
How did Sun Zhen, who started against the wind, do he do the Jedi counter-killing?

author:The grandson of the King of Chu who has a long knowledge and a short knowledge

Sun Zhen was a descendant of Sun Wu of the State of Qi, and both he and Pang Juan of the State of Wei were disciples of Ghost Guzi. Pang Juan went to Wei to introduce himself, and before leaving, he said to Sun Zhen: I am going to become an official, I must recommend my brother and master, and we will be rich and noble together. Sun Bing was very grateful.

How did Sun Zhen, who started against the wind, do he do the Jedi counter-killing?

Later, Pang Juan was appreciated by King Hui of Wei, broke several countries in a row, and was even more trusted by King Hui of Wei. Once, Mozi's apprentice Bird Slippery said to Sun Zhen, why don't you go out and make a contribution? Sun Zhen said, my brother Pang Juan said that if he became a high official, he would take me with him. Bird Slippery was very curious, Pang Juan had already become a general, so he went to King Hui of Wei and said: Sun Bin learned the art of war of his grandfather and grandson, and the world is invincible! King Hui of Wei then asked Pang Juan why didn't you recommend your master and brother to me. Pang Juan knew Sun Zhen's talent, afraid that he would affect his own position, and made excuses to say, I am afraid that Master Brother is a Qi national and will not try his best to help Wei Guo. King Hui of Wei did not think so, and Pang Juan had no choice but to call Sun Zhen over. King Hui of Wei planned to make Sun Zhi a deputy military division and let them jointly take charge of military power, but Pang Juan was unwilling, saying that his brother was the right and the brother was the deputy, and he found an excuse to let Sun Zhi be a guest secretary with no real power.

One day, someone brought a letter from Sun Bing and wanted sun to return to the State of Qi to serve, but Sun Bing refused, so he wrote back. In fact, he caught Up Pang Juan's ruse, and Pang Juan imitated Sun Zhen's handwriting to tamper with the content, and took the letter to Wei Huiwang to report it. But King Hui of Wei did not want to kill Sun Zhen, and Pang Juan said that I would persuade him, and if he still wanted to leave, he would leave it to me. The next day, Pang Juan went to see Sun Zhen and said, Brother Master, why don't you go back to see it when you receive the letter from home, and I persuaded King Hui of Wei to give you a leave of absence. Sun Bin was very happy and sent a leave note to King Hui. When King Hui looked at it, if you really wanted to leave, he would leave you alone, and sent someone to arrest Sun Zhen and hand it over to Pang Juan. Pang Juan pretended to intercede, and said that the king originally wanted to kill you, and I said that I only left you alive, but I still had to dig out the kneecap and stab the words. After that, Pang Juan also sent someone to take care of him, and Sun Zhen was very moved. One day, Pang Juan asked him: "Sun Wu's Art of War", Master Brother please lend me a look." Sun Zhen said happily, I will turn back to you silently.

How did Sun Zhen, who started against the wind, do he do the Jedi counter-killing?

But Sun Zhi was like that, and he had to use bamboo to carve words, and he couldn't write a few lines a day. Pang Juan urged tightly and sent a book boy to supervise. The book boy did not understand why he was so tight, so he went to inquire. Someone told him that when he finished writing, he would kill Sun Zhen. The book boy hurriedly told Sun Zhen the truth. When Pang Juan heard about this, he was afraid that he was pretending to be crazy, so he put Sun Bin in the pigsty. Sun Bing fell asleep on the pile of dung, and when he woke up, he picked up the pig and stuffed it into his mouth. Pang Juan had no choice, so he did not force Sun Zhen to write a military book, but still sent someone to monitor it.

How did Sun Zhen, who started against the wind, do he do the Jedi counter-killing?

Bird Slip Li learned of this and consulted with Tian Ji, hid among the envoys of the State of Qi, and mixed in, and rescued Sun Zhi back to the State of Qi at night. The first time Pang Juan attacked the State of Zhao, the State of Zhao asked the King of Qi wei for help, and the King of Qi Wei wanted to make Sun Zhi a general, but Sun Zhi refused, recommending Tian Ji as a general. Under the guidance of Sun Bing, directly attacking the State of Wei, the Wei army could only go back to the rescue, which was to encircle Wei and save Zhao. The second time Pang Juan attacked Korea, Sun Zhen was still like this, and Pang Juan could only retreat to support. Sun Bing also retreated at a glance, Pang Juan looked at the Qi army's stove, day by day less and less, felt that the Qi soldiers were afraid to run away, so they hurried to chase, in the night regardless of the terrain rushed forward, suddenly the road in front was sealed, leaving only a tree that was not cut down, Pang Juan looked at it, the tree wrote, "Pang Juan died under this tree." In this way, Pang Juan was ambushed, desperate and had to commit suicide, and the enmity between the two brothers finally disappeared.

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How did Sun Zhen, who started against the wind, do he do the Jedi counter-killing?