
A giant sea lizard twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex, it is the largest predator in the world

author:Ame explains 1
A giant sea lizard twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex, it is the largest predator in the world

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The documentary "Prehistoric Planet" shocked,

Set against the backdrop of a Cretaceous-era environment, Prehistoric Planet depicts coasts, deserts, rivers, ice and snow worlds, and forests, showcasing little-known and surprising dinosaur life.

The degree of graphic shock directly hit "Jurassic World" comparable to a blockbuster,

The first appearance is naturally the T-Rex that we are familiar with,

Tyrannosaurus rex is not only a land overlord,

More is a strong swimmer, sliding in the water with two powerful hind limbs,

Tyrannosaurus rex took its cubs to the island ahead,

Suddenly, a dragon approached rapidly, a giant sea lizard twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex,

It is the largest predator on earth.

Once the cubs leave the T-Rex reserve, they will suffer miserably.

The youngest baby Tyrannosaurus rex accidentally choked on a mouthful of water,

The T-Rex near the coast mistakenly forgot the children,

The little Tyrannosaurus rex also seemed to sense the danger coming,

Desperately swimming to the brothers and sisters,

However, it was still one step too late.

After hardships, the Tyrannosaurus Rex family successfully landed on the island,

Hungry stomach for a long time,

Fortunately, at this time, the Tyrannosaurus rex found a two-ton giant turtle,

This time the Tyrannosaurus Rex can have a full meal,

Tyrannosaurus rex uses its powerful jaws to tear delicious bites,

The young Tyrannosaurus Rex watched Daddy eat so deliciously,

I also wanted to taste a delicious bite, but was stopped by the T-Rex father,

It seems to be like human parents, saying, "You're too young to eat this."

Failed to eat a delicious little Tyrannosaurus rex,

Run to the side and bully the little turtle,

He stomped the little turtles on the sand into the sand one by one,

One by one, the poor little turtles suffered.

A giant sea lizard twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex, it is the largest predator in the world

On the beaches of North Africa, there are many pterosaurs,

With a long pointed beak and a high crown, he walks and sways from side to side like a penguin.

Pterodactyls are flying reptiles,

Pterodactyls were very light, 90% air, which made it easy for them to fly.

The first time the cubs take off, it is more difficult,

They use their two forelimbs to crawl slowly on the ground,

Take advantage of the rising power of the cliff to start your first flying training in your birth,

The cliffs of the mighty, the little pterosaurs can only succeed and cannot fail,

After a long time, finally a cub flew out, and it succeeded.

The other little ones followed suit and embarked on the journey.

Plesiosaur was a marine reptile with a length of nearly nine meters.

At this time a female plesiosaur was carrying her child, and they moved very closely.

It took the cubs a long way to swim to this bay,

Because the bay has tiny pebbles, they will swallow these smooth stones in their stomachs,

It's not that they eat stones, it's that these pebbles grind in their stomachs to unmunchable food.

After swallowing the pebbles, they left the coast.

At the confluence of southern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Tethys Sea, the diversity of coastal organisms reaches its peak,

It's covered with sponges and corals,

Corals make full use of the sunlight of these shoals to cooperate with the algae that grow within their tissues,

They collect food particles floating in ocean currents.

It is home to marine predators and a dangerous place for reef fish.

This Hoffman dragon with a bloody mouth, it is the deadliest predator in the ocean,

But this time he didn't come to dine, he came to take a shower.

Small fish and shrimp serve this overlord warmly,

Hoffman enjoyed comfortably,

Suddenly, old six struck, and a young dragon came to fight for this territory.

After a fierce fight, depending on the young Hoffman Canglong more flexible,

This battle will be fought to the death.

A giant sea lizard twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex, it is the largest predator in the world

The older male dragon saw that he was in the ascendant,

After surfacing the water for a quick change of breath, a sharp charge dragged the opponent down into the deep sea, and the opponent could drown.

Ginger was still old and spicy, and in the end the older male dragon won, and he also successfully defended his territory.

Night comes, the light show begins, and the glittering ammonite slowly rises from the abyss under the sea,

These mollusks are related to octopus and squid.

They use the light emitted to attract food, attract the opposite sex, and mate.

In the morning, these lights will be extinguished, which also indicates that their lives have come to an end.

In the shallow sea of Zealandia, plesiosaurs gathered,

At this time, the hunter giant sea lizard appeared.

A pregnant female plesiosaur is targeted, facing an attacker who is in hot pursuit.

The mother of the plesiosaur desperately dodged,

Using the time to dodge, the mother of the plesiosaur has won life for herself and the child in her belly,

A large group of friends rushed back, and together they tried their best to save the mother of the plesiosaur.

After regaining calm, the mother of the plesiosaur will complete the most important thing in this life,

The baby that gives birth to the baby plesiosaur, through the efforts of the mother of the little plesiosaur,

The baby dragon was finally born.

The baby born is more than three meters long, almost half the length of the mother dragon, and may be one of the largest babies in history.

Babies are born who need to swim to the surface of the water for their first breath.

This also represents the wonderful beginning of the life of the little plesiosaur.

The film ends here, like Ame's like comments forwarded, your like will be my biggest motivation, bye bye, see you next time.

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