
The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?

author:Physician Zhao Ping

When it comes to yellow peel fruit, I believe that everyone is not unfamiliar, especially friends living in the south, it can be said that it is very common.

Yellow peel fruit, also known as "yellow peel", "yellow fir", "yellow marbles", is a fruit with good color, aroma and taste, can be called together with lychee, people often say "hungry lychee, full of yellow peel", it can be seen that yellow peel fruit has a certain health effect.

Yellow peel fruit is rich in nutrients, containing a lot of carbohydrates, protein, crude fiber, ash, rich in vitamin C and a variety of trace elements, not only a delicious food, but also a certain medicinal value.

The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?

The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?

Clear the heat and reduce the fire

When eating yellow peel fruit in the summer, you can use the pulp, peel and core in the mouth to chew, even if the slag with juice to swallow together, even if the taste will be a little bitter, but can play a role in reducing fire, and in the feeling of thirst, hot and uncomfortable, the appropriate amount of yellow peel fruit can not only quench thirst, but also prevent heat stroke.

Healthy spleen and diet

Yellow peel fruit contains a large number of acidic substances, such as ascorbic acid, a variety of amino acids, etc., can improve the acidity of human gastric juice, stimulate gastric juice and phenols, can smooth the human body qi machine, reduce the swelling pain caused by gas stagnation.

The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?

Relieves sputum and asthma

Yellow peel fruit contains yellow peel new cinnamon coolamine A, B, C, D and phenols, a variety of amino acids, flavonoids, etc., which can not only adjust the qi machine, but also absorb lung qi, at the same time, it can also reduce the spasm of smooth muscles, and receive the effect of sputum and asthma.

Improves the body's resistance to disease

Yellow peel fruit is a health fruit with a particularly high vitamin C content, which can promote the regeneration of human immune cells after being absorbed by the human body.

It can improve the body's immune function, has great benefits for enhancing the body's resistance to disease, in addition, yellow peel fruit also contains various nutrients, such as flavonins, vitamin A and vitamin D, these substances can collect the lungs and eliminate inflammation, has a significant alleviating effect on people's cough and asthma.

The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?

Marinate and serve

Yellow peel fruit is also edible with salt pickling, first wash and dry the fresh yellow peel fruit, plus salt pickling preparation, you can also use salt to marinate yellow peel fruit 15-30 grams, water a bowl and a half boiled to a bowl, to the slag to drink, add white sugar to taste, and the pickled yellow peel fruit can be eaten as a snack.

Eat directly raw

The simplest and most convenient way is of course to eat directly raw, squeeze with your hands to eat the pulp inside, there will be a similar orange similar fragrance, sweet and sour, directly eat the pulp of the yellow peel fruit can alleviate the greasiness, eat after the meal can promote digestion.

The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?


Yellow peel fruit can be used to make wine, the yellow peel fruit is washed and squeezed out of the seed core, spread into the altar, sprinkled with rock sugar according to the ratio of five to one, and then sealed the lid mouth, so that it naturally ferments, the yellow peel fruit is rich in fruit acid, and the reaction with rock sugar will produce a fruity and rich wine syrup, with a unique flavor and can remove the heat.

Juice to drink

Wash the yellow peel fruit, and then put it into the juicer directly into the juice, if it is sour yellow peel, you may also add the right amount of honey to the juice.

Made into preserves

Wash and dry the fresh yellow peel, then add Sichuan scallops, honey and other ingredients to soak, and wait until it tastes good before air drying.


Fresh fruit canned, before each consumption, the marinated soup can be added to the rock sugar to drink, and then take out the pulp as a snack food is also very good.

The "yellow peel fruit" that only exists in the summer, its role can not be underestimated, do you know how to eat?

1. Eat some yellow peel fruit during pregnancy, although it can help itself play a lot of effects and roles, but you can not eat too much, this is due to the fact that yellow peel fruit has a certain medicinal properties, if you eat too much, it may cause harm to the body of pregnant women.

2. Children should not eat more, yellow skin taste sour, flat, slightly cool, eating helps to clear the heat and reduce the fire, eat and relieve the heat, but the child is still young, the digestive system is not sound, eating more will hurt the stomach and intestines, easy to cause diarrhea.

3. People with high blood sugar should eat yellow peel fruit with caution, which is rich in vitamin C and sugar, which can help supplement energy and nutrition, but people with long-term high blood sugar are best not to eat.

4. People with bad spleen and stomach or suffering from gastritis are best to eat less or not, otherwise it will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and aggravate the condition.

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