
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun

author:Lee Aya Yu

#有好的春天气息的照片吗# 千娇百媚的花儿乘着春风涟漪了整个春天,它们争奇斗艳,风姿绰约,楚楚动人;它们在微风中摇曳,阳光下灿烂,晨光中呢喃,暮色里迷醉,夜色里缱绻……鲜丽娇媚,鲜花怒放,竟相开放,琼花玉叶,花好月圆。一花一世界,一叶一乾坤,每一种花都比喻着美好的青春! #最美的瞬间# #拍摄春天里的花#

#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun
#Do you have a good picture of the spring weather# A thousand delicate flowers have rippled through the spring wind, they are colorful, graceful, and moving; they sway in the breeze, the sun

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