
The first bean in the summer, pull out moisture, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, and the physical discomfort is skillfully resolved

author:Director yang of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Speaking of beans, everyone's first reaction is round green beans, black beans, red beans, soybeans, few will think of - white lentils.

The first bean in the summer, pull out moisture, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, and the physical discomfort is skillfully resolved

White lentils have been a good product for medicinal and food uses since ancient times, and "Chinese Materia Medica" believes that white lentils are sweet and mildly warm. Return to the spleen, stomach meridian, can strengthen the spleen and dampness, and cool down. It is used for spleen and stomach weakness, loss of appetite, loose stools, excessive vaginal discharge, hot and wet vomiting, chest tightness and bloating, pediatric chancre and so on.

The "Famous Doctors' Catalogue" also records that white lentils can "harmonize with the middle and lower qi", and their therapeutic value is also recorded in detail as early as the Yuan Dynasty Meng Xue's "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica", which is considered to be "long-term food head is not white".

The first bean in the summer, pull out moisture, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, and the physical discomfort is skillfully resolved

【White Lentils】

Medicinal properties: sweet, slightly warm. Return to the spleen and stomach meridians.

Indications: Healthy spleen and dampness, and heat dissipation. Indications for the treatment of spleen and stomach weakness, lack of appetite, stool diarrhea, excessive vaginal discharge, summer wet vomiting, chest tightness and bloating.

Dosage: Decoction, 9 ~ 15 grams. Fried lentils are healthy and wet, used for spleen deficiency and diarrhea, excessive vaginal discharge.

Modern pharmacology: white lentil decoction has the effect of inhibiting dysentery bacilli and antiviral, has a detoxifying effect on vomiting and acute gastritis caused by food poisoning, and also has the effect of antidote to alcohol, puffer fish and other food poisoning. White lentil polysaccharides have antioxidant and immune-enhancing functions.

【Use contraindications】It is not advisable to eat more, so as not to delay the spleen. Raw use of research should be taken with caution.

(1) Tao Hongjing "Those who suffer from cold and fever cannot eat." ”

(2) "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica" "People suffering from cold air should not eat." ”

(3) "Dietary Recipes for Living with The Rest" "Those who suffer from malaria are forbidden." ”

The first bean in the summer, pull out moisture, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, and the physical discomfort is skillfully resolved

How to eat white lentils?

White lentils can be fried as a snack to eat, eat 15 grams a day, you can also beat into a powder paste to eat, usually more ways to eat is to cook porridge, soup or boiling water, but also to share with you 2 simple methods:

1. Porridge with lentils:

20 grams of white lentils, 20 grams of coriander, 50 grams of japonica rice. When making, first cook the mustard, remove the shell, take the kernel and mash, soak the lentils in wet water for 12 hours, rinse and set aside: then take the japonica rice and the treated mustard, put the lentils together in a sand pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and boil until the rice soup is thick.

This porridge is beneficial to qi replenishment, dissolve the wet spleen, and can play the effect of regulating the spleen and stomach and helping to correct and dispel evil. It is especially suitable for daily health care in the summer month, and can also be used for spleen deficiency and wet sleepiness caused by less food, full abdomen, loose stool, light tongue and other symptoms, and can now be used for acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, indigestion and so on. It is recommended to take 1 dose per day and once on an empty stomach for long-term consumption.

The first bean in the summer, pull out moisture, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, and the physical discomfort is skillfully resolved

2、 Lentil soup:

30 grams of white lentils, 15 grams of coriander. When making, first wash the white lentils into the sand pot, add an appropriate amount of water, fry until the lentils are cooked, then put down the fragrant herbs packed in a gauze bag, and then fry for 3-5 minutes, discard the medicine bag and prepare for drinking.

This soup has the effect of relieving the heat, reducing dampness and neutralization, and can play the effect of sweating and dispersing cold, strengthening the spleen and protecting the stomach. Used for summer cold and wind chill, internal injury and stagnation is particularly suitable, and now the air conditioning disease is this certificate, patients often have cold fever, cold limbs without sweat, nausea, loose stools, red tongue and other symptoms. Therefore, the soup is a therapeutic medicinal diet, but it should not be taken for a long time. It is recommended to take 1 dose per day in 2 divided doses, and it is advisable to drink 3-5 doses continuously.

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