
Colorful sunshine and colorful life

author:The style of western Anhui

-- Manshuihe Town Central School held a radio gymnastics competition for primary school students

In order to further implement the "five major actions", promote quality education, strengthen the integration of sports and education, and show the demeanor of students in the new era, on the morning of May 15, Manshuihe Town Central School held a grand broadcast gymnastics competition for primary school students in the playground. The competition is divided into junior group and senior group.

Colorful sunshine and colorful life

The competition adopts the on-site scoring system of the judges, and the scoring items are the entry and exit, mental outlook, leader, formation clothing, exercise movements and other scoring items.

Colorful sunshine and colorful life

This broadcast gymnastics competition has attracted great attention from all teachers and students, and the homeroom teachers and physical education teachers have worked closely together to actively participate in training according to the requirements of the competition. They make full use of physical education and after-school time to let each student master the essentials of movement, rhythm and strength.

Colorful sunshine and colorful life

In the competition, each class lined up to enter, with neat steps and high spirits. The children's movements are neat and uniform, and their eyes are firm and powerful, showing the good spirit of unity and progress of good young people in the new era.

Colorful sunshine and colorful life

After fierce competition, the third grade won the first place in the lower grade group and the fourth grade won the first place in the senior grade group.  

The school will take this competition as an opportunity to further implement the "five educations simultaneously" education mechanism, promote the comprehensive and healthy development of young people, and further improve the overall education and teaching quality of the school through the integration of sports and education. (Photo: Zhang Chuhui Text and Editor: Huang Xianwang Preliminary Review: Peng Dakang Final Review: Yang Xin)

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