
Dubo sheep

author:Raising cattle, raising sheep, raising donkeys, raising horses
Dubo sheep

Dubo sheep, English name dorper sheep, origin of South Africa, also referred to as Dubo sheep, with the South African native breed of sheep black-headed Persian ewe as the mother, the introduction of The British horned Tawsett sheep as the father of the cross-breeding is a foreign meat sheep product. Whether it is black-headed Dubo or white-headed Dupo, in addition to the difference in head color and related pigmentation, they all carry the same genes, with the same breed characteristics, Dupo sheep breed standards are applicable to both black-headed Dupo and white-headed Dupo. are two types belonging to the same variety. [1] The rapid growth and weaning of Dober lambs are important economic characteristics of sheep production for meat. 3.5-4 months old Dubo lambs weigh up to 36 kg, slaughter carcasses about 16 kg, excellent quality. Lambs not only grow fast, but also have the ability to feed early. Under normal conditions, lambs gain an average of more than 200 grams a day.

Native to South Africa, the Dubo meat sheep are cross-bred by cross-breeding of horned tousset sheep and Persian black-headed sheep, making it a world-famous meat sheep breed. According to the color of its head and neck, it is divided into two types: white-headed Dubo and black-headed Dupo. Both sheep have white bodies and limbs, a straight head, a moderate length, a broad forehead, a slightly raised nose bridge, no horns or small horn roots, and small and straight ears, neither short nor too wide. The neck is thick and short, the shoulders are broad and thick, the back is straight, the ribs are rounded, and the front

Dubo sheep

Dubo sheep

The chest is plump and the posterior body is muscular. The limbs are strong and moderately long, and the limbs are upright. The whole body is like a tall carriage. Dubo sheep are divided into two strains: long hair type and short hair type. Long-haired sheep produce carpet wool, more adapted to cold climatic conditions; short-haired sheep have shorter coats (composed of hair or fluff), which can better resist heat and rain, and in the case of sufficient feed protein, Dubo sheep do not need to be sheared, because its hair can fall off freely.

Dubo lambs grow rapidly and weaned heavily. 3.5-4 months old Dubo sheep weigh up to 36 kg, slaughter carcasses are about 16 kg, excellent quality, the average daily weight of lambs is 81-91 g. Dubo sheep are medium in height, plump in stature and weigh heavier. Adult rams and ewes weigh around 120 kg and 85 kg respectively. Although the Dubo sheep are medium-sized, they are plump and weigh heavier.

Dubo sheep

Dubo sheep has good stress resistance, and it performs well in many different grassland and feeding conditions, and performs better under intensive conditions. at

Dubo sheep

Under poor grazing conditions, many breeds of sheep can survive when they cannot survive. Even under fairly harsh conditions, ewes can produce and bring a good quality lamb. Because the purpose of breeding Dubo sheep was to adapt to poor environments, coupled with the inherent strength of this sheep and non-selective herbivorous, this breed has a higher status in meat sheep. In most sheep farms, stocking can be carried out, and other breeds of livestock can be fed a variety of grasses that are more difficult to use or cannot be used, and the sheep farm can be raised both single Dubo sheep and a small number of other breeds, so that the more difficult to use forage resources can be utilized. This advantage is very conducive to breeding management. Dubo ewes have high milk production and good lamb protection, whether with single lambs or double lambs, they can be well bred.

Dubo sheep

Dubo sheep are highly productive, have a long breeding period, and are not limited by seasons. The fact that the fertility rate of ewes in a breeding season is quite high contributes to the selection of sheep and to the increase in the number of lambs available for sale. Under good production management conditions, Dober ewes can be lambtened at any time of the year. The interval between lambing of ewes is 6 months, and with better feed conditions and management conditions, ewes can reach 2 litters per year. Dubo sheep have multi-lambing, under good feeding management conditions, the general lambing rate can reach 150%. Under more general stocking conditions, the lambing rate is 100%. In a flock of large numbers of first-born ewes, the lambing rate is around 120%, as the first-born ewe generally produces a single lamb.

Dubo sheep are well adapted to a wide range of climatic and grazing conditions, and this breed was mainly used in the drier areas of South Africa when breeding, but today it is widely distributed in South Africa and around the world.

After the First World War, South Africa began to use British meat sheep breeds to cross with South African native sheep such as Persian and Merino sheep. At that time, the price of local adult lamb and wool fell, allowing more attention to export lamb and lamb. However, the British market is not interested in fat-tailed sheep, and according to the British grading standard, fat-tailed sheep do not meet the standard. Therefore, it is necessary to breed a meat sheep breed that can grow fast and have good carcass quality under the conditions of natural grassland in South Africa. In Western Cape, the prerequisite for a new breed is that the ewe must be mated from November to December in order to lamb in April of the following year. In the Karoo region, the new variety needs to achieve the goal of replacing the fat-tailed type variety and becoming an acceptable carcass. The original idea of the new breed was to breed a sheep breed suitable for the low rainfall areas of the north, that is, to breed a sheep breed that is relatively easy to raise under harsh conditions and still gets a better carcass quality.

Through embryo transfer technology, a few days ago, the local ewe in Jinning, Kunming City, successfully gave birth to 68 purebred New Zealand Dubo lambs. This is the first time that Embryo Transfer has been used to breed Dubo sheep in Yunnan Province, and it is also the most successful frozen embryo transfer trial in China.

In October last year, Yunnan Zhongke Embryo Engineering Biotechnology Co., Ltd. invested 600,000 yuan to introduce 300 registered purebred Dubo sheep embryos from the New Zealand Sheep Breeding Association, and selected local high-quality sheep in Yunnan as the recipient for embryo transfer, which was the first time in the province that Dubo sheep embryo transfer was carried out. After synchronous estrus and other technical treatment, the first batch of 102 purebred Dubo sheep embryos were successfully implanted in the mother of the surrogate sheep, and the pregnancy rate was 74. 5%。 After five months of meticulous care, from March 6 to 14, the mother of the surrogate sheep gave birth to 68 "foreign babies" in the base, with a lambing rate of 66. 7%, of which a surrogate mother also gave birth to twins. It is understood that the Dubo sheep is a large meat sheep, the carcass quality is good after slaughter, the meat is tender, and the crown is "diamond-grade" sheep, which has high economic value. It is highly adaptable, has fast early growth and development, and its growth rate and meat yield are better than other varieties in China. Daily weight gain is higher than the Boer goat, the ram weighs up to 105 kg at the age of 1, the ewe weighs 85 kg, and the local sheep weigh only half of it when it is 1 year old, and it is currently very successful in Breeding in Liaoning, Shandong and other places in China, and the market price of a breeding sheep is 15,000 to 20,000 yuan. Yesterday, the reporter saw the "foreign babies" who were following their mothers to graze in the grassland of the base of Yunnan Zhongke Biotechnology Company, some of them had black heads, white bodies, and some of them were white. Xiao Chen, manager of the company's technical department, told us that because it is "borrowing the belly to give birth", some sheep mothers have little milk, or even no milk, so they have to feed the lambs with milk and carefully formulated nutritional products. At present, 60 purebred small Dubo sheep that have become alive are growing healthily in the base, and the largest one weighs 15 kilograms. [2]

Dubo sheep hereditary is very stable, whether pure breeding offspring or improved offspring, they show excellent production performance and adaptability, especially meat production performance, the fat distribution in the meat is even, for high-quality carcass. Both meat sheep breeds imported and domestically produced for China are incomparable. A well-grown lamb has a carcass quality that meets excellent standards in terms of shape and fat distribution. The carcass of Dupo sheep with an age of A (young, tender and juicy), fat grades 2-3 (good meat taste), and shapes of 3-5 (medium to round carcasses) is called the best carcass, and when it is sold, it is crowned as diamond-grade Dupo sheep. This variety has excellent cortex and is also an ideal raw material for tanning. At present, the domestic introduced breeds are mainly whiteheads, and blackheads are rarely introduced from pure breeds, mainly for hybridization with local breeds such as Mongolian sheep.

Dubo sheep is particularly known for producing fat lamb meat, carcass meat is tender, juicy, fresh color, lean meat rate is high, and is internationally known as "diamond-grade meat". The slaughter rate at the age of 4 months is 51%, the net meat rate is about 45%, the meat-to-bone ratio is 9.1:1, and the material-to-weight ratio is 1.8:1. Dubo lamb weight gain rapidly, weaning weight is high, which has an important economic characteristics of meat sheep production, 3 months old Dubo fat lamb weight up to 36 kg slaughter carcass is about 18 kg, excellent quality. Lambs not only grow fast, but also have the ability to feed early. Under normal conditions, the average daily weight gain is 300 grams. Good carcass quality. A well-developed fat lamb has an excellent carcass quality in both shape and fat distribution. This fat lamb is very popular when sold. During the 1990 National Fair, more than 120 exhibitors brought 1,200 sheep of various breeds, of which 600 were used for slaughter assessment, and the Dubo Fat Lamb carcass won 8 first places in individual and group competitions. 3-4 months old weaned lamb weight up to 36kg, carcass weight 16kg, meat-to-bone ratio of 4.9-5.1:1, the muscle in the butcher body accounted for about 65, fat 20, high-quality meat accounted for 43.2-45.9, the meat is tender and delicious, especially suitable for sheep production fat lamb production, meat tender and delicious, internationally known as diamond-grade sheep meat.

Annual shearing 1 to 2 times, shearing amount: adult ram 2 to 2.5 kg, ewe 1.5 to 2 kg; the coat is mostly homogeneous fine hairs, individual individuals are fine semi-coarse hairs, hair is short and fine, spring hair 6.13cm, autumn hair 4.92cm, wool body fineness of 64, a few up to 70 or more; net gross average 50% to 55%.

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