
"Colorful Agriculture" local agricultural products hitched a ride on the e-commerce express to "fly" to thousands of households

author:Qinghai Lizhuo

As a large agricultural county in the province, Huzhu County is rich in agricultural products, and agricultural products such as potatoes, vermicelli, and bamei pork are well-known inside and outside the province, and are quite popular with the public. In recent years, Huzhu County has relied on the e-commerce platform to help the sales of agricultural products, continuously expand sales channels, and let Tuxiang agricultural products catch the e-commerce express to "fly" to thousands of households.

"Colorful Agriculture" local agricultural products hitched a ride on the e-commerce express to "fly" to thousands of households
"Colorful Agriculture" local agricultural products hitched a ride on the e-commerce express to "fly" to thousands of households

"Welcome to the family in the live broadcast room, today we mutual aid e-commerce to bring you our Turks' eight-eyebrow pork breast, there are two flavors, the first is the green curry flavor in the hand, the net content is 148 grams, and one is red spicy, in our little yellow car No. 1 link ..."

In the live broadcast room of the Mutual Aid County E-commerce Public Service Center, two anchors are live streaming with goods, introducing special agricultural products such as Mutual Aid Bamei pork breast, potato noodles, honey, etc. to the fans, and attracting many fans to come to watch through tasting, demonstration, interaction and other ways, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is warm.

Ding Xiao, head of the e-commerce public service center of Mutual Aid County, said: "Mutual Aid County has an innate geographical location advantage, low cost of express logistics, coupled with the development of local agricultural products is more mature, more suitable for the development of e-commerce, we conducted detailed research on the county's agricultural products, the mutual aid agricultural products sorted out 4 categories of more than 70 sub-categories, we not only through the later planning, marketing, but also did the development of agricultural products online, effectively enhance the competitiveness of local agricultural products online, help farmers increase income and get rich." ”

Walking into the e-commerce service center of Banyan Village in Wushi Town, at the service station of more than 30 square meters, there are neatly arranged the characteristic agricultural and sideline products produced by farmers such as onion native chicken, goji berries, plateau honey, beef jerky, barley distilled liquor, etc., and the shelves also display insoles, purses, Fuwa and other Turkish embroidery products. The head of the center, Lu Sang Jishiro, is sorting out the shelves, carefully wiping the gift box, and sorting out the live broadcast desktop. Since its establishment on January 7, 2020, the e-commerce service center of Banyan Village in Wushi Town has purchased a large number of farmers' self-produced agricultural products, and through primary processing and screening, helped farmers sell agricultural products on behalf of farmers and sold agricultural products to all parts of the country.

"Colorful Agriculture" local agricultural products hitched a ride on the e-commerce express to "fly" to thousands of households
"Colorful Agriculture" local agricultural products hitched a ride on the e-commerce express to "fly" to thousands of households

Speaking of e-commerce entrepreneurship fifty towns Banyan village e-commerce service center head Lv Sang Ji Shi Lang full of confidence, "since the establishment of the e-commerce center, my sales are more, the main sales are our mutual aid county Chinese herbal medicines, beef and mutton, broad beans, potatoes, sales are particularly good, in the days to come, I want to register their own trademarks, fine processing, more products to all parts of the country, so as to drive more people to increase income." ”

Also in the investment department of The China Postal Mutual Aid Branch, the reporter saw a busy scene, postal employees are carrying goods, bagging and packing, security inspection, checking single number information... Soon, hundreds of items were packed and sent to all parts of the country. It is understood that China Postal Mutual Aid Branch has established long-term cooperative relations with more than 50 cooperatives and farmers to help mail agricultural products such as medicinal herbs, beef and mutton, vermicelli, honey, potatoes and so on.

At present, mutual aid postal branch uses the advantages of village postal service to carry out strategic cooperation with express delivery enterprises such as SF and Santong Yida, and has covered 12 townships and 147 administrative villages by express mail delivery and delivery mail into villages and households.

Zhang Guoying, general manager of China Post Mutual Aid Branch, said: "In recent years, Mutual Aid Post has actively integrated into local economic construction, integrated county agricultural product resources, used the "Mail Tesco" e-commerce platform to help agricultural products out of the village, and used the "Postal Treasurer" system to realize industrial products going to the countryside. At present, there are 35 kinds of mutual aid agricultural products on the shelves, with sales of 460,000 yuan so far in 2021 and 42,000 jin of agricultural products delivered, which has played an advantage of the industry national team in the field of warehousing, logistics and distribution. ”

Source: Mutual Aid Media

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