
Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

author:Listening to the Moon Studio

Twenty-one paintings by Salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish modernist painter in the twentieth century, have been exhibited in the world

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Art is a process of "enlightenment.". A person tells a story about what he loves in the form of literature, painting, music, dance, sculpture, architecture, drama and film, expressing his feelings about beauty and gaining the love of the public.

In the real world of art, there is no preparatory school, but there is one of the best ways to prepare, which is to have a most humble apprenticeship interest in the works of the artists. People who grind paint in this way often become good painters.

The premise of making dreams come true is inseparable from the time, place, and people. As the saying goes: "Reading ten thousand books is not as good as walking a thousand miles, walking a thousand miles is not as good as reading countless people, reading countless people is not as good as a high person's steps, and a high person's point is not as good as an epiphany." ”

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Modernism emerged in the middle of the second half of the 19th century and declined roughly in the 1960s and 1970s, and it completed its own journey in a fierce confrontation between destruction and creation, just like the economic, political and cultural background that underpinned it, on the one hand, the rapid development of industrial science and technology, and on the other hand, the unprecedented catastrophe brought to mankind by the two world wars. It is a general term for certain genres of modern art developed by Western countries from the second half of the 19th century - Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, Abstract Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstractionism, Pop Art, and so on.

The term "modernism" is associated with a new, unconventional artistic idea that distinguishes it from the past; Modernist art is different from the traditional art of the past, nor does it include the various genres of realism in modern times, it is not the same concept as modern Western art, it only occupies a place in it.

Modernism, with its practical efficacy and achievements, prompted people to gradually adopt a more open attitude towards artistic innovation; The increasing maturity of photographic techniques has seriously shaken the belief in painting that has always regarded the imitation of nature as its entire purpose; The introduction of Japanese prints stimulated the fine arts; Under the influence of philosophy and psychology, a group of painters opposed the suppression of reason and the shackles of tradition, attached importance to intuition and subconscious activities, and were not satisfied with the reproduction of objective things artistically, but focused on inner "self-expression".

Van Gogh and Picasso, masters of light and color, were chosen to link the transitions and alternations of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist and Modernist paintings. In short, the creative ideas of modernist artists are extremely complex and diverse.

In the history of Western art, especially in the history of Western modern painting in the twentieth century, there have been a variety of situations, and various genres have emerged. There have been many schools of painting, such as: Fauvist painting represented by Matisse, Cubist painting represented by Picasso and so on.

Realism is a widely used concept of art that refers to art's fidelity to nature. It advocates accurate observation, representing ordinary people and their daily real lives.

Impressionism originated in France in the 1860s and was named after Monet's painting Impression Sunrise. The Impressionists abandoned the "line" that was most valued in classical art, and chose to use the change of light and shadow to deny the existence of the contour.

Fauvism is a further exploration based on Impressionism. Pursue more subjective and intense artistic expression. The biggest feature of this genre is bright colors and bold brushwork, and it is no wonder that it is called "beast"!

Simply put, surrealism is about not caring about reality, but specializing in painting things that are impossible and non-existent in reality. For example, in this painting by the famous painter Dalí, why can't a donkey look like a fish?

There is also expressionism, primitivism, cubism, futurism, Dadaism, abstraction, abstract expressionism, Boeing art, Op art, hyperrealism and so on.

Let's enjoy the paintings of the Catalan painter Dalí of the twentieth century

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Salvador Dail was born on 11 May 1904 in Figueres, Spain, and died on 23 January 1989. Spanish surrealist painters and printmakers, known for exploring subconscious imagery. Together with Picasso and Matisse, he is considered to be the three most representative painters of the twentieth century.

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí was an artist of extraordinary talent and imagination, and the works of the inspirational Dalí surprisingly blended with eerie dreamlike images with remarkable drawing techniques and painting techniques influenced by Renaissance masters. He had a fanatical hobby of making things out of the ordinary and attracting the attention of others, which influenced his public art image and made his art lovers and critics extremely distressed.

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

"People who don't want to imitate anything can't create anything." Salvador Dalí.

Spanish Catalan painter Salvador Dalí's main works include: "Eternal Memory", "Columbus Discovers the New World", "Columbus's Dream", "Contemplative Nude", "Lida and the White Goose", "Premonition of the Civil War", "Baby World Map", "Car Costume", "Impression of Africa", "Fountain Flowing Grand Piano", "Shulan Temple", "Lady Levis", "Picasso Statue", "Evening Bell", "Evening Bell Architecture", "Bread Basket", "Charming Beach", "First Day of Spring", "Font", "Sublime Moment", " Cornflower in a vase, Inid Holden, etc.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Eternal Memory"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Spanish Dalí's Eternal Memory soft collapsed clock. Created in 1931 with dimensions of 24 x 33 centimeters, the painting is a very typical example of Dalí's early surrealist style. The picture shows an empty beach, there is an inexplicable monster on the beach, it seems to be somewhat like a human head, sensitive people even feel that Dalí's shadow can be found in it; What is even more surprising is that several of the clocks that appear in this painting have become soft and malleable things, which appear soft and collapsed, or hang on branches, or on platforms, or draped on the backs of monsters. Finally, the buckled, ants-filled, invisible hard watch was interpreted as a fear of learning the truth.

The famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí", "Columbus Discovers the New World" and "Columbus's Dream"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí, Spain, Columbus Discovers the New World, Columbus' Dream, 1958-1959, oil on canvas, 410x284cm, Salvador Dalí Museum. Explore the New World of Spirit. Based on the historical fact that Columbus personally led three wooden sailing ships of the late Middle Ages at the end of the 15th century, they braved the terrifying waves and finally arrived at the Bahamas in the Americas after a 70-day journey. In gratitude to God, Columbus named the island "San Salvador", which means "Savior".

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

The ancient youth carrying a wooden boat in this painting, the Virgin with the head of a modern star on the flag, and the side youth statue immersed in the water are all very real. The sketch performance is delicate and the color is just right. Nuanced and absurdity are entangled, and some content is almost to the point of being fake. The atmosphere is unique and unfathomable. This is what the painter wants to achieve.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Contemplative Nudity"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Spain's Dalí 'Contemplative Nude' is 61× 64 cm wide in private collection on canvas. In this 1954 work, Dalí takes a naturalistic approach to portraying every detail, making them very realistic and delicate. These details are then combined in an incredible spatial relationship to create a sense of absurdity. The ordered atoms seem to be converging into a portrait of Venus by Botticelli, grotesque and mysterious.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Lida and the White Goose"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí, Spain "Lida and the White Goose" Oil on Dalib, Spain, 61.1 × 45.3 cm in the collection of the Figillas Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation.

The painting depicts a love story from Greek mythology. The sitting in the painting is Lida, and the main god Zeus is devoted to her, so he turns into a swan and becomes close to her. The scene depicts Zeus making love to Lida, in which Lida is based on Dali's wife.

Although the female body in the painting uses a sitting posture, the center of gravity does not fall on the seating platform, and it seems to float in the air, making people feel that this is a dream beauty rather than a human beauty. Huge swans fell from the sky, spreading their wings to embrace her, like a passionate man with an impatient urge to kiss her. Lida was so surprised that she threw away what she had in her hand and reluctantly stepped on the pedal under her feet.

Everything in the painting is in a state of weightlessness, and an uneasy fantasy jumps out of the paper. The distant horizon and the sea behind open up a vast space, making this scene even more distant from the human world. The color of this painting has the typical Dalí style, with blue or large other cool gray tones as the background, and then using small areas of red and other bright colors to refresh the whole picture, so that there are a few distinct colors in the dull tone, there is a sense of breathability. This painting was made when the surrealist was gradually cooled down after the rise of Surrealism, and is a representative work of Dalí.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Premonition of the Civil War"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí Spain's "Premonition of the Civil War" Appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Baby World Map"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's "Baby World Map" in Spain Appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Car Costume"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí,Spain, "Car Costumes," an appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's Impressions of Africa

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's Impressions of Africa, Spain, an appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Fountain Flowing Grand Piano"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Spanish Dalí "Fountain Flowing Grand Piano" Dalí works appreciation.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dali's "Portrait of Shulan Temple"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Spanish Dalí "Portrait of Shulan Temple" Dalí works appreciation.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's Portrait of Madame Levis

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's Portrait of Madame Levis, Spain, An Appreciation of Dalí's Works.

Appreciation of the Picasso Statue by the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dali

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Spanish Dalí "Picasso Statue" Dalí works appreciation.

Appreciation of the evening bell by the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's "Evening Bell" in Spain Appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "The Architecture of the Evening Bell"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's "The Architecture of the Evening Bell" in Spain Appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Bread Basket"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí Spain "Bread Basket"

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Enchanting Beach"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's "Enchanting Beach" in Spain Appreciation of Dalí's works.

The famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "The First Day of Spring" appreciation

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí, Spain, "The First Day of Spring" Appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Font"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Spanish Dalí "Font" Dalí works appreciation.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Sublime Moment"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's "Sublime Moment" in Spain Appreciation of Dalí's works.

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Cornflower in a Vase"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí Spain 'Cornflower in a Vase' Appreciation of Dalí's works

Appreciation of the famous Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's "Enid Haighton"

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

Dalí's "Inid Howden" in Spain Appreciation of Dalí's works. This is a portrait of Dalí. Dalí was an artist of exploratory spirit and extraordinary imagination, known for his exploration of the subconscious imagery of the "Freudian" dream, and his works used excellent Renaissance painting techniques to express eerie and illusory figures and landscapes like dreams, distorting and stitching space and images, singularly mixing techniques and contents with great success, becoming the most outstanding representative of the Surrealist movement.

Twenty-one world-famous paintings by salvador Dalí, a famous Spanish painter of the twentieth century

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