
Two cobras were arrested and released at the home of a resident of Hengshan, why should the highly venomous cobra be released?

author:Knights of tomato fondue

Cobra is not unfamiliar to many people, once the mention of venomous snakes, most people will immediately think of cobras, even if many people have not seen cobras in real life, but most people know that cobras are highly venomous snakes, and they are also very familiar with the body form of cobras. Recently, a resident of Hengshan, Hunan Province, witnessed the "prosperous appearance" of cobras in his home, and it was also two cobras.

Two cobras were arrested and released at the home of a resident of Hengshan, why should the highly venomous cobra be released?

In the home of a resident of Yongtian Village, Yonghe Township, Hengshan County, he met a famous cobra, the local villagers immediately identified the poisonous snake that broke into the home as a cobra, the villagers immediately called the police for help to the fire brigade to deal with the invading cobra, and the local fire brigade rushed to the villagers' homes immediately after receiving the alarm. When the firefighters arrived at the scene, they found that the two poisonous snakes were indeed highly venomous cobras, one hiding in the debris pile next to the house, and the other lying in the living room on the first floor. Two cobras issued a hissing warning sound to the firefighters, and after taking safety measures, the firefighters used special snake-catching tongs to control the head of the cobra, successfully put the two poisonous cobras into the woven bags prepared in advance, and finally the firefighters released the two intruding cobras in a sparsely populated place.

Two cobras were arrested and released at the home of a resident of Hengshan, why should the highly venomous cobra be released?

Why do cobras invade homes?

Although cobras are highly venomous snakes, at the top of the food chain, and cobras are hot-tempered and aggressive, they will still try to stay as far away from humans as possible. One of the reasons cobras invade homes is because of the temptation of food. Cobras mainly feed on small animals such as rodents and birds, while rats are species that prefer to live next to humans, rats can easily obtain food in human homes, and cobras will enter human homes when tracking the smell of rats.

Two cobras were arrested and released at the home of a resident of Hengshan, why should the highly venomous cobra be released?

Cobras are cold-blooded animals, they themselves can not rely on blood to regulate their body temperature, when the temperature is too high, they will choose a cool place to reduce their body temperature, and the temperature in human homes will generally be lower than the outdoor temperature, such a temperature difference will attract cobras to come to human homes to cool down.

Why release the highly venomous cobra in the wild?

Cobras belong to a highly venomous snake class, the venom in their bodies is mainly mixed toxins, if they are bitten by a cobra, they are not injected with antivenom within a few hours, then the injured person is very likely to die. In the cobra distribution area, cobras caused more snake injuries, Indian cobras and saw scale vipers, Indian ring snakes, round vipers and known as one of the four major poisonous snakes in India, 70% of the snake injuries in India every year are caused by them, of which the Indian cobra caused the most snake injuries.

Asia and Africa are the main distribution areas of cobras, cobras distributed in Africa have Egyptian cobras, Mozambican venomous cobras, forest cobras and South African cobras, etc., cobras distributed in Asia mainly include Indian cobras, Bengal cobras, Zhoushan cobras, Samar cobras, Thai cobras, Philippine cobras and other species. In particular, cobras in Asia have the highest number of snake injuries in the world, with an estimated 50,000 people dying of cobra venom each year. So why did humans release cobras that caused so many casualties?

Two cobras were arrested and released at the home of a resident of Hengshan, why should the highly venomous cobra be released?

The release of cobras is mainly because it can protect the ecological environment. Cobras, like other snakes, are an important part of the natural ecological environment. The food of cobras is mainly rats, the presence of cobras can reasonably control the number of rats, once the number of rats exceeds a reasonable level will cause damage to the ecological balance, rats can destroy human crops, grasslands, forests, but also infectious diseases. Rats had a large number of viruses on their bodies in the Middle Ages, such as the plague, and the Black Death in the Middle Ages was the plague, which caused 1/3 of The Deaths of Europeans. To this day, the plague is still the sword of Damoxley hanging over the heads of human beings all over the world.

Two cobras were arrested and released at the home of a resident of Hengshan, why should the highly venomous cobra be released?

Although cobras are at the top of the food chain and most animals fear them, cobras can also be food for other animals, such as large birds of prey, weasels, wild boars and other animals.

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