
Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

author:Wing Chun

As the saying goes, illness comes from the mouth, and nowadays there are many news related to food safety that has been reported, making people feel very worried about a variety of foods, afraid of eating the wrong thing and hurting the body.

Especially in recent years, the Internet celebrity industry has gradually risen, more and more food anchors have come into front of people's eyes, and we will unconsciously drool when watching food anchors eat, and want to try it.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

All kinds of fried foods, high-sweet foods, welcomed by people, satiety and taste buds, but also can improve people's appetite and satisfaction, people opened the day of overeating, big fish and big meat.

When it comes to junk food, everyone may unconsciously think of instant noodles, and the older generation of people in the family often attribute instant noodles to junk food, and when they find that the younger generation eats instant noodles, they will also strictly stop it.

In fact, instant noodles are not enough to be called junk food, but it is still not recommended that everyone eat it often, because the nutritional value of instant noodles is relatively low, if you often eat instant noodles, it is likely to lead to insufficient nutritional intake, resulting in malnutrition and nutritional imbalance.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

In addition, instant noodle cakes may be fried at high temperatures during the processing and production, and too much oil may also cause a certain impact and burden on the body after entering the human body, so we must pay special attention when eating instant noodles.

In fact, there are many "junk foods" in life that are synthetic foods, and many people still think that they are real materials, often eat, and don't be stupid and fooled.

Synthetic 6 kinds of "junk food", instant noodles are not on the list, and many people like to eat at the top of the list

Sweet potato noodles

In winter, it is the season to eat noodles in the northern region, especially the cabbage pork stew noodles have become the favorite of many families, so that it is more affordable to eat, and it is warm and warm, especially in line with the winter season.

In fact, the price of sweet potato noodles in daily life is not high, even if the price is not high, but the profit of this reverse is still relatively high, some people will use flour and additives to increase profits, this noodle contains a lot of starch, although the taste is good, but if you often eat it is easy to increase the risk of obesity, but also easy to suffer from three highs.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

When buying vermicelli, you can carefully distinguish, if you can easily break, generally is a better quality vermicelli, you can also use a lighter to burn it, if you burn a fragrance, the quality of this vermicelli is also better.


Whether the elderly or children are particularly fond of eating some cream cakes, but most of the cream in life is margarine, the sugar and fat content of this cream is very high, if you often eat this small cake is easy to induce obesity, it is easy to induce three highs, and even may form thrombosis, suffering from atherosclerosis, in the usual must try to eat less cream products.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

Hot pot balls

Hot pot balls are also a sales champion in winter, not only when eating hot pot, when eating spicy hot pot, many people also like to choose hot pot balls, although this hot pot balls are very delicious to eat, some people think that it is made of fish or shrimp meat, in fact, it does not contain any meat at all, but just some starch, plus some minced meat, and additive preservatives.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

In normal times, everyone tries to eat less hot pot balls, especially children, if you want to eat them, you can make them at home.

Grilled sausages

This winter's "ten intestines miss" is also more popular, grilled sausages can be seen everywhere, especially in the bustling commercial streets and school entrances, and are generally more popular with the public, especially some children, every time they go to school, they must eat a grilled sausage.

The price of general grilled sausages is relatively cheap, many people think that this is made of meat, in fact, most of the grilled sausages are made of added starch and additives, if you often eat this kind of grilled sausages can easily induce obesity, especially for children may also lead to precocious puberty.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

Jellyfish silk

Jellyfish silk belongs to a kind of seafood, the price is relatively high, for ordinary families is rarely often eat jellyfish silk, but there are some jellyfish silk on the market the price is relatively cheap, the taste is similar to the real jellyfish silk, in fact, this jellyfish silk is made of some additives, does not contain any jellyfish ingredients.

When buying jellyfish silk, you can take a look, if the color of jellyfish silk is particularly bright white, in fact, this is fake, normal jellyfish silk should be yellowish

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

Beef, lamb rolls when eating hot pot is naturally indispensable beef rolls and lamb rolls, there are many places on the market to sell this beef and lamb rolls, but the real fresh meat round cut meat rolls are not common in the market, most of them are conditioned meat rolls, this meat roll is artificial synthesis of spliced meat, may be beef plus pork or add low-priced duck meat or chicken added, their cost price is relatively low, so the price is naturally cheaper.

There are even some beef and lamb rolls, which are made of some meat scraps, and everyone should not only try to be cheap when buying, but be sure to polish your eyes.

Synthetic "junk food" or revealed? Instant noodles are not on the list, and most people at the top of the list love to eat

Conclusion: Diet is also a science, as the saying goes, the disease comes from the mouth, if in normal times we are not afraid of the mouth, unscrupulous, may eat the disease, but if we maintain health in advance, eat less of these junk food, may be more conducive to good health, but also can keep the disease out.

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