
Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth

author:Left-handed says medicine

Uncle Zhang, 62 years old this year, because he ate several meat dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival, he has not had a bowel movement for several days, and he has a problem of constipation, and he cannot eat for two days.

The family saw the situation, heard that bananas can cure constipation, so they asked Uncle Zhang to eat some bananas to laxative, but Uncle Zhang ate several bananas, still did not feel like defecation, but felt that the problem of constipation was more serious, and there were uncomfortable symptoms of abdominal pain.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth


In desperation, the family could only take Uncle Zhang to the hospital for treatment, and after taking medicine in the hospital, the stool was finally discharged, and Uncle Zhang was much more comfortable. The doctor told Uncle Zhang that the "eating bananas" and "drinking honey water" on the Internet can not solve the problem of constipation at all, especially senile constipation, and the best way is to go to the hospital for medication treatment in time.

In fact, in real life, I believe that many people have eaten bananas or drunk honey water to treat constipation when they have constipation, but often have not achieved good results. So, when constipation occurs, what should we eat to effectively relieve constipation? Today, left-handed people will talk to you about this problem, and it only takes three simple ways to make the stool smooth.

1. Why does constipation occur?

According to the mainland epidemiological survey, the current incidence of constipation in the mainland is about 9% to 13%, and 28% to 50% of them are elderly. For constipation can be said to be very painful, if serious, it will not only affect the daily normal life, but also bring serious problems to physical health.

The occurrence of constipation is often due to many reasons, such as drinking too little water, eating too much meat or consuming too little fiber-rich food, or excessive mental pressure interferes with normal bowel habits, spleen and stomach weakness, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. are easy to cause constipation.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth


In simple terms, it is the above factors that cause the weakening of intestinal peristalsis to become slow, resulting in feces in the intestine for too long, and the water in the feces is reabsorbed by the intestine, which causes the feces to lose too much water and become abnormally dry, and the defecation is also particularly laborious, it is difficult to excrete the feces out of the body, so the number of defecations is reduced, the number of bowel movements a week is less than 3 times, and there are also problems such as difficulty in defecation and prolonged defecation time during defecation, and the stool that is discharged is also dry and hard, There is always a feeling that the stool has not been exhausted, which is constipation. #Health Science Contest#

Second, eat bananas, drink honey water can be laxative?

For constipation, there are often people on the Internet who say that eating bananas and drinking honey water can effectively alleviate constipation and thus play a laxative role, but is this true? In fact, eating bananas and drinking honey water does not have a good effect on relieving constipation, and does not play a laxative effect.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth


First of all, the water contained in bananas and dietary fiber content in fruits and vegetables is not high, and can not play a good role in alleviating constipation, and bananas also contain more tannic acid, especially bananas that have not yet ripe, tannic acid content is more, even after maturity, still contain more tannic acid, and tannic acid has a very strong astringent effect on the intestine, making it easier for feces to lose water and become dry and hard. Therefore, eating bananas can not effectively alleviate the problem of constipation, can not play a laxative effect, and may even make the symptoms of constipation more obvious.

Secondly, honey water can not play a laxative role, some people drink honey water has a certain "laxative" effect, it is because honey contains a lot of fructose, these people are intolerant to fructose, it is easy to cause diarrhea problems, just like those who are intolerant to milk lactose, after drinking milk is easy to cause diarrhea. Therefore, even if some people feel defecated after drinking honey water, it is actually the role of diarrhea, not the effect of real laxative.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth


Of course, honey actually has a certain role in constipation, but not to drink, but external use, just like Kaiser dew, the honey into the anus, this is Zhang Zhongjing invented the "honey frying guide", the specific method is to take the appropriate amount of honey, by boiling in the pot with a slight heat to concentrate like caramel, take it out while hot and then twist it into a two-inch-long plug like a small finger, and then insert it into the anus of constipation patients, you can play a laxative role, but this method is only suitable for the stool caused by YangMing knot dryness.

3. Teach you 3 simple ways to make your stool flow smooth

As mentioned earlier, the reason why the problem of constipation is easy is due to slower gastrointestinal peristalsis and lack of water in the stool, which becomes dry and hard and clumpy, and there is difficulty in defecation. Therefore, to make the stool smooth and easy to excrete, it is necessary to start by promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and softening the stool, specifically, there are 3 simple methods:

❶ Drink plenty of water

To prevent and alleviate constipation, it is necessary to ensure that the body consumes sufficient water, at least 1700 to 2000 ml of boiled water per day, which can play a role in moisturizing the intestines and softening feces.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth

Drink plenty of water

Especially when getting up in the morning, drinking a cup of warm boiled water and drinking a cup of warm boiled water on an empty stomach can make water enter the intestine faster, so as to achieve the effect of laxative and make feces easier to excrete.

❷Euff adequate dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is difficult to be digested and absorbed by the human body in the intestine, and it also has the effect of absorbing water, which can absorb water in the intestine and expand, increase the volume of feces, and avoid dry and clumpy stool. In addition, dietary fiber can also stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, shorten the passage time of food in the intestine and accelerate the excretion of feces.

Therefore, in daily life, you should consume more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as sour dates in fruits (10.6 grams per 100 grams), Sydney pear (9.1 grams per 100 grams of dietary fiber); spring shoots in vegetables (2.8 grams per 100 grams of dietary fiber), celery leaves (2.2 grams per 100 grams of dietary fiber); wheat in whole grains (10.8 grams per 100 grams of dietary fiber), Oats (6.0 g per 100 g of dietary fiber); soybeans in beans (15.5 g per 100 g of dietary fiber), green beans (12.6 g per 100 g of dietary fiber); shiitake mushrooms (dried) (31.6 g per 100 g of dietary fiber), fungus (dried) (29.9 g per 100 g of dietary fiber), cashews in nuts (10.4 g per 100 g of dietary fiber), pine nut kernels (10.0 g per 100 g of dietary fiber), etc.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth

Dietary fiber

Of course, dietary fiber is not the more the better, after all, dietary fiber is not easy to digest, eating too much is easy to cause flatulence, so it is recommended that the total daily intake of dietary fiber is 20g-30g. For example, if you consume one pound of vegetables and half a pound of fruit every day, and then eat about 100 grams of coarse grains and a little nuts, beans and other foods, you can supplement enough dietary fiber.

❸ Massage the abdomen appropriately

By massaging the abdomen clockwise, that is, pressing along the navel, a continuous massage of about 60 times a day, insisting on 2-3 times a day, so that it can promote intestinal peristalsis and accelerate the excretion of feces.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth

Massage the abdomen

In addition to the above three methods, if you often eat some spleen-strengthening and digestion-aiding foods in your daily life, then it is more beneficial to alleviate constipation, such as eating more yam to strengthen the spleen, and if you eat too much meat food, you can properly eat some scorched hawthorn, scorched divine comedy, etc., which helps the digestion of these foods and can effectively avoid the occurrence of constipation.

In general, for constipation, it is best to alleviate it through the above three ways, it is not recommended to take some laxatives as soon as constipation occurs, laxatives are used more, not only will it be bad for the body, but also easy to lead to the weakening of the intestinal autonomic peristalsis function, so that the symptoms of constipation are more and more serious, and finally even become involuntary defecation without laxatives, resulting in habitual constipation.

Constipation "nemesis" found, not honey is not bananas, 3 simple ways, stools are smooth

Do not take laxatives easily

If the above three methods can not effectively improve constipation, it may be constipation caused by organic diseases, at this time it is necessary to go to the hospital in time for relevant examinations, clarify the cause, and then carry out targeted treatment. #Health Star Program#

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