
Food recommendation: Kung Pao lobster baby, mountain fennel mint mixed with clams, pot sticker tofu preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Kung Pao lobster baby, mountain fennel mint mixed with clams, pot sticker tofu preparation method

Miyaho lobster boy

Ingredients: 350 grams of live crayfish, 100 grams of seasonal fresh diced fruits, homemade vermicelli Nestlé one large and two small, 10 grams of French incense.


25 grams of dried chili peppers, 3 grams of peppercorns, 10 grams of ginger slices, 50 grams of green onion, 10 grams of garlic slices, 50 grams of cooked cashew nuts, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of sugar, 10 grams of vinegar, 2 grams of pepper powder, 5 grams of cooking wine, 30 grams of fresh soup, 10 grams of wet starch, 25 grams of chili oil, 1500 grams of salad oil (about 80 grams).


1, the crayfish on the hot water pot with a grate in the water after peeing, wash, remove the head and tail, remove the sand sausage, wash.

2: Change the shrimp meat to 2 cm square cubes, add 5 grams of ginger slices, 25 grams of green onion, salt, pepper and cooking wine and marinate for 1 minute.

3: Remove the seeds from the dried peppers and cut them into knots and set aside.

4: Take a bowl, add sugar, vinegar, fresh soup, wet starch, and form a lychee juice.

5: Fry the shrimp head, shell and tail of the shrimp into the pan until the color turns red and cooked, then remove the plate.

6: Remove the ginger slices and green onion from the marinated crayfish cubes and set aside.

7: Heat the chili oil in the wok, add dried chili peppers, peppercorns, ginger slices, garlic slices, green onions and stir-fry the aroma, add the crayfish diced meat that has slipped through the oil, quickly stir-fry, cook into the cooking wine, cook in the prepared sauce, add the cashew nuts to the pot and plate.

8: Mix the seasonal fresh diced fruit with salad dressing and put it in two small vermicelli Nestles.

Food recommendation: Kung Pao lobster baby, mountain fennel mint mixed with clams, pot sticker tofu preparation method

Mountain fennel mint mixed with clams emperor

Raw material:

250 g clams, 150 g green peppers, 20 g herbs, 5 g mint leaves.


10 grams of salt, 8 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 8 ml of light soy sauce, 2 ml of balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, pepper oil each appropriate amount.


1: Peel the shell of the clams to take the meat, wash it and let it go of the water pot to cook, fish out the controlled water and set aside.

2: Cook the peppers over open flames and tear them into strips to set aside.

3: Chop the herbs and mint leaves, put them in a pot and mix them with the spices, mix well with clam meat and chili strips, and then plate and serve.

Food recommendation: Kung Pao lobster baby, mountain fennel mint mixed with clams, pot sticker tofu preparation method

Pot with tofu

Features: tofu fragrant, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, golden in color, beautiful in shape.

Ingredients: 500 grams of tender tofu, 50 grams of eggs, 30 grams of breadcrumbs.

Seasoning: 3 grams of fine salt, 1 gram of chicken juice, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of dry starch, a little onion and ginger water, 1 kg of peanut oil (actual consumption of 30 grams).


1: Crush the tofu and chicken, add the spices and mix well, put on a plate and steam for 8 minutes.

2: Add salad oil to the pan, when it is 40% hot, dip the finished tofu blank with breadcrumbs, and fry them in the frying pan until golden brown.

3: Cut the fried tofu into long strips and serve with salt and pepper.

Tip: Do not use high heat when steaming in the basket, and do not fry the oil temperature too high or too low. The traditional pot sticker tofu is directly fried by hanging egg whites, this dish is made by hanging egg yolk liquid and then dipping in bread chaff to make the color more attractive.

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