
During the holidays, I got a mossy pig food trough from a friend, and I brought back two stones with calamus, moss and willow from the creek in the suburbs to make a small landscape. [Rose]

author:The time of the cat fish

During the holidays, I got a mossy pig food trough from a friend, and I brought back two stones with calamus, moss and willow from the creek in the suburbs to make a small landscape. [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] there is great beauty in the subtleties, and I can't let go of it, but it is fortunate that this is it. [Teeth] [Teeth] [Teeth] [Teeth]

During the holidays, I got a mossy pig food trough from a friend, and I brought back two stones with calamus, moss and willow from the creek in the suburbs to make a small landscape. [Rose]
During the holidays, I got a mossy pig food trough from a friend, and I brought back two stones with calamus, moss and willow from the creek in the suburbs to make a small landscape. [Rose]
During the holidays, I got a mossy pig food trough from a friend, and I brought back two stones with calamus, moss and willow from the creek in the suburbs to make a small landscape. [Rose]

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