
Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

author:Universal Science Cats

When Ms. Yang of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, visited the zoo, she accidentally saw a monkey with a "chinese character face", and it quickly became popular on the Internet, and many people questioned whether it might be played by someone, and some people said that it might be fake, and so on.

But later responded that this monkey was real and there was no problem. This makes many people wonder, is the earth going to enter the era of new civilization and the monkeys to enter the human age?

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

Indeed, the pattern of monkeys similar to humans is not the first time it has been reported, and the relationship between humans and monkeys seems to be getting closer and closer. Is this really a process by which monkeys evolve into adults? Let's take a look at an example, and then talk about the "national character face" monkey.

Panamanian monkeys present human behavior

In 2018, a piece of news about the Panamanian monkey or entering the Stone Age has triggered a lot of heated discussions, many people said that this may be the arrival of the new civilization era of the earth, and the monkeys are also going to enter the human age!

According to the news published in the journal BioRxiv, scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama have been whispering about remote islands where monkeys use stone tools for years.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

It was also the first animal to observe capuchin monkeys (Panamanian monkeys) using stone tools, and is also known to be the fourth group of non-human primates to behave in this way. The white-faced capuchin monkey (Panama monkey) behaves very differently.

They are not large, but with flexible black bodies, long and dexterous tails and expressive eyes, they practice complex behaviors!

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

At the same time, it is also possible to rub some plants on their own bodies, possibly as drugs, protect themselves from snakes with sticks, play games by passing sticks and stones to each other, and perform strange "bond test" rituals, including sticking fingers into each other's noses and eyes – perhaps the monkeys amount to a loss of trust.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

Stones are held high overhead, then smashed on nuts, crabs, snails and other foods — knocking on hard shells and using them to eat. And this state is the same as the early stage of our human evolution, so the human behavior displayed by the Panamanian monkey has worried many scientists.

Scientist Joan Silke said that for at least 3 million years, human, ancient human cousins have used stones as hammers and anvils. This time the Panamanian monkey exhibited human behavior, which was the only creature to do so.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

So, when many people saw this study, they were saying that the Panama monkey showed human behavior, was it the second civilization of the earth that was coming? Will it evolve human beings again? No, after the Panamanian monkey showed human behavior, the mainland actually appeared again "national character face" monkey.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces!

As we said above, this monkey is real, and there is no human behavior change. From the published picture, we can also see that its face is more square and a little bald, so it is unique. And this monkey belongs to the black hat hanging monkey.

What is a black hat monkey? The black-hated monkey is an omnivorous species and comes in a variety of colors, with brown, dark yellow, black, and simply put, the color of the whole body is a diverse pattern.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

This species is distributed in South America and lives mainly in humid tropical forests at an altitude of 2700 meters. The biggest highlight of this monkey is that it has a thick black hair on the top of its head, which looks like it is wearing a black hat, so it is called a black hat hanging monkey.

They mainly eat fruits, seeds and insects. However, the number of black hat hanging monkeys in the wild is also not large, and their survival is threatened due to the deforestation and the destruction of the ecological environment.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

Therefore, the black hat hanging monkey seen on the mainland was also introduced from other places, not a native species of the mainland. And this time the "national character face" black hat hanging monkey does look strange, colliding with people's faces, but did not do any operation, which also shows that it is a natural change process.

Will they continue to evolve, or will Earth enter the Second Civilization?

From the perspective of biological evolution, including humans are the same, still evolving! For example:

There is a new organ on the cartilage of the eustachian tube bulging in humans and it is called the "bulging salivary gland". While this new organ may seem "unremarkable," it makes a lot of sense for humans, who may still be evolving through this study.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

Of course, some researchers have seen it and said that this itself exists, but it has not been found by humans before, so here is a reference.

However, there is also a sign of evolutionary proof, that is, since the end of the 19th century, there has been an increase in the retention of an artery in the forearm, which usually disappears about 8 weeks after birth in humans, and this artery is called the mid-middle artery.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

However, around the 1880s, the incidence of this situation was 10%, but by the 20th century, the incidence rose to 30%. The team found that 35 percent of people already had this blood vessel on their forearms, and speculated that people born 80 years later would have a median artery. This situation is called "micro-evolution" by humans.

But. Studies have shown that humans are still evolving, and at a faster rate. This also illustrates the accuracy of evolution. Isn't that? Living things have an evolutionary process, and the changes in these monkeys must also be evolving. So, evolution must exist (at least in terms of biological evolution), is the earth going to enter the second civilization?

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

From the perspective of biological evolution, the emergence of human beings is only a branch in the evolutionary process, although species such as Panamanian monkeys and black hat hanging monkeys belong to primate species, but they are completely different from the human branch.

Therefore, the probability of evolving into a human being is almost zero, and it is even more unlikely that the Earth will develop into a second civilization.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

Even if new humans were really evolved, they would be unlikely to pose any threat to humans, because humans already belong to a higher group. When they really evolved to this stage, they were already controlled by humans, rather than waiting for them to threaten and form a new civilization on Earth, which was a completely normal performance.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

So, will they evolve into adults? From the perspective of the evolutionary branch of biology, it is impossible, let alone threaten humanity, or become the second civilization on Earth, which is unlikely.

At the same time, the biological system has the ability to balance, as the saying goes, "all things are mutually exclusive", and the monkey biological population is still in the biological chain, still maintaining the balance of biological conditions, and will not let it play. Therefore, the threat to man, these creatures are still very small.

Panama monkeys are now human behavior, and the national character face monkeys collide with people's faces! Earth or to enter the Second Civilization?

Of course, although they are not large groups, the threat of biological beings to humans is still there. The "revenge" of living things may still exist, and in order to achieve balance, we should not "hurt" each other.

In 2021, a group of monkeys, in retaliation for a small monkey being bitten by a dog, caught about 250 puppies on a high place and then threw them to death. Not only the puppies, but also some children who went to school were attacked by monkeys on the way, which caused panic among the villagers. Therefore, biological balance needs natural coordination, and when one organism evolves, other organisms may also have evolutionary responses, and everyone does not have to worry.

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