
The five characteristic breeding sheep of the purebred Dubo sheep breed are suitable for breeding in the northeast and western regions of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang

author:Fuhong special breeding

Excellent breed advantage of purebred Dubo sheep

The five characteristic breeding sheep of the purebred Dubo sheep breed are suitable for breeding in the northeast and western regions of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang

1. Origin: Dubo sheep are produced in Brazil.

2. History of cultivation and development: It was selected and cultivated in Brazil from 1942 to 1950 with the local Arabian black-headed sheep and the British horned Tausset sheep.

The five characteristic breeding sheep of the purebred Dubo sheep breed are suitable for breeding in the northeast and western regions of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang

3, the appearance advantages: Du Bo sheep back hair has two types: one is the head and neck black, the body and lower limbs are white; the other is white all over the body, but some sheep sometimes have pigment spots in the lower limbs. Usually no horns, the head is flat, the length is moderate, the forehead is wide, the nose bridge is raised, and the ears are slightly droopy, neither short nor too wide. The neck is thick, the chest is full, the shoulders are wide and thick, the back and waist are flat, the ribs are round, the buttocks are round, and the back of the body is strong. The lower limbs are short and strong, the bones are thin, the muscles of the whole body are convex, the body shape is bucket-shaped, and the limbs are upright.

4, the power of calving: Du Bo sheep will not be seasonally limited, can be bred all year round, the birth rate of large sheep is above 160%, good nature, milk production, can breastfeed multiple lambs very well. Faster growth and development, 3.6 to 4 months old lamb, living weight of about 36 kg, live weight of 18 kg or so, the proportion of lipids in the meat is evenly proportioned, for high-quality living. Although the Dubo sheep are medium in size, they are full and heavy. Adult rams weigh 100 to 110 kg and 75 to 95 kg respectively.

5. Breeding area: In China's northwest, north China, northeast China, southwest Lu and other places have not been cultivated in recent years. In 2002, it was tested for hybridization with the small-tailed Han sheep in southwest Luxi, Shandong Province, and in the case of all stocking, the average weight of the five-month-old male lamb was 43.1 kg, and the meat was 23 and 23 kg. In addition, the Dumont hybrid sheep were born with dense hair, thick skin, strong walking strength, no choice of plant feeding on forage varieties, strong resistance to severe cold, and high survival rate.

The five characteristic breeding sheep of the purebred Dubo sheep breed are suitable for breeding in the northeast and western regions of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang

Dubo sheep are stable in production, have a long breeding period, and will not be limited by solar terms. The fact that the number of litters in a mating season is very high is beneficial to the breeding of flocks and to the increase in the total number of lambs available for sale. Under the premise of maintaining good production and management, Dupo dubo sheep can give birth at all times in different seasons. The littering cycle of Dubo sheep is 6 months, and under the premise of refined feed and management methods, Dubo sheep can achieve 2 litters a year. Dubo sheep are multi-lamb, and under the premise of maintaining good feeding management methods, the calving rate can usually be 160%. Under the premise of more normal free range, the littering rate is 100%. In flocks of sheep composed of large batches of primary Dupo sheep, the littering rate is around 130% because the first-born Dupo sheep usually produce a single lamb.

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