
How much is a Dubo sheep and a lake sheep modified into a Dubo sheep, and how to distinguish the Dubo sheep?

author:Fuhong special breeding

Sheep breeders are well aware that Dubo sheep is an imported meat sheep breed, growing fast, high meat yield, resistant to rough feeding, is a relatively common meat sheep breed. The lake sheep, on the other hand, is a high breeding rate sheep in the country and is known for its stable production of multiple births. These two types of sheep with different characteristics, with the help of artificial insemination and reproduction, what kind of symbols and advantages does the "Duhu sheep" produced have?

How much is a Dubo sheep and a lake sheep modified into a Dubo sheep, and how to distinguish the Dubo sheep?

Lake sheep have long been known for their multiple births and strong nature. The mixed hybridization of male and female lake sheep uses the advantages of the excellent nature of lake sheep. Sheep breeders are well aware that the nature of ewes is related to the profitability of herding, and a good lambing will affect the survival rate and growth of larvae at the same time. The high reproduction rate of lake sheep is also highlighted in the results of mixed hybridization. Relying on the polypodism of lake sheep with more advantages than Du Bo, the total reproduction of the first generation of Du Lake can be guaranteed (but there are also scientific studies that show that the mixed hybridization of Du Lake will improve the probability of dystocia of ewes, which is the primary problem that must be solved).

How much is a Dubo sheep and a lake sheep modified into a Dubo sheep, and how to distinguish the Dubo sheep?

The initial weight and growth rate of duhu sheep are closer to those of the mother lake sheep. However, after 6 months, the hybrid advantage gradually develops. Duhu sheep with the change of time, the growth curve will gradually approach the standard of Dubo sheep, especially after 5 months, is the peak of weight gain of Duhu sheep. The meat performance of Duhu sheep is stronger than that of lake sheep, inheriting the meat texture of Dubo sheep.

In terms of mating, we should pay great attention to avoiding inbreeding, if the inbreeding of the flock of sheep, it is very easy to cause the drawbacks of "two drops and one high", that is, the productivity of sheep declines, the species degenerates, the growth and development are incomplete, and the number of wool produced by meat is reduced by about 50%; the reproduction function of the flock of sheep declines, and the inbreeding of inbreeding causes the problems of freaks, small fetuses, fallen fetuses, and fetal death problems occur continuously; sheep have poor disease resistance and high mortality. There are three main levels of precautionary measures: the first place, the replacement of the big ram. Breeding large rams are used in a flock of sheep for 2 consecutive years, and then replaced with the same kind of large rams in other flocks. Reduces the probability of inbreeding. The second is the self-breeding and feeding of various rams. During mating seasons, with the help of direct blood sources, species with distant direct blood sources of large rams are selected and artificially assisted mating or artificial fertilization is carried out. Using this method not only avoids inbreeding, but also controls the spawning period of the ewe and increases the use period of the breeding of large rams.

How much is a Dubo sheep and a lake sheep modified into a Dubo sheep, and how to distinguish the Dubo sheep?

How to distinguish between Dubo sheep?

To identify purebred Dupo sheep, with the help of the color of its neck, it is divided into two categories: white-headed Dupo and black-headed Dupo. The bodies and legs of these two types of sheep are pure white, the head is flat, medium in length and length, the forehead is wide, the nose bridge is slightly raised, there are no horns or small horn roots, and the ears are small and flat, neither short nor too wide. The neck is short and thick, the shoulders are thick, the back is flat, the ribs are rounded, the chest is full, and the back of the body is strong. The legs are strong and medium in length, and the limbs are neat. The whole body is like a burly carriage. Dubo sheep are divided into two breeds: long hair type and short hair type. Long-haired sheep produce carpet wool, which is more suitable for severe cold climatic conditions; Short-haired sheep have a short coat (made of hair or plush), and the Dubo sheep is well resistant to heat and rain, and in the case of sufficient refined feed protein, the Dubo sheep does not need to shave because its hair can fall independently.

How much is a Dubo sheep and a lake sheep modified into a Dubo sheep, and how to distinguish the Dubo sheep?

How many lambs can a ewe produce at a time?

Dubo ewes can give birth at all stages of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The littering cycle of ewes is 6 months, and in the case of refined feed situation and good supervision, the ewe can achieve 2 litters per year. Dubo sheep are multi-lamb, and under better feeding supervision, the yield rate can usually be achieved by 150%. In the more common free-range setting, the littering rate is 100%. In flocks of many newborn ewes, the litter rate is around 120% because the first-born ewe usually produces a single lamb.

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