC will publish the registration list on the official website.

5. List of quarantine pests of concern

1. Apple special-shaped small curl moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta

2. Ceratitis capitata, the Mediterranean fruit fly

3. Mango wax fruit fly Ceratitis cosyra

4. Orange nest moth Prays citri

5. Mango white-wheeled insect Auralacaspis tubercularis

6. Ceroplastes destructor

7. Fig waxworm Ceroplastes rusci

8. Osmanthus ctenophore round shield worm Hemiberlesia rapax

9. Tapioca sheep mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti

10. Kenyan powdery worm Planococcus kenyae

11. African orange hard thrips Scirtothrips aurantii

12. Orange sprout gall mite Aceria sheldoni

13. California Brevipalpus californicus

14. Citrus spotted fungus Pheoramularia angolensis

15. African citrus apatosaurus candidatus liberobacter africanum

6. Pre-export requirements

(1) Orchard management.

1. Citrus orchards exported to China should implement good agricultural practices (GAP) and integrated pest management (IPM), maintain sanitary conditions in orchards, remove rotten fruits at harvest, and adopt prevention and control measures such as pest monitoring, chemical or biological control, and agricultural operations.

2. MLAFWRD shall carry out orchard monitoring of quarantine pests of chinese concern. Citrus orchards are required to keep records of pest monitoring and control and provide them to GACC upon request. The control record must include details such as the name, active ingredient, date of use and concentration of all chemicals used during the growing season.

3. Phytosanitary measures for citrus orchards exported to China must be implemented under the guidance of technical personnel with phytosanitary knowledge such as pest prevention and control and monitoring, and the technicians shall receive training from MLAFWRD or MLAFWRD authorized training institutions.

4. For the Mediterranean fruit fly, mango wax fruit fly and apple special-shaped small curl moth, citrus orchards in China need to adopt integrated field management measures, including trapping monitoring, the use of chemical or biological control and other methods, and the establishment of a monitoring system to reduce the density of insect populations. The monitoring time should start from the flowering period until the end of citrus harvesting, and the density of each trap set for the Mediterranean fruit fly, mango wax fruit fly and apple special-shaped curl moth is not less than 3 per square kilometer, and the trap set for a single orchard of less than 1 square kilometer should not be less than 2 each. Check the trap at least once every 2 weeks and take effective preventive measures in due course.

5. For citrus spotted bacteria and African citrus huanglongbing bacteria, citrus export must be monitored in orchards, at least every 15 days. If citrus spotted bacteria or African citrus huanglongbing bacteria are found during the monitoring process, prevention and control measures should be taken in a timely manner, and the citrus from these orchards must not be exported to China this season.

6. For other quarantine pests of Chinese concern, such as orange nest moths, mites, mites and thrips, orchard monitoring is carried out from flowering to harvest, and monitored every 2 weeks. If high-density populations are found, biological or chemical control measures need to be taken in a timely manner.

7. Once other quarantine pests are detected, MLAFWRD shall immediately notify GACC and take comprehensive measures including chemical or biological control for treatment.

(2) Packaging plant management.

1. The processing, packaging, storage and shipment of citrus exported to China shall be carried out under the supervision of MLAFWRD.

2. Packaging plants and cold storage need to have good sanitary conditions and measures to prevent pest re-infection (such as insect nets, etc.).

3. In the process of processing, citrus must be screened, sorted and graded, the defective fruit is removed, sterilized, cleaned, brushed, waxed and other processes are carried out, and it is guaranteed that it does not carry insects, mites, rotten fruits, branches, leaves, roots and soil.

4. Exported citrus must be packaged separately from citrus sent to other markets and stored separately.

(3) Packaging requirements.

1. All packaging materials for citrus exported to China should be clean and hygienic, unused, and comply with China's relevant phytosanitary requirements.

2. Each box must be marked with information such as fruit name, country, place of origin, orchard name or registration number, packaging plant name or registration number.

3. Each box and pallet should be marked in English: "Exported to the People's Republic of China" (to the People's Republic of China).

4. If wood packaging is used, it must comply with the relevant requirements of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM15).

(4) Quarantine treatment requirements.

1. All citrus exported to China must be cold treatment and pest control measures. The cold treatment indicators are as follows:

Lemon: 3 ° C or less (pulp temperature), continuous treatment for 18 days or more.

Citrus (except lemons): -0.6 ° C or less (pulp temperature), continuous treatment for 24 days or more. It must be pre-cooled at -0.6 °C for 72 hours before cold treatment. During the cold treatment process, if the treatment temperature is higher than -0.3 °C in a certain period of time, the treatment is extended accordingly by 8 hours / day. If the temperature exceeds 0 °C, this cold treatment is ineffective.

2. Cold treatment shall be carried out under the supervision of MLAFWRD and in accordance with the operating procedures for cold treatment during export transportation (see annex).

(5) Quarantine before export.

1. Within two years after the trade is carried out, MLAFWRD officials should conduct a sampling inspection of each batch of citrus exported to China in the proportion of 2%, and if no phytosanitary problems occur within two years, the sampling ratio can be reduced to 1%.

2. In the quarantine inspection of MLAFWRD, if any quarantine pests of chinese concern are found, the entire batch of goods shall not be exported to China. MLAFWRD should pinpoint the cause and take measures to improve it.

3. MLAFWRD shall keep all inspection records and provide them to GACC upon request.

(6) Requirements for phytosanitary certificates.

1. Citrus that have passed the quarantine, issued by MLAFWRD with a phytosanitary certificate indicating the registration number of the orchard and packing plant, and indicating in an additional statement: "THIS CONSIGNMENT OF CITRUS COMPLIES WITH THE PROTOCOL OF PHYTOSANITARY REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPORT OF ZIMBABWEAN FRESH CITRUS TO CHINA, AND IS FREE FROM ANY QUARANTINE PESTS OF CONCERN TO CHINA.” (The batch of citrus complies with the protocol on phytosanitary requirements for the export of fresh citrus from Zimbabwe to China, and does not bring quarantine pests of concern to the Chinese side.) )

2. The phytosanitary certificate shall indicate the temperature of the cold treatment, the processing time, the container number and the sealing number.

3. MLAFWRD shall provide GACC with a sample of the phytosanitary certificate before the trade proceeds for the Chinese side to file for verification.

7. Entry inspection and quarantine and unqualified treatment

When the exported citrus arrives at the Chinese port of entry, the Chinese Customs shall implement quarantine in accordance with the following requirements.

(1) Verification of relevant certificates and logos.

1. Verify whether imported citrus has obtained the Quarantine Permit for Imported Animals and Plants.

2. Verify whether the phytosanitary certificate complies with the provisions of Article 6 (6).

3. Verify that the markings on the boxes comply with the provisions of Article 6 (3).

4. Verify the cold treatment report, fruit temperature probe correction record, etc.

(2) Entry inspection and quarantine.

1. Citrus exported to China shall enter the country from the port where the Chinese side allows the import of fruit.

2. In accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules and other provisions, the import of citrus shall be inspected and quarantined, and those who pass the inspection and quarantine shall be allowed to enter the country.

(3) Handling that does not meet the requirements.

1. If it is found to come from an unapproved orchard or packing plant, the batch of citrus shall not be allowed to enter the country.

2. If the cold treatment is found to be invalid, the batch of citrus will be cold treated at the port of entry (if it is confirmed to be a refrigerated container, the cold treatment can be carried out in this container), otherwise the batch of citrus will be returned or destroyed.

3. If live Mediterranean fruit flies, mango wax flies or apple special-shaped curl moths are intercepted, the consignments are returned, destroyed or effectively quarantined for de-harm. GaCC will immediately notify MLAFWRD of the suspension of citrus exports from relevant orchards and packaging plants to China until the entire project is suspended as appropriate. MLAFWRD should conduct investigations to identify the causes and implement appropriate improvement measures. The GACC will decide whether to lift the moratorium based on the results of the assessment of the improvement measures taken on the MLAFWRD.

4. If other quarantine pests or new quarantine pests of Chinese concern are found, the goods shall be returned, destroyed or effectively quarantined and treated. MLAFWRD should conduct investigations to identify the causes and implement appropriate improvement measures.

VIII. Conformity review

In the first year of this project, with the assistance of MLAFWRD, the GACC will send officials to Zimbabwe to conduct a compliance review of the quarantine procedures and measures provided for in this quarantine requirement, focusing on pest monitoring and control, as well as the management of orchards and packaging plants exported to China.

Retrospective review

Based on the development and interception of the citrus outbreak in Zimbabwe, the GACC will conduct further risk assessment and consult with MLAFWRD to timely adjust the list of quarantine pests of concern to the Chinese side and related quarantine measures.

This is hereby announced.

Attachment: .doc of the operating procedures for cold treatment during transport


July 1, 2022

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