
Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen? "Five Rats in Tokyo" is a drama performed by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, and she plays in the play

author:East loves West love

Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen?

"Five Rats In Tokyo" This is a drama played by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, she plays the female second Jin Yalan in the play, is a woman who is just full of courage in the outside and inside, good at using a hand of nine chain whips, it is also very reasonable, and later married the Golden Rat Bai Yutang, Zhang Zhixi's appearance in the play is very plain, and her own appearance is also very consistent.

In "Lonely Empty Court Spring Evening", Zhang Zhixi plays the role of Painting Zhu, a rough maid of Xin Zhiku, and Wei Linlang, played by Zheng Shuang, is also a good friend of the heroine of this play, but the painting beads are greedy and vain, plus they want to pursue power and become a superior person, so they deliberately design themselves to become Ning Guiren, and Wei Linlang has become a vendetta, but fortunately, the two have also been reconciled.

"Army-Master Alliance", Zhang Zhixi is well known to the audience for starring in this costume drama with the background of the Three Kingdoms, and she plays a famous woman Zhen Mi in history, but in this drama, Zhen Mi does not have too many emotional entanglements with Cao Zhi, but also because she has a feeling of pity with the other party and is suspected by Cao Pi, and the ending is to drink wine and die, which is very miserable.

"Made of Beauty", Zhang Zhixi starred in one of the main roles of jin yu, Jin Yu was originally the maid of Zengfu's wife Yun Jingchu, because of her strange and ugly appearance, she was ridiculed by everyone, and later she wanted to climb zeng Wenyuan, so she went to plastic surgery to make herself beautiful, and finally successfully drove Yun Jingchu out of the Zeng family, but also had her own retribution.

"Chen Xi Yuan" is a "dark horse" in the summer file, Zhang Zhixi's role in the play is the female second Qing Yao, a beautiful and intelligent Tianzu medical immortal with no lack of belly black, and also the sister of the heroine Ling Xi, because the sweetheart in the mortal world was lost by the negligence of the god on the cloud wind, so Qing Yao did not accept the overtures of the cloud wind, but finally untied the knot.

Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen? "Five Rats in Tokyo" is a drama performed by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, and she plays in the play
Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen? "Five Rats in Tokyo" is a drama performed by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, and she plays in the play
Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen? "Five Rats in Tokyo" is a drama performed by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, and she plays in the play
Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen? "Five Rats in Tokyo" is a drama performed by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, and she plays in the play
Zhang Zhixi has starred in five costume dramas, "Chen Xi Yuan" has a gentle image, which ones have you seen? "Five Rats in Tokyo" is a drama performed by Zhang Zhixi shortly after her debut, and she plays in the play

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