
Read the classic "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic* Lingshu" together

author:Acupuncture tuina Dr. Yu


This article focuses on the parts where the qi of the five internal organs and meridians flow in and out of the elbow and knee joints is injected, and specifically points out the names and parts of each meridian well, xing, infusion, original, meridian, and combination of each acupuncture point; on the other hand, this article also discusses the relationship and function of the organs, as well as the method of taking the acupuncture points at four o'clock. Because the content of this article is mainly based on the detailed description of the five loss points, the title of the article is "Ben Lose".


The Yellow Emperor asked Yu Qibo: Wherever the path of thorns is possible, it will pass through the end of the twelve meridians, the place where the network is elsewhere, the place where the five losses are left, the place where the six intestines are combined, the four times are in and out, the place where the five organs are slipped, the degree of the number of wide, the shape of shallow and deep, and the height and bottom. I'd like to hear the explanation.

【Summary】This paragraph explains the relevant knowledge that should be learned to understand the principle of acupuncture and treatment.

【Vernacular Explanation】

The Yellow Emperor asked Qi Bo and said: Anyone who wants to understand the principle of acupuncture and treatment must know the starting point and end point of the twelve meridians and their vein circulation; the place where the fifteen veins come from the canon; the parts of the four limbs of the well, xing, infusion, meridian, and combination; the relationship between the six internal organs and the five visceral surfaces; the corresponding qi and blood boom and bust situation that appears when the seasonal climate affects the human body; the place where the air flow of the five viscera and meridians is concentrated on the surface of the body; the degree of breadth and narrowness of the meridians, the veins, and the sun networks, the distribution of the deep and shallow parts, and the upper and lower faces , the connection relationship from the bottom to the end of the limb. On these issues, I would like to hear your insights.

Read the classic "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic* Lingshu" together

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Qi Bo Yue: Please say the second also. The lungs come from the less merchant, the less merchant, the inner side of the big finger of the hand, also, for the well [1] wood; slipping in the fish, the fish, the hand fish[2] also, for the xing[1]; note in the Taiyuan, Taiyuan, the fish after an inch of the sinker, for the stomach [1]; walk in the canal, through the canal, the inch mouth also, moving but not dwelling, for the meridian [1]; into the ruler, the ruler, the artery in the elbow, is the union [1]. Hand too yin sutra also.

【Summary】 This section talks about the location of the five infusion points to which the yin lung meridian of the hand belongs.


[1] Well, Xing, Transfusion, Meridian, and Union: This is the specific name of the five infusion points below the elbow and knee joints, which is named in turn by comparing the popularity of pulse qi to the flow of water flowing into rivers from small to large, gradually entering the depths, and then naming them in turn.

[2] Hand fish: Refers to the area before the wrist, between the section of the thumb (that is, the proximal knuckle of the thumb), there are fat bulges, such as the shape of a fish, collectively known as fish.

Qibo said: Let me say it in order! The pulse qi of the lungs begins with the Shaoshang Acupoint, which is located on the inside of the big finger of the hand (i.e., the radial side), a little bit from the angle of the nail, it is called the well acupoint, which belongs to the wood in the five-element classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the fish hole, and the part of the fish hole is in the middle and rear of the palm of the large fish hole, which is called the xing hole. The pulse qi is thus infused into the Taiyuan Acupoint, where the part of the Taiyuan Acupoint is in a depression one inch after the large fish interstitial of the palm (that is, about an inch above the large fish interstitial space, and the posterior medial rhabdomycephalic artery is in the hand), which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus travels through the canal cavity, which is located in a depression behind the inch mouth (that is, the inner side of the radius stem process), that is, the place where the middle finger is touched when diagnosing the pulse, where the radial artery is beating non-stop, it is called the meridian point. The pulse qi thus enters the ulnar acupoint, which is located in the artery in the center of the elbow rhably (slightly on the radial side), which is called the combined acupoint. This is the five infusion points to which the hand Taiyin Lung Meridian belongs.

The heart comes out of the middle chong, the middle chong, the end of the finger in the hand, also for the well wood; slipping in the LaoGong, the Lao Palace, the palm of the middle finger within this section, for the Xing; note in the Great Ling, the Great Ling, between the two bones behind the palm [1] also, for the body; walk in the middle of the messenger, between the two tendons, between the three inches, there is too much, no fault, for the scripture; into the Qu Ze, Qu Ze, the elbow in the inner lian sink also, bend and get, for the combination. Hands less yin also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points to which the Shaoyin Heart Meridian (Heart Envelope Meridian) belongs.

[1] Fangxia: That is, the meaning of just two bones.

【Vernacular explanation】 The pulse of the heart begins in the middle punch point of the heart envelope meridian, and the part of the middle punch point is at the tip of the finger in the hand (the distance from the nail is as wide as a leek leaf), which is called the well hole, which belongs to the wood in the five elements classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the Laogong acupoint, and the part of the Laogong acupuncture point is in the middle of the rear of the middle finger of the middle finger of the palm (that is, between the third and fourth metacarpal bones), which is called the xingxiao. The pulse qi is thus infused into the Daling Acupoint, which is located in the central part of the first transverse stripe of the posterior palmar carpal joint, between the radius and ulna, and in the ulnar depression of the radial wrist flexor tendon, which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus travels through the inter-acupuncture point, the part of the inter-acupuncture point is three inches behind the palm, the depression between the two tendons, when the sutra is sick, there will be a certain reaction in this part, and when there is no disease, there is no abnormal performance, it is called the meridian acupoint. The pulse qi thus enters the Quze acupoint, the part of the Kojize acupoint is on the inside of the biceps tendon at the elbow striation, and when the elbow fossa is recessed in the center of the transverse stripe (slightly on the ulnar side), the forearm is required to be slightly bent when taking the acupuncture point, which is called the joint acupoint. This is the five infusion points to which the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian (Heart Envelope Meridian) belongs.

【By Word】

Each of the above points belongs to the Yin Heart Envelope Meridian of the Present Hand. Because the heart and the heart envelope are one, their qi is connected, the heart envelope is the outer guard of the heart, and the heart is the lord of the internal organs, and should not be subject to evil, so the ancients believed that the diseases of the heart meridians are in the outer meridians and not in the internal organs, and the heart is sick, and the heart envelope accepts its evil, and there is a saying that there is no loss of yin and no loss (see "Lingshu Evil Guest"). This verse begins by saying that the heart comes from the middle impulse, which is the pulse qi of the hand yin heart envelope meridian, and finally says that the hand is less yin heart meridian, which is because the less yin has no loss, and its output is from the heart envelope. Since the heart is not subject to evil, in terms of treatment, the infusion points of the heart meridians are treated instead of the infusion points of the heart meridians. The "Difficult Classic" believes that the five organs and six intestines each have their corresponding yin and yang surface relationships, and the five internal organs and five infusions of the "Inner Classic" are added to the heart envelope to become the six organs and five losses, and the five infusion points of the hand Shaoyin are changed to the acupuncture points of the heart envelope meridian; as for the well, xing, infu, meridian, and he five losses of the heart meridian, they are replaced by Shaochong, Shaofu, Shenmen, Spiritual Dao, and Shaohai, and many later generations have said this.

Read the classic "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic* Lingshu" together

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The liver comes from Da Dun, Da Dun, the end of the foot big finger and the three hairs, also for the well wood; slipping between the rows, between the rows, between the feet and the big fingers, for the xing; note on Tai Chong, Tai Chong, the two inches above the row, also, for the stomach; walk in the middle seal, the middle seal, an inch and a half before the inner ankle, among the sinkers, make the reverse ze wan, make the harmony pass, shake the foot and get it, for the meridian; into the qu spring, the qu spring, under the auxiliary bone, above the big tendon, bend the knee to get it, for the union. Foot yin also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points to which the foot yin liver meridian belongs.

The pulse qi of the liver begins at the Da Dun Ao, the site of the Da Dun A point is one point away from the root of the toenail on the outside of the big toe, and it can also be said that it is in the three hairs on the dorsal side of the big toe (that is, on the back of the first section of the big toe, after the root of the toenail), it is called the well hole, which belongs to the wood in the five elements classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows in the inter-row acupoint, and the part of the inter-row acupoint is between the large and secondary toes of the foot, which is called the xing cavity. The pulse qi is thus infused into the TaiChong aka, which is located two inches above the row, and in the depression before the joint of the second toe bone, it is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus travels in the middle sealing acupoint, and the part of the central sealing acupoint is in a depression of one inch and five minutes before the ankle of the foot (according to the "A and B Sutra", it is an inch of depression); when the acupuncture point is pierced, if it violates the direction of the operation of the meridian qi, it will make the qi and blood depressed, and if it conforms to the direction of the operation of the meridian qi, it will make the qi and blood unobstructed; when the foot is lifted up when the acupuncture point is taken, a depression will appear at the acupuncture point, and the acupuncture point is obtained, which is called the meridian point. The pulse qi thus enters the Ququan Acupoint, which is located in a depression below the co-bone protrusion of the knee and above the large tendon, and the knee can be bent to obtain the acupuncture point, which is called the joint acupoint. This is the five infusion points to which the foot yin liver meridian belongs.

The spleen is out of the hidden white, the hidden white, the inner side of the end of the foot big finger, also for the well wood; slipping in the capital, the capital, after this section, among the sinkers, is also the xing; note in the taibai, too white, under the wrist bone, also, for the body; walk in the Shangqiu, the Shangqiu, under the inner ankle, the trap is also, for the meridian; into the Yin Tomb Spring, the Yin Tomb Spring, under the auxiliary bone, the sinker also, stretched out, for the union. Foot too yin also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points to which the foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian belongs.

The vein qi of the spleen begins in the hidden white hole, which is located at the inner front end of the big toe of the foot, which is called the well hole and belongs to the wood in the five elements classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the Dadu Acupoint, and the part of the Dadu Acupoint is in the center of the recess after the section of the big toe of the foot (now the inside of the thumb, on the red and white flesh at the anterior bone gap of this section), which is called the Xing Acupoint. The pulse qi is thus infused into the Taibai acupoint, where the site is in a depression under the nucleus bone on the medial side of the foot, which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus travels through the Shangqiu acupoint, which is located in a depression in the anterior and lower part of the ankle of the foot, which is called the meridian acupoint. The pulse qi thus enters the Yinling Spring Cave, where the site is in the posterior and lower depression of the inferior medial auxiliary bone protrusion; when the hole is taken, the foot is straightened and taken in the depression below the posterior side of the tibia, which is called the joint cavity. This is the five infusion points to which the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian belongs.

The kidney comes from the spring, the fountain, the foot heart, for the well wood; slipping in the ran valley, the valley, the one under the bone, also, for the xing; injected in the Taixi, Taixi, after the inner ankle, above the heel bone, the one who is trapped, also, for the body; the line is in the compound retention, the repetition, the upper inner ankle two inches, moving endlessly, for the meridian; into the yin valley, the yin valley, after the auxiliary bone, under the large tendons, above the small tendons, according to the hand, bend the knee, for the union. Foot less yin meridian also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points to which the foot less yin kidney meridian belongs.

The vein qi of the kidney begins at the Yongquan Cave, which is located in the depression of the foot center, which is called the well cavity, which belongs to the wood in the five elements classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the Rangu acupoint, and the part of the Rangu acupoint is in the depression of the lower part of the large bone in front of the ankle of the foot, which is called the Xing cavity. The pulse qi is thus infused into the Taixi cave, which is located in a depression behind the ankle of the foot and above the calcaneum, which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus travels through the fuxing point, which is two inches above the ankle of the foot and where the arteries are beating endlessly, which is called the meridian point. The pulse qi thus enters the Yin Valley Acupoint, which is located behind the inner auxiliary bone of the knee, below the large tendon, above the small tendon, and where there is arterial beating; when the acupuncture point is taken, the knee is bent, and it is taken in the depression between the two tendons at the inner end of the popliteal striation, which is called the joint acupoint. This is the five infusion points to which the foot less yin kidney meridian belongs.

The bladder comes from the yin, to the yin, the end of the little finger of the foot, also the well gold; slipping in the Tonggu, Tonggu, before this section, the lateral also, for the xing; focusing on the bundle bone, the bundle bone, after this section, the trapper is also in the middle, for the tendon; too Jing bone, the Beijing bone, under the large bone on the outside of the foot, for the original; walking in Kunlun, Kunlun, after the outer ankle, above the calcane, for the meridian; into the commission, the commission, the center of the popliteal, for the union, the commission. Foot sun also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points and the original points of the solar bladder to which the foot and sun bladder belong.

The pulse qi of the bladder meridian begins at the vagina, and the part to the vagina is on the outside of the little toe of the foot, a minute away from the toenail, which is called the well cavity, which is gold in the classification of the five elements. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the Tonggu cave, and the part of the Tonggu cave is in the depression before this section on the outside of the little toe of the foot, which is called the xing cavity. The pulse qi is thus infused into the bundle bone point, which is located in the depression behind this section on the later side of the little toe of the foot, which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus passes through the Kyo bone acupoint, which is located in a depression in the red and white flesh under the large bone on the outside of the foot, which is called the original acupoint. The pulse qi thus travels in the Kunlun Acupoint, which is located in a depression behind the outer ankle of the foot and above the calcaneal bone, which is called the meridian acupoint. The pulse qi thus enters the middle point of the committee, and the part of the center point is in the center of the horizontal stripe of the knee popliteal streak, which is called the joint point, and when taking the point, the knee must be bent to take its position. This is the five infusion points and the original points to which the foot sun bladder meridian belongs.

The "Lingshu Nine Needles and Twelve Origins" once pointed out that the five internal organs and six intestines have twelve originals, and the original of the five internal organs is actually the infusion point of the five internal organs, so the "Difficult Classics and Sixty-Six Difficulties" says: "The twelve sutras are all based on losing as the origin", which shows that the qi of the original is the same. The ancients believed that "original" was the root of the Twelve Classics, and that the qi of Sanjiao "experienced the five internal organs and six intestines" and was "the difference between the original qi", so the "Sixty-six Difficulties" also pointed out that "the loss of the three jiao is the original".

The courage comes from the tip of the yin, the tip of the yin, the end of the second finger of the foot, for the well gold; slipping in the Xia Xi, the Xia Xi, between the second finger of the foot little finger, also, for the xing; the note is in the weeping, the weeping, the upward one and a half inch of the sinker, the middle also, for the body; too hill ruins, the mound ruins, the outer ankle before the down, the trap in the middle, for the original. Walking in yangfu, yangfu, above the outer ankle, before the auxiliary bone, and the end of the bone, is also the meridian; into the Yang Lingquan, the Yang Lingquan, in the knee of the fallen, for the unity, stretched out. Foot less yang also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points and the original points to which the Foot Shaoyang Bile Meridian belongs.

The pulse qi of the gallbladder begins in the acupuncture point, and the part of the acupuncture cavity is on the outer side of the end of the fourth toe, a minute away from the toenail, it is called the well cavity, which is gold in the five elements classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the Xia Xi Cave, and the part of the Xia Xi Cave is in the depression between the small toes and the second toe of the foot and before this section, which is called the Xing Cave. The pulse qi is thus infused into the Lin weeping point, the part of the Lin weeping point, in the depression after the section of the small toe of the foot and the second toe of the Xia Xi cave, which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus passes through the mound cavity, which is located in the depression under the anterior part of the outer ankle of the foot, which is called the original cavity. The pulse qi thus travels to the Yang Auxiliary Acupoint, which is located four inches above the outer ankle of the foot, before the auxiliary bone, and at the end of the bone, which is called the meridian point. The pulse qi thus enters the Yangling Spring Cave, which is located one inch below the knee and in the depression under the front and bottom of the external auxiliary bone, which is called the joint point, and the lower limb must be stretched to take this point when taking the hole. This is the five infusion points and the original points to which the foot less yang bile meridian belongs.

Read the classic "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic* Lingshu" together

The stomach is out of the strong exchange, the strong exchange, the end of the inner and second fingers of the foot big finger, for the well gold; slipping in the inner courtyard, the inner courtyard, the second finger of the outer part of the middle, for the xing; note in the valley, the valley sinker, the upper middle finger of the inner two inches of the upper middle finger of the sinker, for the body; too chong yang, chong yang, the foot on the five inches of the sinker, for the original, shake the foot and get it; walk in the Xiexi, Xiexi, the upper Chong Yang one and a half inches of the sinker, for the meridian; into the lower tomb, the lower mausoleum, three inches under the knee, three inches outside the gimbal, for the combination; the three inches of the compound three inches of the lower three inches is the giant void and the lower three inches are the great hypocrisy and the lower lian, The large intestine belongs to the genus, the small intestine belongs to the genus, the foot Yang Ming stomach vein also, the large intestine and the small intestine, all belong to the stomach, is the foot Yang Ming also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points and the original points to which the Foot Yang Ming Stomach Meridian belongs, as well as the upper and lower giant void points.

The pulse qi of the stomach begins with the Li Dui point, which is located on the inside of the big toe of the foot and the front end of the second toe (one point from the corner of the toenail), which is called the well hole, which is gold in the classification of the five elements. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the inner courtyard point, and the part of the inner courtyard point is in the depression before this section on the outside of the second toe (that is, on the red and white flesh at the seam between the second toe and the middle toe), which is called the xing cavity. The pulse qi is thus infused into the pit pit, which is called the pit between the middle toe of the foot, two inches above the inner courtyard, and in the depression behind this section (i.e., in the interosseous seam of the second and third metatarsal bones). The pulse qi thus passes through the Chong Yang Acupoint, which is located in a depression five inches above the tarsal foot (i.e., at the interosseous artery), which is called the original acupoint, and the foot must be shaken to take this acupuncture point when taking the acupuncture point. The pulse qi thus travels to the Xiexi Acupoint, which is located in a depression on the tarsal joint of the foot one inch and a half after the sun, which is called the meridian point. The pulse qi thus enters the lower acupuncture point, the so-called lower lingclic point, that is, the foot three mile point at the three inches under the knee and the outer edge of the tibia, which is called the combined point. From this point of view, three inches below the foot three-mile point, it is the upper giant virtual hole; and then down, three inches below the upper giant virtual hole, it is the lower giant virtual hole. The pulse qi of the large intestine belongs to the upper giant void point, and the pulse qi of the small intestine belongs to the lower giant void point, and these two acupuncture points belong to the aces of the foot Yang Ming stomach meridian, so the large intestine and the small intestine are connected with the stomach, and the pulse qi is connected. This is the general situation of the five infusion points and the original points to which the Foot Yang Ming Stomach Meridian belongs.

Three Jiao, Shanghe Hand Shaoyang, out of Guan Chong, Guan Chong, the end of the second finger of the hand little finger, also for the well gold; slipping in the liquid door, the liquid door, between the little finger and the second finger, is also, for xing; note in the middle of the Zhu, Zhongzhu, after this section, the sinker zhongye, for the body; too Yang pond, Yang pool, in the wrist sinker, also, for the original; walk in the branch ditch, branch groove, three inches of the upper wrist, between the two bones of the sinker, for the meridian; into the patio, patio, in the upper bone above the large bone of the sinker, for the combination, bending the elbow is to get; the three jiaoxia, before the foot big finger, after the Shaoyang, Out of the popliteal incorruptibility, the name is Weiyang, which is the sun network also. Hand less Yang Sutra also. The three focal points, the foot of the little yang and the yin (a book of yang) will be, the difference between the sun, the upper ankle is five inches, do not enter the intestine, out of the Yang, and the sun is positive, into the bladder, about the next focus, in fact, it is closed, the void is drowned, the drowning is supplemented, and the closure is diarrhea.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the overview of the five input points, the original points and the lower acupuncture points belonging to the Shaoyang Sanjiao Sutra.

The sanjiao intestine runs through the upper, middle and lower parts of the chest and abdomen, and is connected to the hand Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian upwards. Its pulse qi begins at the Guan Chong Acupoint, which is located at the front end of the ring finger on the outside of the little finger (a minute away from the angle of the nail), it is called the well hole, which is gold in the five-element classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the liquid portal acupoint, which is located between the gap between the little finger and the ring finger, which is called the xing cavity. The pulse qi is thus infused into the Zhongzhu acupoint, which is located in the depression between the two bones after this section (i.e., the posterior edge of the fourth and fifth metacarpophalanges), and it is called an infusion point. The pulse qi thus passes through the Yangchi Acupoint, which is located in a depression in the horizontal stripe on the dorsal side of the wrist, which is called the original acupoint. The pulse qi thus travels in the branch groove point, the part of the branch groove point is three inches behind the wrist, in the depression between the two bones, it is called the meridian point; the pulse qi enters the patio point, the part of the patio point is in the depression above the large bone on the outside of the elbow (that is, in the joint depression one inch above the elbow tip), it is called the joint hole; when taking the point, the elbow must be bent to obtain this point. Although the distribution of the Sanjiao Meridian is from the hand to the head, there is a lower acupuncture point (that is, the lower joint acupoint) located in the foot that communicates with its pulse qi and is mainly located in the foot, and its pulse qi is before the foot sun bladder meridian, after the ascending foot less yang bile meridian, not out of the depression between the two tendons one inch outside the middle of the knee, called the Weiyang point, which is also the network point of the foot sun bladder meridian and the vein of the foot sun bladder meridian. The above is the overview of the five input points, the original points and the lower acupuncture points to which the Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian belongs. Because the sanjiao has a close relationship with the kidneys and the bladder, and the lower acupuncture point of the sanjiao is the place where the foot sun bladder meridian comes out, its pulse qi enters and runs through the calf belly from the meridian five inches above the ankle, and then from the Weiyang acupoint out of the body surface and thus into the honjing of the foot sun bladder meridian, and then into the abdominal cavity and connected with the bladder to restrain the lower focus, so the symptoms of the Weiyang acupuncture include lesions that belong to the bladder disease evidence seen because of the abnormal gasification of the three jiao. Such as the empirical evidence of the inability to urinate caused by the evil into the sanjiao, and the false evidence such as the inability to urinate caused by the weakness of the sanjiao. Those who are false should be supplemented by the rule of law; and those who are true should be ruled by law.

1. Before the foot finger: the three words of "foot big finger", Zhang Jiebin, Ma Xuan and others according to the meridian circulation system all think that it is a mistake of "foot little finger", because the foot little finger belongs to the foot sun bladder meridian, this view is reasonable. However, the examination of the "Evil Qi Organ Disease Form" of the Kaoben Sutra: "The three-scorched person is waiting outside the foot sun, and the large network is between the sun and the sun and the sun", and also examines the "A and B Classic" cloud: "Wei Yang, the auxiliary body under the three jiao, before the foot sun, after the Shaoyang, out of the popliteal and the middle of the two tendons, the support of the next six inches, the foot of the sun is also different", then it can be seen that the "foot big finger" when the error of "foot sun", should be corrected to "before the foot sun" is more appropriate.

2. Foot Shao Yang Taiyin Will: The "Yin" character of "Taiyin", Ma Ying, etc. believes that it is a mistake of the word "Yang", and advocates correcting it to "sun". Although Zhang Jiebin believes that this is the meaning of "sanjiao kidney and bladder" and should be called "less yin sun", he is also sure that the theory of "taiyin" is wrong. A translation of this sentence from Zhang's statement. Will, is the meaning of walking together, that is, there is a close relationship between each other.

The hand sun small intestine, the upper hand sun, out of The Shaoze, the little finger of the end, is also the well; slipping in the front valley, the front valley, in the hand outside the lian of this section of the former trapper, for the xing; the one who is not in the back stream, the back stream, after the outer part of the hand, also after this section, is the tendon; too much wrist bone, wrist bone, before the outer wrist bone of the hand, for the original; walk in the Yang Valley, Yang Valley, in the sinking under the sharp bone, for the meridian; into the small sea, small sea, outside the large bone inside the elbow, go to the end of the half inch of the sinker, also, stretch out the arm, for the union. Hand sun meridian also.

【Summary】 In this paragraph, the five infusion points and the original points of the sun's small intestine belong to.

The small intestine of the hand sun is located on the abdomen, and its meridian qi is upward in the hand sun meridian. Its pulse qi begins to emerge from the Shaoze Acupoint, the site of the Shaoze Acupoint is on the outer part of the front end of the little finger of the hand, it is called the well acupoint, which is gold in the five-element classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the anterior valley point, and the part of the anterior valley point is in the depression before this section on the outside of the little finger of the hand, which is called the xing cavity. The pulse is thus infused into the posterior cavities, which are located in the depression behind this section on the later side of the little finger of the hand, which is called an infusion cavity. The pulse qi thus passes through the carpal bone point, and the part of the wrist bone point is in the depression in front of the lateral wrist bone of the hand (that is, at the junction of the fifth metacarpal bone and the two bones of the hook bone), which is called the original point. The pulse qi thus travels in the Yanggu Acupoint, where the part of the Yanggu Acupoint is in a depression under the sharp bone behind the palm, which is called the meridian acupoint. The pulse qi thus enters the small sea cave, and the part of the small sea cave is in a depression on the inside of the elbow five minutes away from the outer edge of the large bone (that is, between the tip of the ulnar eagle's mouth protrusion of the elbow and the upper condyle of the humerus), and when taking the hole, the arm must be extended to obtain this hole, which is called the joint point. This is the five infusion points and the original points to which the hand sun small intestine meridian belongs.

The large intestine is joined by Yang Ming, out of Shangyang, Shangyang, the end of the big finger and the second finger, also for jingjin; slip in the two rooms before this section, for Xing; note in the last three rooms of this section, for the tendon; too Hegu, Hegu, between the big finger bones, for the original; walk in Yangxi, Yangxi, in the two tendons between the traps, for the jing; into the Quchi, in the elbow auxiliary bone trap, flex the arm and get it, for the he, hand Yang Ming also. It is said to be the five organs and six intestines, five hundred and twenty-five, six six thirty-six, six hundred and thirty-six. The six intestines are all out of the three yangs, and the one who is in the hand is also.

【Summary】 This paragraph talks about the location of the five infusion points and the original points belonging to the Yangming large intestine meridian.

The large intestine is located below, and its meridian qi is upward in the hand Yang Ming Sutra. Its pulse qi begins in the Shangyang Acupoint, the site of the Shangyang Acupoint is in the outer part of the front end of the index finger on the inside of the thumb of the hand, it is called the well acupoint, which belongs to the gold in the five-element classification. After the pulse qi starts from the well cavity, it flows to the two holes in the hollow in front of this section on the side of the index finger, which is called the xing cavity. The pulse qi is thus infused into the three acupoints in the posterior depression of the section on the radius of the index finger, which is called the infusion point. The pulse qi thus passes through the Hegu Acupoint, which is located between the metacarpal bone of the thumb and index finger (i.e., between the first and second metacarpal bones), which is called the original acupoint. The pulse qi thus travels in the Yangxi Acupoint, which is located in the concave depression between the radial side of the wrist joint and between the two tendons, which is called the meridian point. The pulse qi thus enters the Quchi Acupoint, where the part of the Quchi Acupoint is in the depression inside the external co-bone of the elbow (that is, when the elbow is flexed, at the elbow rhabdomy head), and when the acupuncture is taken, the elbow must be bent to obtain this acupoint, which is called the joint acupoint. This is the five infusion points and the original points to which the Hand Yang Ming large intestine meridian belongs. The above is the main acupuncture point through which the pulse qi of the internal organs is in and out. There are five acupuncture points in each of the five internal organs, for a total of twenty-five acupuncture points, and six acupuncture points in each of the six internal organs, for a total of thirty-six acupuncture points. The meridian qi of the six intestines all originate from the three yang meridians of the foot sun, the foot yang ming, and the foot shaoyang, and at the same time, the meridian qi of the three jiao intestines, the large intestine, and the small intestine are up and the three yang meridians of the hand are respectively in line. In this way, each intestine has its corresponding meridians, and at the same time it also forms a close connection with each other.

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