
The article published by the "Southern Metropolis Daily" the day before reported that "Genetic Proof: Farming Culture Was Formed by the Mixed Blood of Eurasian Hunter-Gatherers 12,900 Years Ago", a rhythmic article that has been deleted by the whole network (

author:A little one
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“南方都市报”前日所发文章报道《基因证明:农耕文化由1.29万年前欧亚狩猎采集者混血形成》这篇带节奏的文章已被全网删除(","en":"The article published by the \"Southern Metropolis Daily\" the day before reported that \"Genetic Proof: Farming Culture Was Formed by the Mixed Blood of Eurasian Hunter-Gatherers 12,900 Years Ago\", a rhythmic article that has been deleted by the whole network ("},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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