
Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

author:The secret history of touching gold
Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

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What is the chinese food that foreigners fear the most?

The leather egg that makes Bei Ye smell frightened is actually just an entry.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Bei Ye smelled the leather egg and wanted to throw up

What's the most disgusting dish in the world?

Who did the King of Dark Cuisine spend?

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Porridge with toads

When you think that every dish of Chinese cuisine is very delicious, you don't know that some dishes even eat what you see and eat.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

One of the 20 most disgusting dark dishes in the world

Eating more than 5 kinds of food can make you show off to your friends for a lifetime.

Let's take a look down with Akin

01 peeled egg

Dark Index: ★

Everyone should have eaten the peeled eggs.

A few years ago, the United States actually voted the egg "the most disgusting food in the world", and said: "The egg is not only scary in taste but also scary like an egg laid by the devil."

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The leather egg is also called the pine flower egg, because its surface has a texture like a pine flower, joke about whether there is such a good-looking devil egg.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The way to eat peeled eggs is even more diverse, such as: cold mixed peeled eggs, peeled egg tofu, peeled egg fried rice and so on.

Because the skin egg is fermented from the duck egg wrapped in quicklime grass and wood ash, the protein in it has also been denatured and has become a resilient taste.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

However, children and pregnant women are best not to eat peeled eggs, even if they want to eat more than one per week.

02 Live beads

Dark Index: ★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

After talking about the skin eggs that everyone has basically eaten, let's take a look at the live beads.

The living beads have the same appearance as eggs but have a lot of energy inside.

The living beads are eggs that have not been fully hatched, and there is the shape of a chicken inside.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Although it looks a little scary, there is a packet of juice in it after cooking, and the taste is very fresh.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Live beads have more protein and minerals than ordinary eggs, can enhance physical fitness, replenish qi and blood, and are very suitable for weak and confinement women to eat.

03 Silkworm pupae, insects

Dark Index: ★★★★

There are not only eyes at the barbecue stall that can exercise your guts, but also all kinds of bugs.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The sight of a little timidity alone has caused extreme discomfort, let alone eating, but the heat of this thing in the barbecue is still very high, not because it is difficult for yourself, but because it is really fragrant.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

In fact, our ancestors have long discovered the delicacy of insects, which were not as crispy and delicious as fried at that time, but they were also enjoyable to eat.

When locusts were infested, human beings single-handedly ate them all through boiling, frying and other bad means, and of course, in the end, they did not forget to give it a title of "flying protein".

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Today, humans have found a total of 3650 species of edible insects, and they fill our large stomachs with their small bodies.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

As the population continues to grow, so does the demand for food, and the Food Organization of the United Nations is constantly trying to find ways to make insects an acceptable source of food for all.

04 Drunken shrimp Drunken crab Drunken snail

Dark Index: ★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

I don't know if friends in the north have eaten drunken shrimp, drunken crabs, drunken snails, they are also known as Huaiyang three drunks, respectively, when the shrimp, crabs, snails are still alive, add a certain proportion of liquor, sugar, salt pickled and fermented,

It takes 5-15 days for a longer marinating time.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

This method not only preserves the tender taste of the food, but also has a strong aroma and a different flavor.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

However, it should also be noted that although the food is delicious, this is basically no different from eating raw, do not be greedy and careful that there will be parasites.

05 Folded ear root/Houttuynia cordata/side ear root

Dark Index: ★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Folded ear root is a Chinese herbal medicine with heat-clearing and detoxification effects, and is very popular in places such as Sichuan, Yunnan and other places in the mainland.

Because it has a bad smell of fish, it is called houttuynia cordata.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Local friends love to eat it in the summer, but friends who have not eaten in other places find it difficult to swallow, so whether it is delicious or not in the mainland is also controversial.

The benefits of eating it as a Chinese herbal medicine are also very many, in addition to detoxification and detoxification, it can also help quit smoking.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Because some of the substances contained in Houttuynia cordata can help the human body reduce the desire to smoke, but also to clear the lungs and prevent lung cancer, if there is a love of smoking at home, you can buy it home to try it for him.

06 Pig Blood Salad

Dark Index: ★★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Cold mixed pig blood is a special delicacy in Guizhou summer, killing pigs to take fresh pig blood, with mint houttuynia cordata seasoning with a little salt can be eaten.

Every household in the local area has to make this in the summer to eat, they say that the pig's blood produced by this is smooth and tender, and after eating a bowl, it will be another bowl, and the aftertaste is endless.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

It also has the effect of removing dust from the lungs, clearing the intestines and laxatives, and purifying harmful substances such as heavy metals in the stomach and intestines.

Well.... I think the effect of this thing is caused by eating skewers of porridge.

07 Stinky pork

Dark Index: ★★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

In the ancient Tibetan tribes of Sichuan, dried pork was hung on the beams of every house.

This is also a unique local food "stinky pork".

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Because they are smoked by cooking all year round, these pigs are all blackened and look like they will have food poisoning when they eat them.

But in the local area, this is a delicacy that they can't lack on every important occasion.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The production time of a air-dried pig often takes 3-5 years.

Because they believe that the longer the year, the better, so the pigs here have the longest drying life of up to 53 years.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Can pigs that have been released for more than 50 years really eat it? Is it really okay to eat?

However, this nation has been eating stinky pork for generations, and if it is really a problem, it cannot be passed down to the present.

So what does it taste like?

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

For us, it is difficult to taste just by looking at it, but for them, whether it is boiling soup or eating raw, it is particularly delicious, and even thinks that this can treat rheumatism.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Seeing whether this is not to feel that there is nothing that cannot be accepted, as soon as the eyes are closed, they will eat.

Don't blame me for not reminding you, the next content is easy to cause discomfort.

If you're ready, read on

08 Ant tadpole

Dark Index: ★★★★

Seeing this name is not to think that it is a kind of food like a fan, such as ants on the tree; No, no, this dish in Guangxi is made with ants and tadpoles.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

It is a special home-cooked dish in Guangxi, and the method is very simple to go to the field to catch some tadpoles and ants, wash it and cook it in a pot.

Of course, these tadpoles have to choose those that have grown a lot, each of which is about the length of an adult's little thumb, and you can see that some tadpoles have grown arms and legs.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

I have to say that Guangxi people are so wild, and sure enough, there is nothing in China that we can't eat.

09 Sheep's Eye Pig's Eye

Dark Index: ★★★★

After reading the above, there is no feeling of spicy eyes, so let's make some eyes to eat in shape complement.

The sheep's eye pig's eye on the barbecue stall has not been eaten, but it is not just an eyeball, oh, when cutting the eye, you must retain the tissue next to the eyeball, and the perfect shape should be like a ball.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

When you eat a barbecue, you can no longer worry about being bored and lonely eating alone, and there are many pairs of eyes watching you eat.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

When you bravely put it in your mouth, you can feel that the fat inside has turned into oil, and then take another bite and it will burst in your mouth.

This is much more exciting than the bursting juice felt by eating pee cow balls.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Not only does it open the door to a new world, but in the future, you can show off in front of your friends, "I have eaten eyeballs, do you dare to eat it."

10 Edamame tofu

Dark Index: ★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Edamame tofu is also called moldy tofu, as the name suggests, tofu is moldy, because the moldy process grows dense white fluff named edamame tofu.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

There are also a variety of ways to eat it raw after mixing with spices such as chili cumin, or you can roast it on an iron plate like tofu, drizzle with chili paste, and burst the juice in your mouth.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Edamame tofu is not only delicious and unique in flavor but also has the effect of preventing cardiovascular disease, if you travel to Anhui, you must try it.

11 Water cockroaches

Dark Index: ★★★★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

How many people have seen cockroaches smell frightened, especially friends in the south, cockroaches are not only big but also fly !!!

And the cockroach's breeding ability is extremely strong, killing one, "Hey I still have a nest", since we can't eliminate it, let's think about it and give him something to eat.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Friends in Guangdong were the first to start studying this and eating it, and the last victory was the method of frying, making it as crunchy as a biscuit, and it was not only very deflating but also a little salty in one bite.

Not only can you get a mouthful of addiction but you can also supplement very high protein.

12 Delicious toads

Dark Index: ★★★★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Seeing this, many people will say, who said that toads can eat, this is poisonous, ah, from a young age parents will teach us to see toads that we have to go around.

Since the toad's head and limbs are poisonous, let's clean it up, and then he will be no different from his good brother Bullfrog.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

People in Guangdong have found that toads are sweeter than bullfrog meat, and they have made a variety of delicacies, such as: toad porridge, steamed toad, fried toad.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

In other words, is it Guangxi's friend Ye or Guangdong's friend Ye?

13 Air-dried chickens

Dark Index: ★★★★

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

This delicacy has been passed down for more than 1800 years, and it was invented by Liu Bei's wife Sun Shangxiang.

The taste is actually similar to the cured meat and marinated fish we want to eat in the New Year, and it was invented to facilitate storage.

Seeing this, do you think that this is not much different from our ordinary hand-torn chicken?

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Do you dare to eat it when you know how it is done?

Grab a chicken and quickly open a hole in its ass with a knife to bleed, then quickly pull out its internal organs, stuff it with salt and various seasonings, and then sew the mouth and hang it high to ventilate and dry.

After a set of operations, this chicken is still alive, and watching itself being made into a dry corpse is really unbearable.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Don't be a chicken in the next life.

14 Eat monkey brains alive

Dark Index: ★★★★★★★

Because of the extreme blood and cruelty, this dish is now also one of the top ten forbidden dishes on the mainland.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Legend has it that this dish was first loved by dignitaries and dignitaries since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and they all said that they ate what to supplement.

And the monkey is recognized as the most intelligent animal, so there is this cruel scene.

And the ingredients must also be young monkeys.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

2-4 people sat around a table with a hole in the middle, and then locked the monkey under the table with chains, leaving only that

Its head is on the tabletop.

The monkey's skull is then quickly cut off and sprinkled with green onions in the prepared hot oil.

At this time, the monkey is still conscious and howls in pain.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

In other words, we and the monkey are also half relatives, and such cruel practices are also outrageous.

15 Three Squeaks

Dark Index: ★★★★★★★★

Sanque'er, also known as Honey Chi, has also been circulating this dish since ancient times on the mainland, and it is also listed as one of the top ten forbidden dishes on the mainland because it is extremely cruel.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The ingredients of this dish are raw rats, but they are made of small mice that have not been born for a long time.

They are soaked in water when they are born, which allows some dirt in their bodies to be drained and the bones to become soft.

Of course, the way to eat is also very simple.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Directly clip it up and dip it in soy sauce for a mouthful, because rats squeak before they die, so this dish is also called three squeaks.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Although this dish has long been banned, it is still sold in restaurants in some remote areas.

After introducing our country, let's also go to see what our friends abroad are eating.

01 Mexico – live maggot cheese

In Mexico, bugs have become a table food that they all accept, although our country also eats bugs, but we do not eat maggots.

In Mexico, there is such a dish made of maggots - live maggot toast.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The method is to put the maggots into a toast, as long as the toast is filled with thousands of squirming maggots, it is complete and ready to eat. (Why on earth can this thing be eaten?) )

02 Denmark – Blue cheese

Finally, I think it is too normal to listen to the name, and the origin of this is the same as our domestic moldy tofu is the product of long-term fermentation.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

It is also named blue cheese because it is covered with blue mold, and it is said that it is a stinky delicacy that is even worse than canned herring.

03 Cornwall, England – Look up at the stars

Also known as Britain's strangest dark dish, this one is a pie made with sardines and egg tart puff pastry. It was named because the pie was full of fish heads, but now everyone has given him a better name, the Blind Eye Pie.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

In fact, it was born on Christmas Eve in the 16th century, when the tradition was that fishermen would make a seafood pie from the seafood they had caught the day before to pray for a good harvest next year.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

Thus the Looking Up at the Stars Sect was born.

04 Korea – Live octopus

Koreans not only like to eat squid, but also have a deep love for octopus, but they think that octopus is a delicacy only if it is eaten alive.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

South Koreans believe that the food in the sea is the cleanest and unpolluted, and say that their ancestors ate it this way.

But the octopus's claws are covered with suction cups, and they will continue to struggle and squirm after eating them in their mouths.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

According to statistics, every year in South Korea, 6 people die of suffocation caused by raw octopus, and if there are friends who want to taste it, they still have to think twice.

05 Iceland – Ram testicles

Although citizens of many countries eat some animal testicles, Icelandic eating is directly raw food.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

The ram's testicles are marinated with some sour and salty spices, plus a little bit of raw food, and after the entrance, it will burst juice in the mouth, a bit of spicy cabbage flavor cow ball meaning.

Don't look at this dish is a bit disgusting, it is true that the must-eat dish of Thorrablot, Iceland's annual winter festival, has an extremely high status in the hearts of the local people.

Of the 20 most disgusting foods in the world, China accounts for half of them, and eating more than 5 kinds can be enshrined

It is said that the taste is similar to that of raw fish.

After watching so many dark dishes at home and abroad, if they were all in front of you, what would you like to try?

If you have a little friend who also knows what strange dark dishes are, please leave a message to discuss together.

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