
The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

author:Three farmers are new

Speaking of coconuts, I believe that everyone is no stranger, in the hot summer, come to a cup of iced coconut water, simply not too comfortable. If you have children at home, you can also use coconuts to make jelly, make ice cream and so on. Coconut is very rich in nutrients, it contains a lot of protein, sugars, vitamin C and trace elements magnesium, potassium, etc., can supplement a variety of nutrients.

But the coconut shell, in the mainland is not so valued, often discarded as garbage, do not know that the continent as a garbage coconut shell, in India is regarded as a treasure, by the Indians as a treasure! Why?

coconut palm

Coconut trees are typical tropical fruit trees and have certain requirements for environmental conditions, so many parts of the continent are not suitable for growing coconut trees. It loves sunlight, the soil in which coconut trees are planted is deep, soft and fertile, it has a high demand for water, and the average monthly minimum temperature is at least above 20 degrees Celsius. Those who meet the growth conditions of coconut trees in the mainland are Hainan, Taiwan, the tropical regions of southern Yunnan and so on.

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

Coconut tree plants can grow very tall, can maintain an evergreen state all year round, like the coconut trees in Hainan, generally bear fruit once a year. From flowering to fruit ripening, it takes 12 months. Of course, this also makes the coconut tree flower all year round, producing about 50-100 fruits a year, and if the variety is good, it may be more.

But you know what? The coconut shells we throw away after drinking coconut water are big treasures in the eyes of Indians, and they will deliberately recycle the coconut shells. As for where it is used, it is too much, let's take a look at it together.

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

Fresh coconuts are rarely exported, and too many discarded coconut hulls are found

India, the world's third-largest coconut producer, produces more than 10 million tonnes a year and accounts for almost one-fifth of the world's coconut production, and even then, they still export very few coconuts. The coconuts eaten by people in our country generally come from Hainan, Thailand and other countries. So where are the coconuts in India?

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

In fact, the reason why they don't like to export is because Indians like to produce and sell themselves, and many coconuts are sold to people in China. Of course, this is only a part, and some coconuts are processed by them into coconut by-products, such as coconut water, coconut oil, dried coconut, coconut paste, etc., they mainly export these by-products, as for fresh coconuts, compared with these by-products, the price is definitely lower, Indians naturally do not like to export.

In this way, for a long time, the number of abandoned coconut shells in India can be described as very large, the appearance of coconut shells is extremely hard, it cannot be degraded at all in a short period of time, India is a country with a very large population density, it is unrealistic to find extra places to put coconut shells, incineration or piling will pollute the environment and destroy the ecology, so what to do?

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

Waste utilization, turn waste into treasure

Indians are still smarter, they think of waste utilization, that is, the reprocessing of coconut shells, like a by-product of processing coconuts, because of this, coconut shells are no longer garbage for them, but have become a new business opportunity.

The substance on the outside of the coconut shell, much like chewed dry sugar cane, separates it and the coconut puree and coconut shell fibers appear in front of the eyes. The former can be used for composting, the latter can be widely used in yarn. Like some home textile packaging materials, it is the use of coconut shell fiber.

The reason why coconut shells have become treasures in the eyes of Indians, and they are the world's largest jute producers are related to a certain extent, once upon a time there were people who thought of using coconut shell waste, but technology does not allow, India does not have this problem, they successfully turned coconut shell fiber into a material like jute and sisal.

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

Compared with the hemp rope made of jute, the texture of the coir shell is significantly tougher and more durable, and the Indians have made some coconut shells into hemp rope, and some are made into more high-end products, such as mattresses. Coconut shells can also be carved into various craft products, or made into bowls, musical instruments, lampshades and other utensils. People who travel there often buy some back.

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians

In addition to these, coconut shell also has a very important use, that is, the manufacture of activated carbon, do not underestimate them, the use of coconut shell caused by activated carbon, can purify the air, filter poison gas, save a lot of energy, has a lot of significance for the environmental protection industry. According to statistics, almost all of the world's coconut shell derivatives come from India and Sri Lanka. It seems that India's efforts to apply this piece of coconut shells have not been in vain, and it is no wonder that they have a special love for coconut shells.

The coconut shells thrown away after drinking coconut water are regarded as treasures in India and are regarded as treasures by Indians


Before, who would have thought that ordinary coconut shells would have so many wonderful uses. It really responded to the saying: "Anything is possible." "It's really important to have a pair of eyes that are good at discovery, and of course have a certain strength. Before India came up with the idea of using coconut shell waste, some people in other countries also thought about it, but the technology did not reach a certain level. Nowadays, India earns a lot of income every year by processing coconut shells. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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