
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

author:Xueba takes you to see the world

In the spring sun of May, wild vegetables grow wildly, and it is time to dig wild vegetables to confuse the behavior of the season.

In the parks, streets, highways, and banks of the river in China, we have vaguely seen mysterious people wearing large straw hats, small shovels in their left hands, and plastic bags in their right hands, don't panic, they have no malice, they just want to dig wild vegetables.

They just want to find the legendary laxative, fire-lowering, blood-activating and stasis-curing mother-in-law, cabbage, bitter vegetables, bracken, wild leeks...

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

When you come to the United States, look at this New York state, but there are resorts everywhere to dig wild vegetables! Moreover, the entertainment activities that other ethnic groups have not yet realized, and the large areas of mountains and green areas are the exclusive fun of the Chinese

This is comparable to what Chinese weekend three customs: climbing the mountain, picking strawberries and cherry picking, but it is much fresher and more exciting!

However, "wild picking needs to be cautious"!

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

There are even Chinese in the United States who have dug up "bracken" (aka chicken claw dish)! I seem to smell the smell of bracken roast meat

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...


The Chinese circle went viral

Can wild vegetables be picked in the park?

Recently, the Toronto Chinese circle rumors: "Yesterday to go hiking, because of picking wild vegetables in the park, was caught by the park's forest police, the police opened three fines, each fined 65 $, how to plead is not OK, I hope that everyone to pay attention to the park when going to outdoor activities, the park has been forbidden to take away a grass and trees, and even the mobile position is not allowed." A lot of parks will have such tips! ”

In social media, many Chinese people posted delicious wild leeks picked, and some people gave detailed methods, you can go home and burn back the pot meat, etc., of course, some people are cautious about whether they can eat...

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

But in fact, you can pick wild vegetables and eat them casually.

First: Not only is it illegal, but it may also be ticketed.

Second: Be careful when picking mistakes and admitting mistakes is very dangerous, and even lose your life!

There are too many plants that look similar to edible wild vegetables, and if you accidentally pick the wrong food and eat them, they will cause food poisoning, and many netizens said that this thing is so delicious? Just don't take your own life seriously...

This netizen made a mistake when picking cabbage, which one is the cabbage!

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Now, many Chinese supermarkets have also begun to have wild vegetables on the shelves, although the price is not cheap, but if you really want to eat some "wild meat", it is also a channel to taste the early!

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...


Maybe you don't know

Picking wild vegetables has become a new fashion in the United States!

In fact, not only do Chinese people like "wild picking", but Americans will also go out to find "wild meat".

In the United States, looking for wild food has been very common in the past five years, from Oregon to California, Pennsylvania, many national parks have clearly written that you can pick wild leeks in moderation.

"The individual harvest is capped at 2 gallons of wild leeks per person, or roughly equivalent to the capacity of a normal-sized plastic shopping bag. Wild harvesting for commercial purposes is not permitted, and collectors are not allowed to sell or exchange any portion of wild leeks for a profit. ”

The U.S. state regulation AFN also stipulates that wild leeks need to be harvested from more than 100 plants and must not harvest more than one-fifth of the amount in the region to ensure that future generations can also enjoy wild leeks.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Alan Muskat, ceo of Asheville Travel in North Carolina, is an expert on "wild picking," saying, "Sauce made from thorny nettle is a delicacy." These nettles are very dangerous for bare-legged children, but for health practitioners, it is a good herb. For the chef, it is the grace of eating. And the price is not cheap, almost 1 hour to pick the amount, can sell for more than 300 US dollars. ”

Mike Kempenich, owner of Minneapolis Foraging Tours and Education, said, "Not only in the United States, russian children have been looking for mushrooms to eat since they are 3 or 4 years old. In Sweden, both private and public lands are open to anyone looking for wild vegetables. ”

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Pictured here is Mike Kempenich and his companions picking mushrooms in the wild.

Currently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Forest Service lack national data on foraging yields, which can vary from region to region. But experts and enthusiasts say wild game has become commercial in some parts of the United States.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Mushrooms, arguably the high-end ingredient in "game game," are a prized spring ingredient, and depending on market conditions and regions, morels can sell for $40 a pound in some places — though it's hard to make money with them because they can easily be mistaken for other similar species. Of course, in addition to morel mushrooms, there is also a mushroom with high medicinal value - Ganoderma lucidum, which some Oriental cultures believe can promote good health.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

In the picture is a picture of real and fake morels, the left picture is real morels, and the right picture is fake morels.

In many places, moderate wild harvesting is allowed, for example, some experts believe that moderate wild mushroom harvesting can help the spread of mushroom robes, which can grow more mushrooms in the next year. In many places, maps will be prepared for "wild picking" people who can be wild picking.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Lao Mei feels very fresh about the first experience of this kind of "hitting the wild", and once she digs it up, she loves it to the point of being unable to extricate herself

Post their booty online!

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Grab a handful of home flapjacks!

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...


Wild game in New York State

The most complete raiders!

New York State has four distinct seasons, taking advantage of the early summer to officially pick herbs and wild vegetables.

Of course, when the rainy season comes, There are also many mushrooms to pick in New York State, including the Chinese are very popular for their medicinal value - Ganoderma lucidum.

Let's take a look at what wild vegetables can be picked now!



Where to pick:

Mugwort is a common "weed" in New York City and can be found in various garden parks, especially twin lake around Twin Lake.

Mugwort is a plant of the Asteraceae family, small in size, with thin leaves, long strips of leaves, smooth and fluffy to the touch, and smells like herbs. Mugwort is an invasive creature from Asia known for its bitter taste, and Americans like to put it in salads, but most Chinese use it as a substitute for wormwood to make green dough.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Botanist Wildman said: "This plant grows in various parks, streets and even crosswalk cracks in the United States, and is one of the wild plants commonly made in our region." It has medicinal properties and can be used to boil water to treat dysmenorrhea. ”

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Garlic mustard


Where to pick:

Garlic mustard is one of the most common "weeds" in New York, and you can find it in the woods, wetlands, parks, and trails. Van Cortlndt Park, for example, has flooded.

Introduced to North America from Europe as early as the 19th century, garlic mustard is also an invasive species, and the chemicals emitted from the roots can hinder the growth of other native plants. Garlic mustard can be seen in almost all of New York's parks, and Americans like to put it in salads.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Now is the time to pick garlic mustard, at this time the flowers, leaves, stems are relatively tender, can be edible, garlic flavor, not too spicy, not bitter, can be eaten raw, can also be fried after eating. The leaves can be eaten in any season, but once the weather gets hot, the leaves become bitter. The flowers of garlic mustard can be used as a salad material or as a cold dish. The root of garlic mustard is also edible and tastes very spicy, a bit like horseradish.

For the Chinese, garlic mustard is not only suitable for salad cold mixing, filling for buns or dumplings, but also for stir-frying meat, fried eggs, fried sauce ~ and even used as spices such as pesto sauce... Side dishes are also available for banquets. If you don't like the bitter taste, it is recommended to blanch the garlic mustard water and cook it again.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Dandelion (Mother-in-law)


Where to pick:

Dandelions grow in very simple conditions and are often removed as weeds in the courtyards of American families. Whether it is in parks (such as Central Park), in the community or on the side of the road, a large number of small yellow flowers can be found.

Dandelion, also known as Po Po Ding, is a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family. It is arguably the most recognizable wild vegetable, with small yellow flowers and pompoms of white crown hair on the seeds.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Dandelion leaves are delicious in late autumn and early spring, but for the Chinese, it is not only delicious but also has medicinal properties. The vast majority of Chinese people like to eat with dandelion dipping sauce, or soak water to make dandelion tea after drying, which can clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and loosen knots, and diuretic.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.



Where to pick:

They can be found in the wetlands of Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Central Park and Van Cortlandt Park.

Cattails must be no stranger to everyone, looking exactly like a hot dog, but many people do not know, in fact, it is a green vegetable with high nutritional value, especially people collect the tender false stem of cattails and called grass buds, which can be eaten directly as vegetables, made into a cold dish, and can also be fried to eat after cooking. Wildman says cattails are great for making waffles and pancakes.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Cattails can also be used externally, its roots and leaves can be medicated, they can clear heat and detoxification after medicine, anti-inflammatory sterilization can also relieve pain and itch, usually people appear skin pain and eczema and skin washing can be used to treat them formally, you can mash it after taking out the juice to apply to the affected area, most patients can make the disease quickly alleviate after medication.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.


Wild blackberries

Where to pick:

Wild blackberries are also included in the "invasive plant" list in New York State. Blackberry and mulberry are often confused. Blackberries grow in the shrub family, and mulberries generally grow on trees. You can find blackberries in Central Park, of course woodlands, farmland edges, and even overgrown hedges, and you'll find them if you look closely.

"Once upon a time, all parks had BlackBerry, although now very few people who have been hit by IPhones use it!" Wildman joked. Like many other berries, wild blackberries are very recognizable, they are the sweetest when they are black, can be eaten directly as fruit, and can also be used to make blackberry sauce.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

However, it may not be the season for blackberry picking, and when the fruit is ripe, it will change from green to red to black. The blackberry grows in the bush, and you can find it in many parks in New York, and it doesn't grow on both sides of the street like a mulberry.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.


Wild leeks (garlic seedlings)

Where to pick:

You'll find it in Cunningham Park, Alley Pond Park, Van Cortland Park in the Bronx, and High Rock Park on Staten Island.

Wild leeks are now widely found in Chinese restaurants in New York. Its leaves and bulbs are delicious dishes, but beware of its strong nose-flushing taste. The Chinese generally prefer to eat bulbs directly in sauce raw, while the leaves are eaten with fried meat or scrambled eggs.

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

Image source network, copyright belongs to the author.

Wildman explains, "It's actually better for people to pick only the leaves so that they can continue to multiply, but thankfully, I haven't seen them over-picked." ”

New York has even recently become popular with "digging wild groups": Tour, which integrates wild fighting, mountaineering, and outdoor yoga, fitness, and dolls can also be close to nature, learn to survive in the wild, and are popular with all ages.

If you are afraid of trouble and poisoning, this group may be suitable for you ~ (non-advertising)

Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...
Chinese Americans dig up wild vegetables and eat tickets? Digging like this in New York, bracken, leeks, cabbage...

(Prices are usually $20-40)

Have you found any "wild game" in New York State?

Wild harvesting season, grasp the little friends, let's go!

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