
Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

author:Sunshine New Vision official number
Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

The face should be poor and the feet should be rich

The face should be poor: it does not have to be over-cleaned

Taking facial and neck skin as an example, unsociated neck skin is no worse than facial skin. If the face is cleaned regularly, over time, the natural sebaceous film is slowly destroyed, coupled with the erosion of some cosmetics, the skin on the face will get worse and worse!

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Shimizu is the best cosmetic. Also avoid direct sunlight.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

Feet should be rich: always pay attention to keep warm

In the view of Chinese medicine, the foot is the farthest from the heart, which is the most difficult place for the yang qi of the whole body to reach, and it needs extra maintenance every day.

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Foot soaking: This is a clichéd method, the water temperature is around 40 ° C, each time for 20 to 30 minutes, soaking until the body feels slightly hot. If you have diabetes or lower extremity vascular lesions, ask your family to try the water temperature for you before soaking your feet.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

Massage the soles of your feet: After rubbing your hands together, take turns rubbing the hearts of your feet with both palms until you become red and hot. Lift your feet up 2 to 3 times a day, flat or above the heart, to help promote blood circulation in your feet and legs.

The total foot massage beauty method using foot reflexes can achieve a balance in the body environment and receive a certain therapeutic effect through nerve-body fluid regulation and automatic regulation of local organs, tissues and cells.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

Foot sunbathing: take off your shoes and socks in the morning or evening, and bask your feet toward the sun for 20 to 30 minutes, which is called foot sunbathing. However, keep in mind that in a warm room, if the ambient temperature is low, it is not recommended to sunbathe the center of the foot.

The magic of this method is to let the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight directly hit the center of the foot, promote the metabolism of the whole body, speed up blood circulation, enhance the vitality of internal organs, and give full play to their functions. This method has a good effect on rickets, rhinitis, anemia, hypotension and other diseases.

The kidneys should be poor and the liver should be rich

Kidneys should be poor: eat less salt meat

The kidneys, bladder, bone marrow, brain, hair, ears, etc. constitute the renal system. The main essence, the main water liquid, the main qi, is the source of the yin and yang of the human organs, the source of life, so it is called the origin of the innate; in the five elements, it belongs to the water, and it is the yang of the yin. At four o'clock corresponds to winter.

Big fish and big meat can lead to excessive intake of nutrients such as protein, which puts a burden on the kidneys. Some salty foods are also very bad for kidney damage. Therefore, the kidneys should be poor, and foods with high sugar, high salt and high protein should not be eaten indiscriminately.

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Proper drinking water protects the kidneys. Sleep well in the meridian, noon sleep can nourish the kidney yang, and sleep can nourish the kidney yin.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

Liver to be nourished: active vaccination

The liver and gallbladder, eyes, tendons, claws, etc. constitute the liver system. The Lord is drained, hides the joy of the strip and is depressed, and the body is yin and yang. In the five elements of the wood, it is the yang of the yin. The liver corresponds to the spring of the four o'clock.

Liver cancer is a malignant tumor with a high mortality rate, and one of the conditions for its production is infection with hepatitis B virus, which continues to worsen the lesion. Without paying attention to hepatitis B prevention, not vaccinating against hepatitis B, not understanding the knowledge of hepatitis B virus transmission, coupled with not paying attention to hygiene, will increase the incidence of hepatitis.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

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Resolutely do not eat contaminated and moldy food. In the event of unexplained nausea and vomiting, abnormal bowel movements, you must go to the hospital. To prevent hepatitis B, normal people who have not yet been infected with the hepatitis B virus need to be injected with the full hepatitis B vaccine.

The phrase "liver hides blood" means that people are active frequently during the day, and the blood will spread to the limbs, and at night, the blood is hidden in the liver. Modern animal experiments confirm this statement: when upright, liver blood flow is reduced by 40%, while liver blood flow is reduced by 80 to 85% during exercise. When lying flat, the liver is more abundant in blood supply. In addition, chronic hepatitis often leads to a decrease in hepatic blood flow and an increase in viscosity.

The heart must be poor and the lungs must be rich

Be poor: Eat less processed foods

The heart and small intestine, veins, face, tongue, etc. make up the heart system. The heart, in the five elements, belongs to the fire, is the yang in the yang, the main bloodline, the hidden spirit, the lord of the five internal organs, the lord of life. The heart corresponds to the summer of the four o'clock.

A major killer of the heart is trans fatty acids, especially artificial fried foods and various "crisps", which should be eaten less.

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Eat less artificial food and eat more natural food. Ingredient list appears: hydrogenation, refining, artificial and other words to be vigilant, may be trans fat. Maintaining the waist circumference, the incidence of cardiovascular disease will also decrease.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

Lungs should be nourished: to ensure a clean living environment

The lungs and the heart live together on the diaphragm, connected to the trachea, through the nose, and directly communicate with the atmosphere of nature. It forms the pulmonary system with the large intestine, skin, hair, nose, etc. In the five elements is gold, which is the yin of the yang. The main qi division breathes, helps the heart to walk blood, and regulates the waterways. Among the five internal organs, it ranks the highest, and is the length of the five internal organs. The lungs correspond to the autumn of the four o'clock.

Healthy lungs are inseparable from a clean and hygienic living environment. In addition to staying away from tobacco, oil smoke in the kitchen should also be avoided as much as possible, otherwise a large number of carcinogens will be inhaled.

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Change the way you cook, steam, stew, cook, fry less, fry and fry, and you can also use the "water stir-fry" method to add some water to the pot when you are halfway through the frying. Chefs may wish to develop the habit of wearing masks to reduce the inhalation of fumes.

Share a breath exercise:

1. Cross your hands at the waist, do deep breathing, try to extend the exhalation stage, the exhalation time is 1 to 2 times longer than the inhalation time, that is, the ratio of inhale and exhalation time is 1:2 or 1:3, the main point is to inhale with the nose, exhale with the mouth, and breathe deeply as much as possible.

2. Hang a thin line about 20 cm in front of you, and exhale deeply to blow the line away from its original position.

3. Blow air under the water in the cup through the straw (such as a beverage tube) to make the water bubble continuously, and the blowing time starts from short, gradually extending the time, the longer the better.

The above breathing exercises should be done 2 to 3 times a day for 15 to 20 minutes each time. Long-term adherence to exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function and is good for maintaining lung qi.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

The body must be poor and the gods must be rich

Poor body: exercise more, often sweat

The body should be bitter, and do not let the air conditioning and heating deprive the body of the opportunity to sweat. Try to ensure half an hour of aerobic exercise 3 to 5 times a week.

God wants to be rich: keep smiling and filling your heart

Bad mood is a direct cause or trigger for a variety of diseases. Anger hurts the liver, destroys the liver's ability to store blood and regulate blood volume. By suppressing anger and calming emotions, the disease decreases and life expectancy increases.

Poor nourishment, rich nourishment

Maintenance points >>

Laughter is the best spiritual tonic. Laughter can cause the lungs to expand, the chest muscles to excite, the diaphragm to rise, deepen the breathing movements, and clear the respiratory tract. Learning health knowledge with Sunshine New Horizons every day can not only enrich our hearts, but also let us know more about healthy lifestyles. Sunshine New Horizons spreads the concept of health, practices love and responsibility, and protects a better life, and we have been in action.


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