
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves

author:Smiling flower rain

给花友们分享一下我的养花心得,图一是我四月中旬入手的俩棵洋朱朱顶红,开花的是樱桃妮芙,另外一棵是阿弗雷,花箭刚长出来,叶子长得挺快的,可能是长根了。图二是君子兰去年入秋买的,根系长得挺好的,还没开过花。图三是芙蓉大岩桐,也是去年秋天买的,这是第三次开花了。图四是橡皮树,去年入秋买的,买回来时就中间小叶子那么高,换了两次花盆 。最后几盆是长寿花,也是去年秋天扦插的,三月初开花一直到现在,图五这盆是老桩,我把它放在北边窗户不想让它开花了,可是又长花骨朵,图七 八 九是一盆花,一直放在南窗户边上有半天光照,就它开得最艳丽。花友们你们觉得我养的花怎么样啊,我感觉我是用心养花,不管长得好赖,开不开花,养花的经历和过程让我很愉悦 ,也很享受。

To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves
To the flower friends to share my experience in raising flowers, picture one is the two vermilion trees I started in mid-April, the blossom is cherry Neve, the other is Afrey, the flower arrow has just grown, leaves

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