
In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous literati named Ji Yun, who was the prototype of the TV series "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan". This person was a red man during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor,

author:Woodcutters read history

In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous literati named Ji Yun, who was the prototype of the TV series "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan".

This person was a red man during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor, who was not only full of knowledge, and was the general person in charge of editing the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book", but also in the official field, and was deeply favored by the masters of the dynasty.

It is just such a famous "public knowledge", but in his bones he is a layman with five poisons.

Unbelief? And listen to the "Woodcutter Reading History" to give you one by one:

1. The earliest "smokers"

During the Qianlong period, the dignitaries and nobles in the capital were all addicted to tobacco, and the "Huazi" cigarette at that time was called Tamba (quite foreign). When the Heavenly Son Qianlong Ye is also good at this mouthful, and the smoking addiction is very large, a day can not be separated, it is said that today's amount, may have to smoke 3-5 packs. It's just that this "perfect old man" smoked for a long time and found that coughing often was not beneficial to the body, and the imperial doctor also told him that smoking hurt his lungs. Qianlong Ye was a very self-disciplined and life-saving person, so he quit smoking from then on and advised people around the world that smoking was harmful to health.

However, Ji Xiaolan, who was a scholar of Hanlin University, took Qianlongye's words as inappropriate, continued to do his own thing, and ate smoking as a meal, so the addiction to smoking became bigger and bigger, and in the current dynasty there was the elegant name of "Ji Da Tobacco Bag".

In fact, grass tobacco is a drug, and once smoked, it is difficult to quit.

One day, Ji Xiaolan was on duty in the museum, he was busy with his work, the smoking addiction came up, the monkey hurriedly lit the cigarette, took two sips, and closed his eyes and spat out a few perfect smoke rings from his mouth, but at this time, an old eunuch appeared in front of him, pulling a broken voice of male and female to him, and loudly announced that he had entered the emperor and said that there was something important to discuss.

Brother Ji was anxious, panicked and inserted the cigarette bag into the boot barrel, without saying a word, followed the old eunuch into the pilgrimage to see the emperor.

Unfortunately, this time Qianlong asked, the topic was particularly many, endless, not long, Ji Da tobacco bag always felt that something was wrong, and later found that it was hot and hot on the feet, but hindered by the boss's questioning, the body did not dare to move, can only straighten the chest, extend the ears, concentrate, there are questions to answer.

At this time, his boots suddenly smoked, and the fire of the original cigarette bag was not extinguished, and there was a tendency to burn, and as a result, the socks were burned. Ji Da Smoke Ghost was in terrible pain, his facial features were deformed, and his tears and snot flowed to the ground. Qianlong was horrified and asked him what was wrong?

Ji Da's cigarette bag could only truthfully say, "There is a fire in the barrel of the minister's boots!"

Qianlong couldn't help himself and laughed.

Later, the master let him go on a horse and told him to go out to solve it, ji Da's cigarette bag suddenly got angry at his feet, ran out of the door, took off his boots, and found that it was burned into a pig's trotter, which was unbearable to see!

What makes people laugh is that Ji Xiaolan usually walks with wind and fire, and his steps are extremely fast, and colleagues jokingly call him "Shenxing Taibao", but this time after this ordeal, he lay flat on the bed for more than a month, and walked with a limp after getting up, so colleagues sent him the nickname "Iron Abduction Li".

It is said that later Qianlong Ye personally held accountable and wrote a review for Ji Xiaolan on this matter. Because the review was written very deeply, Qianlong Ye was quite moved, so he gave him a pipe and made an exception that he could smoke anywhere in the workplace, which showed that the Qianlong Emperor was not a stereotypical person and understood the flexibility of policy.

2. The biggest sex ghost

It is an indisputable fact that men all over the world are.

But for the degree of lust, Ji Xiaolan said that he was second, and no one dared to say first.

Ji Xiaolan is so good?

According to the history of the wild, this is true.

Legend has it that Ji Xiaolan is not a mortal fetus, his endowment is beyond ordinary people, he can see at night, he is a wild monster turning, similar to the reincarnation of the owl and mouse essence (Ji Xiaolan himself said), he usually eats three meals a day, eats meat, does not eat rice and does not eat vegetables, the important thing is that a number of women must be counted, the sky is not bright once, once in the dynasty, once after lunch, once after dinner, once before going to bed, and once can not be less, sometimes the interest comes, regardless of the time and occasion.

Not afraid to die of exhaustion?

Ji Xiaolan laughed:

"Lao Tzu is extremely talented."

Ji Xiaolan is a workaholic, once when editing the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book", because he had been working overtime in the museum, he had not touched a woman for a few days, and old Ji had red eyes and a bloody face. The Qianlong Emperor happened to meet him, and when he saw his strange appearance, he was really shocked, so he eagerly asked him, what strange disease did he commit? Old Ji was also a man of temperament, and he went straight to Qianlong and said to Qianlong:

"I haven't touched a woman in a long time."

The Qianlong Emperor sympathized with his subordinates, and immediately ordered the eunuchs around him to quickly ask the two palace ladies to relieve Ji Daren and cure his illness! So Ji Xiaolan also had beautiful companions during his work, and since then he has been full of energy, and after the "Four Libraries of the Whole Book" was compiled, he asked Ji Xiaolan to take the two daughters home.

In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous literati named Ji Yun, who was the prototype of the TV series "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan". This person was a red man during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor,
In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous literati named Ji Yun, who was the prototype of the TV series "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan". This person was a red man during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor,
In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a famous literati named Ji Yun, who was the prototype of the TV series "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan". This person was a red man during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor,

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