
Will the monkeys of Panama enter the Stone Age, will they become new humans?

author:Your jumping and jumping

On a deserted island in Panama, scientists have discovered a unique monkey that is distinctly different from other monkeys in that they use stones as tools, and they will evolve into new types of humans.

Will the monkeys of Panama enter the Stone Age, will they become new humans?

Let's analyze and analyze together, human beings are advanced species that can make and use tools, and human intelligence is ahead of all other species on earth, but this does not mean that only human beings have this ability. The monkey found on this small island in Panama is a capuchin monkey. At first, the monkeys on this small island could use stones was just a rumor, and due to the difficult road to this island, not many people knew about it.

Will the monkeys of Panama enter the Stone Age, will they become new humans?

It wasn't until 2017 that the rumor was finally confirmed by a behavioral ecologist in Germany and his colleagues. When they went to the island, they found a surprising scene where the capuchin monkeys on the island could use stones, shells, nuts and other foods. Prior to this, humans had only discovered that very few primates possessed this skill. It's exciting to find a monkey with this skill. Not only do they use stones, they also look for flat stones or slabs to use as cutting boards, and they can even save stone tools for the next time. These monkeys are really smart and have a strong ability to learn. Judging by the fact that they could use stones skillfully, they had entered the Stone Age.

Will the monkeys of Panama enter the Stone Age, will they become new humans?

Does that mean they'll soon become as intelligent as humans? In fact, the Stone Age is an era that spans a long time, monkeys can use stones, but it is also in the low-level Stone Age stage, and there is still a long way to go to really become a human. What's more, as long as there is a human being, the monkey is not willing to become human. What do you think about this?

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