
A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Professor Sybil Trelawney seems to be a special presence in the Harry Potter novels.

Most people should think that she is a liar like a "god stick", in the name of "prophet"/"prophet", with a Salary at Hogwarts, but she can't do the right thing.

Hermione, who was serious about learning, called Trelawney an "old liar". She had been scorning the divination class, and finally quit the class because she was dissatisfied.

There was also Professor McGonagall, who had always been known for her seriousness and caution, and said that "divination" was the least rigorous discipline in magic, and Trelawney was very unreliable.

So how could such a person enter a famous magic school to teach?

Is she a liar or a "prophet", and has she ever made a true "prophecy"?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > the most famous prophecy that "two people can only live one."</h1>

She certainly made real "prophecies."

Headmaster Dumbledore left her at school to teach "divination," largely because of this.

Let's take a look at this prophecy that made her "famous in world war I".

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

After Sirius' death, Dumbledore spoke to Harry in his office about the "Prophecy Ball".

In fact, this "prophecy ball" has only one record function, and the person who really hears this "prophecy" is Dumbledore himself, and Snape, who only hears half of it.

According to Dumbledore, on a winter night sixteen years ago, he went to the "Pig's Head Bar" to meet a man who had applied for a position in a divination class.

Dumbledore was going to turn off the divination class because he himself had never taken it and found it useless.

However, the applicant was the granddaughter of the famous prophet Kassandra Trelawney, so he went to see him anyway.

Of course, the interview disappointed him, and when he politely refused to prepare to leave, Trelawney suddenly made the first real "prophecy" like opening the "Heavenly Eye".

"The man with the power to defeat the Dark Lord is approaching... Born in a family that resisted him three times, at the end of July... The Dark Lord will mark him as his fierce enemy, but he will have powers that the Dark Lord does not know... One of them must die at the hands of the other, for neither of them can live, only one survives... The man who has the power to defeat the Dark Lord will be born at the end of July..."

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > Harry's interpretation of The Prophecy of Voldemort</h1>

This prophecy is only a few words, but the content inside is extremely rich.

It expresses a total of six layers of meaning, each of which is thought-provoking.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

The first "prophecy" mentions that the man who had the power to defeat Voldemort had been born.

This sentence is more straightforward, but very general, we do not know who this person is.

In the second sentence, it is said that the parents of this person once resisted voldemort's attack three times.

In an interview with Rowling, she mentioned that two couples met this requirement. One pair was Harry's parents, James and Lily, and the other was Neville's parents, Frank and Alice.

She explained that the "resistance" in the "prophecy" meant that any time you had caught Voldemort's henchmen, or any time you had escaped his clutches, or any time you had defeated him.

Both Harry and Neville's parents had fought against the Dark Lord at least three times. Harry's parents had even refused Voldemort's "summons," so the "prophecy" could refer to either of them.

The third sentence says that this person was born at the end of July.

We know that Harry's birthday is July 31 and Neville's birthday is July 30.

Both of their birthdays are at the end of July, so both of them are eligible.

In fact, the first half of this "prophecy" only has these three sentences, from which we can only see that Harry and Neville may be the object of "prophecy".

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Neville parents

At that time, Snape only heard the first half, and was caught eavesdropping and was chased away. So he told Voldemort this part of the "prophecy", and he could not know exactly who was the nemesis of the Great Demon.

Until the fourth sentence, it is said that Voldemort will mark this man as his fierce enemy.

This means that who this person is, in fact, it is up to Voldemort himself to decide, and he feels that whoever he is is.

But Voldemort didn't know there was this part, so he thought the man was Harry.

He thinks so because Harry and himself are of mixed race, raised by Muggles, and both are "snake-like."

So in the darkness, Voldemort chose Harry as the "fierce enemy" in the "prophecy".

And the fifth sentence says that this man has powers that the Dark Lord does not know.

This is clearly the power of love.

Lily sacrificed herself to protect Harry because of a powerful maternal love that left its mark on Harry.

This is something That Voldemort does not understand and does not believe.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Quirrell in the Philosopher's Stone, who had sold his soul to Voldemort so he couldn't touch Harry.

And Harry has such a beautiful mark on his body, his touch will make Quirrell unbearable.

After Dumbledore and Voldemort "fought" at the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort attached harry's body and borrowed Harry's mouth to speak to Deng, which made Harry very miserable.

But when Harry thought of Sirius, the pain and bondage was lifted in an instant.

Dumbledore later explained that because Harry had the protection of love, and because he thought of Sirius also because of his love for the Godfather, Voldemort could not stand it.

So although Harry and Neville both loved each other, Voldemort had already identified Harry, which is to say Harry's "mark of love".

In the last sentence, "One of them must die at the hands of the other, for neither of them can live, only one survives.".

This sentence had confirmed Harry's relationship with Voldemort—only one of the two could live.

This means that one of the two people must kill the other.

But their starting points are different.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Voldemort wanted to kill Harry for this "prophecy" because he could not allow anyone to overcome him, he wanted "eternal life".

Harry's desire to get rid of Voldemort had nothing to do with the "prophecy", because even without this "prophecy", Harry would have to get rid of him.

This was because he had love for his parents, Sirius, and deploration for Cedric and all those who had died at Voldemort's hands.

After Trelawney made this "prophecy," Dumbledore left her to teach at Hogwarts for reasons to protect her.

Because the "Dark Devil Head" knows the identity of the "Prophet", he will certainly not give up.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="133" > another "prophecy" that came true</h1>

In addition, many people may miss another very accurate "prophecy" of Trelawney.

It was during the midterm exams of the third year that Harry went to take Trelawney's divination exam.

However, he couldn't see anything in the crystal ball he tested, and because he was worried about Hagrid's "eagle-headed horse with wings" Buckbeak, he could only talk nonsense.

Just as the exam was over, Harry was ready to go.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Behind him, Trelawney suddenly made a harsh, different sound as if she had been "possessed" by someone.

"The Dark Lord lay there alone, with no friends, abandoned by his men, his servant chained for twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... The servant will break free of his chains and set off to meet his master. The Dark Lord will make a comeback with the help of his servants, more powerful and terrifying than ever. Tonight...... Before midnight... The servant... Will move... Go and talk to the host... Rendezvous..."

It was this time that Trelawney made a second real "prophecy" without even realizing it.

As we all know, not long after that, Harry learned about his father's relationship with several former friends.

Harry also stops Lupin and Sirius, killing the "old friend" traitor Peter Pettigrew and causing him to escape unexpectedly.

Thus, the pettigrew returns to Voldemort's arms, which is the "reunion of the servant and the master"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="160" > are Trelawney's other "prophecies" so accurate? </h1>

In addition to these two more important, there are actually some "prophecies" that everyone may not have noticed.

In his third year at Hogwarts, Harry added two new classes, "Protecting Magical Creatures" and "Divination."

One of the divination classes was taught by Trelawney, and Harry described seeing her as first feeling like seeing "a huge, shiny insect."

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

The large glasses she wore enlarged her eyes many times, and the classroom was made like an old-fashioned teahouse, with a very hot fire and strange incense.

In the first lesson she made "prophecies" to several people.

Of course a few sound more like nonsense.

For example, she said that Neville's grandmother might not be very good, and she made Pavati Pettil wary of red-haired men and so on.

Of course, there are also a few that seem to be quite accurate.

For example, she says, "Around Easter, one of us will leave us forever."

This departure does not necessarily refer to "death", but may also refer to walking away and not coming back.

This seems to refer to Hermione.

Because in a class about crystal balls, Hermione said that she had had enough of the class and decided to give up.

So it can also be understood here that Hermione left the discipline.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Trelawney also said Neville would break a pink teacup.

And then it happened very quickly.

Of course, this can also be said to be Neville's psychological cues are too strong.

Afterward, she looked at the tea residue in Harry's cup, and Harry and Ron were trying to interpret the future in the shape of a tea leaf in comparison to "Looking at the Future Through the Fog."

When she saw the tea leaves in Harry's cup, forming the shape of a black dog, she was horrified, saying that it was the most powerful omen, representing "the omen of death."

Harry also immediately thought of the dog on the cover of "Omen of Death" that he saw in the Lichen Bookstore when he bought the textbook, and the dog in the shadow of Magnolia Crescent Street in his uncle's neighborhood.

It wasn't long before it was time for quidditch, gryffindor hadn't won for seven consecutive years, so everyone took it very seriously, even if the thunderstorm added, they still played.

As Harry and his teammates faced Hufflepuff in the wind and rain, in a flash of lightning he saw a large black dog standing in the stands.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

Then, as the Dementors appeared in the field, Harry fell his own light wheel 2000, and the entire broom was blown to the "Blowing Willow" due to the fierce wind, which was pumped into pieces.

In this match against Hufflepuff, Harry's academy also lost.

This also seems to be Trelawney's "prophecy" come true.

Another time, when Harry was in his fifth grade.

Dolores Umbridge was appointed Teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts, as well as a Senior Investigative Officer.

She is condescending to everyone, and she also issues various prohibitions in schools, and the students and teachers hate her very much.

When she assessed Trelawney's performance in her lectures, she was asked to make a "prophecy" for herself.

Trelawney was furious at her attitude toward her and said that Umbridge might be "in terrible danger."

Although Umbridge was dismissive of this, in the end she was indeed dragged into the Forbidden Forest when she provoked the "Centaurs", which also fulfilled the "terrible danger".

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

There is another one, which also seems to be very convincing.

In the book "The Half-Blood Prince", Harry once heard Trelawney's shouting on his way back to his bedroom.

It turned out that when she wanted to go to the "Room of Requirement" to hide some sherry, she was thrown out by someone already inside.

When Harry says she should go to Dumbledore for help, Trelawney put on a proud face, saying that she doesn't want to "beg for money to haunt those who don't respect herself."

It is also said that Dumbledore ignored her warnings because she drew the "tower struck by lightning" countless times in the tarot cards.

Miraculously, "Tower Struck by Lightning" not only meant defeat and collapse in tarot cards, but it actually predicted Dumbledore's death as well.

Because the night Dumbledore died, he fell from the tower of the Astronomy Tower, and the name of the chapter in the book is "The Tower Struck by Lightning."

Although the reason Dumbledore ignored Trelawney may have been that he had already designed his own death, this prediction was indeed accurate.

A liar or a "prophet"? The most famous prophecy of Trelawney's "prophecy" of Harry Potter that came true - "two people can only live one" Harry and Voldemort's "prophecy" interprets the other "prophecy" of "prophecy" Trelawney is also so accurate?

In short, in the novel, Trelawney is really prophetic.

She not only predicted the fact that Voldemort's "nemesis" had been born, but also made accurate predictions about other things.

In the cultures of many countries in the world, there are similar customs of measuring auspiciousness in the form of "divination". But in modern science, these are all due to "superstition."

JK Rowling probably took inspiration from this and wrote Trelawney's "prophecy" story.

What other "prophecies" of Trelawney's success do you know? Welcome to share it with you in the comments.

If you are still interested in other Harry Potter related topics, please feel free to inform in the comments. I will do my best to analyze it in the next article and share it with you.

This article was originally written by Arthur Ai Ai. If you also think my article is good, welcome to share the following! I will continue to work hard to write well in the future. (Some of the pictures come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete.) )

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