
#World History #Solomon Dynasty is the last dynasty in the history of the eastern African country of Ethiopia, founded in 1270 AD, founded by the founding monarch Yekuno I, thanks to Yekuno I

author:The royal palace of history

#World History# Solomon Dynasty is the last dynasty in the history of ethiopia in the eastern African country, founded in 1270 AD, the founding monarch Yekuno I, because Yekuno I claimed to be the descendant of King Solomon and Queen Sheba recorded in the Bible, so he called the dynasty he established as the Solomon Dynasty, the official name of the country Abyssinia, in 1974 AD the fallen monarch Haier Selasi I was overthrown by the military coup, the Solomon dynasty collapsed, the kingdom lasted for 704 years, 65 monarchs.

For more than six hundred years after the establishment of the Solomon Dynasty in Ethiopia, the title of monarch was King, and in 1889, the 62nd King Menelik II succeeded to the throne, changing the title of monarch to Emperor and the name of the country to Ethiopia, and the successor monarchs Eyasu V, Zoditu I, and Haile Selassie I were all emperors.

Due to the age of the Solomon kings before Menelik II, it is difficult for me to find historical photos or portraits, but after unremitting efforts, the author has the privilege of finding historical photos of the accession of the four emperors of the Solomon Dynasty, Menelik II, Eyasu V, Zoditu I, and Hel Selassie I, and likes world history to cherish these precious world history materials.

#World History #Solomon Dynasty is the last dynasty in the history of the eastern African country of Ethiopia, founded in 1270 AD, founded by the founding monarch Yekuno I, thanks to Yekuno I
#World History #Solomon Dynasty is the last dynasty in the history of the eastern African country of Ethiopia, founded in 1270 AD, founded by the founding monarch Yekuno I, thanks to Yekuno I
#World History #Solomon Dynasty is the last dynasty in the history of the eastern African country of Ethiopia, founded in 1270 AD, founded by the founding monarch Yekuno I, thanks to Yekuno I
#World History #Solomon Dynasty is the last dynasty in the history of the eastern African country of Ethiopia, founded in 1270 AD, founded by the founding monarch Yekuno I, thanks to Yekuno I

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